Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.
Ok idiot. Haha...I can't argue with a dumbass. I can name other sources that have great results just like pharma...I just don't want to in qsc's thread. 200mg per ml testosterone is the same if properly dosed....it doesn't matter the brand. Other reasons are messing up your readings because you're a bit slow.
Ok idiot. Haha...I can't argue with a dumbass. I can name other sources that have great results just like pharma...I just don't want to in qsc's thread. 200mg per ml testosterone is the same if properly dosed....it doesn't matter the brand. Other reasons are messing up your readings because you're a bit slow.
Ok so youre a shill too , good to know. "I just dont want to in qsc thread" yh ofc you dont cuz it could hurt them and you wouldnt get your free gear anymore. gtfo.
By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.

Degradation doesn't just occur in a uniform way that deactivates the molecule. You don't really understand what your talking about at any level here.
By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.
Please just stop. This is complete nonsense.
Youre a shill , your opinion doesnt matter. You protect sources whatever the cost. Do everyone a favor and delete your account. I dont have to stabilize shit test peaks 24hr after injection if the amount injected Y is not atleast 5x more ng/dl on the bloodwork its underdosed thats how it works idc what you say just stop replying to every post that critizises the sources in any way this forum is for making the sources accountable.
You definitely don't know him, he's far from a shill.
Not criticizing QSC's semaglutide but does anyone else notice it's effects wearing off even at Max dosage? My late night cravings and hunger pains are returning. Idk if it's the quality of the product, how I'm storing it, or if somehow it's efficacy is decreased via transportation. Not sure if I should go beyond the 2.4mg. Thanks guys.
Absolutely noticed this - I was running almost 3mg per week and my appetite was still very apparent (compared to when I initially started and the sight of food made me queasy). I’ve switched to tirzepatide now so hopefully that works.
By your logic either deus was underdosed or QsC is overdosed beacuse on deus I was 5x responder and on QsC (b4 degradation) I was 9x responder. Like why are you shilling for QsC ? Do they give you a discount if you do so ? The oil and the solvents also matter beacuse it affects how your body absorbs it thus affecting the overall effectivness and it will show on bloodwork so youre a liar. End of story.
How does that work in correlation to lipase and esterase action to the carrier oil and attached ester?

Please elaborate.
Youre a shill , your opinion doesnt matter. You protect sources whatever the cost. Do everyone a favor and delete your account. I dont have to stabilize shit test peaks 24hr after injection if the amount injected Y is not atleast 5x more ng/dl on the bloodwork its underdosed thats how it works idc what you say just stop replying to every post that critizises the sources in any way this forum is for making the sources accountable.
Bro why don't you put your money where your mouth is and just send it in for testing already if you truly believe it to be under dosed. Shut everyone up right?
You guys realize you are arguing with an alt account right? The account was set up 2 weeks ago.

Ask yourself how someone brand new to this forum could already be so sure QSC is underdosing or other “non pharma” sources here are under dosing in just 2 weeks time?
Also pg/ml doesnt make sense thats like 103ng/dl.
150 cant put you over 1500 as thats impossible you can be at best 10x responder.
I'm on prescription trt and 15mg per day of sustanon has me at 47nmol eu /uk labs 105mg per week of sustanon

I think that's around 1300 in us lab numbers I'm not 100% -150mg per week would have me over 1500 if that's the case

I'm a good responder 70mg of scrotal cream used to have high numbers fir me too

I actually take 10mg per day has me around 30nmol do 70mg per week of sustanon
Let me start this post by saying I’ve had pretty much nothing but good experiences with QSC and have placed more than a few order with them.

That said, has anyone else purchase the trest enanthate raws? I couldn’t get it to filter for shit. I brewed several hundred mL’s of other gear the other day and went through 1 syringe filter for every 100 mL. I had a total of 47 mL of trest E and went through 5 filters (which was all that I had left) and managed to filter about 32 mL of gear. It kept clogging my filters and I even blew one out. I filtered the trest last too. So it wasn’t like I didn’t know what I was doing. I ended up having to throw out about 15mL and at $26/g I threw away about $75 worth of gear. I’m not happy about that.

Does anyone know what causes this? I have had this happen one other time with some bold cyp from a different supplier.
Not criticizing QSC's semaglutide but does anyone else notice it's effects wearing off even at Max dosage? My late night cravings and hunger pains are returning. Idk if it's the quality of the product, how I'm storing it, or if somehow it's efficacy is decreased via transportation. Not sure if I should go beyond the 2.4mg. Thanks guys.
After three weeks semaglutide stops working entirely for me, irrespective of dose. If you look at the clinical trials you’ll notice that 100% of the patient population did not have the