Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

On 250mg/week TRT dosage of QSC Test Cyp results = 1030 pg/ml

Seems about right for the way I react to test.
Does that line up with previous sources? Have you used actual pharmaceutical grade before? Seems kinda low for 250/week. Although I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, 150 of pharmaceutical grade puts me over 1500.
Till when you can ship orders? Its almost chinees new year isn't?

Do you guys get a respons after payment i did payment 2 days ago but no respons if they receive it oke ...first order so just curcius
I placed an order on the 11th and he just confirmed today it won't ship til after CNY.

I'm bummed but no big deal. They're probably swamped as it is.
Not criticizing QSC's semaglutide but does anyone else notice it's effects wearing off even at Max dosage? My late night cravings and hunger pains are returning. Idk if it's the quality of the product, how I'm storing it, or if somehow it's efficacy is decreased via transportation. Not sure if I should go beyond the 2.4mg. Thanks guys.
Does that line up with previous sources? Have you used actual pharmaceutical grade before? Seems kinda low for 250/week. Although I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, 150 of pharmaceutical grade puts me over 1500.
Also pg/ml doesnt make sense thats like 103ng/dl.
150 cant put you over 1500 as thats impossible you can be at best 10x responder.
Not criticizing QSC's semaglutide but does anyone else notice it's effects wearing off even at Max dosage? My late night cravings and hunger pains are returning. Idk if it's the quality of the product, how I'm storing it, or if somehow it's efficacy is decreased via transportation. Not sure if I should go beyond the 2.4mg. Thanks guys.
Curious how long you’ve been on, what dose you started at, how large you are?
Also pg/ml doesnt make sense thats like 103ng/dl.
150 cant put you over 1500 as thats impossible you can be at best 10x responder.
I'm sure it was just a misprint on his part. As for my part, I'm going by what Quest Laboratories indicated. It truly was 150mg/week of test cyp 200 from Empower Pharmacy. I have no reason to lie.


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I'm sure it was just a misprint on his part. As for my part, I'm going by what Quest Laboratories indicated. It truly was 150mg/week of test cyp 200 from Empower Pharmacy. I have no reason to lie.
Weird. QsC Test C (the old cso batch) puts me at 1490 on 150 when its not degraded. Deus put me at 750 on 150 but I dont think they were underdosed. I think what matters a lot is the oil and the solvents beacuse that dictates how well you absorb it , thats why people say pharma is better beacuse they can just brew it better.
Weird. QsC Test C (the old cso batch) puts me at 1490 on 150 when its not degraded. Deus put me at 750 on 150 but I dont think they were underdosed. I think what matters a lot is the oil and the solvents beacuse that dictates how well you absorb it , thats why people say pharma is better beacuse they can just brew it better.
You are saying its degraded because you heated it up.

you were testing 24 hours after a shot?

Whats the point of testing your testosterone a day apart and saying you started a new regimen?

You arent giving time for anything to stabilize.

You had no consistent way of testing anything. You keep saying you degraded it just by heating up a vial. You really need to understand when the hormone degrades. the top would pop off by the time you would reach degradation temperatures.

Anything you say when it comes to testing should be taken with a grain of salt.


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Not criticizing QSC's semaglutide but does anyone else notice it's effects wearing off even at Max dosage? My late night cravings and hunger pains are returning. Idk if it's the quality of the product, how I'm storing it, or if somehow it's efficacy is decreased via transportation. Not sure if I should go beyond the 2.4mg. Thanks guys.
This was seen in studies. not just QSC. I feel like it falls off at 4-5 months. take a 3 month break and restart

(Same drug if you werent aware).


Weird. QsC Test C (the old cso batch) puts me at 1490 on 150 when its not degraded. Deus put me at 750 on 150 but I dont think they were underdosed. I think what matters a lot is the oil and the solvents beacuse that dictates how well you absorb it , thats why people say pharma is better beacuse they can just brew it better
Again ,you
Go to sleep


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Does that line up with previous sources? Have you used actual pharmaceutical grade before? Seems kinda low for 250/week. Although I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, 150 of pharmaceutical grade puts me over 1500.

No I haven’t used pharma grade before. Don’t really need to. I figured 250mg would land me in the 1000-1200 range.

Also remember the time of pinning is important and blood draw is important, I think I pinned 2 days before draw (can’t remember).

Also pg/ml doesnt make sense thats like 103ng/dl.
150 cant put you over 1500 as thats impossible you can be at best 10x responder.

I ment ng/dl, thanks for catching that.

I think it’s decent number. I am not a great responder to exogenous test in terms of conversion. Someone else might have 1200 on that dosage. But like I said it’s for TRT and I’m top of the range so I’m happy.
You are saying its degraded because you heated it up.

you were testing 24 hours after a shot?

Whats the point of testing your testosterone a day apart and saying you started a new regimen?

You arent giving time for anything to stabilize.

You had no consistent way of testing anything. You keep saying you degraded it just by heating up a vial. You really need to understand when the hormone degrades. the top would pop off by the time you would reach degradation temperatures.

Anything you say when it comes to testing should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Youre a shill , your opinion doesnt matter. You protect sources whatever the cost. Do everyone a favor and delete your account. I dont have to stabilize shit test peaks 24hr after injection if the amount injected Y is not atleast 5x more ng/dl on the bloodwork its underdosed thats how it works idc what you say just stop replying to every post that critizises the sources in any way this forum is for making the sources accountable.
Youre a shill , your opinion doesnt matter. You protect sources whatever the cost. Do everyone a favor and delete your account. I dont have to stabilize shit test peaks 24hr after injection if the amount injected Y is not atleast 5x more ng/dl on the bloodwork its underdosed thats how it works idc what you say just stop replying to every post that critizises the sources in any way this forum is for making the sources accountable.
You got inaccurate blood testing because of your methods. You make it sound like I only buy from QSC.

You are such a clown. I dont know if that test was made accurately or not. I dont even use QSC test. I use it from another domestic source.

Bottom line, you dont know how to do testing. It wasnt even just me that said it.

You should look on how peaks and troughs on drug concentrations work. Last time you tried to prove me wrong you copy and pasted something for Buccal administration.

Its people like you that need to sit back and learn before saying that sources are inaccurate. Or pay to send the test off to Jano.

Better yet, go take a basic course in pharmacology
Youre a shill , your opinion doesnt matter. You protect sources whatever the cost. Do everyone a favor and delete your account. I dont have to stabilize shit test peaks 24hr after injection if the amount injected Y is not atleast 5x more ng/dl on the bloodwork its underdosed thats how it works idc what you say just stop replying to every post that critizises the sources in any way this forum is for making the sources accountable.
I do lots of bloodwork. Ugl if dosed correctly is no different than pharma. I have tried about 5 different brands and they all were the same as pharma. 200 a week put my bloodwork exactly like my trt pharma dose. Qsc is dosed perfect I have posted labs on it before.Only thing is ugl can have some pip in higher concentrations so you gotta watch that and pick your syringes accordingly.
I do lots of bloodwork. Ugl if dosed correctly is no different than pharma. I have tried about 5 different brands and they all were the same as pharma. 200 a week put my bloodwork exactly like my trt pharma dose. Qsc is dosed perfect. I have posted labs on it before.
By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.
By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.
If only they gave me a discount.
Your idea degradation is probably heating up the test to 65 C max..

what's the melting point of Testosterone?

I am not shilling for anyone, but your methods of testing and then attacking someone is completely ridiculous. you are getting tested a day after starting a new regimen.

It isnt just me that thinks your testing methods are ridiculous. Everyone has made a negative comment about it.

If you have such an issue with it, then stick to pharma.
Order placed 3 days before Christmas and pack landed today via USA reship exactly 4 weeks. Very happy with that turn around time with the holidays. All products accounted for and can’t wait to start pinning. Just wish my dumbass had thought to get bac water with my order, so no pinning til I get that.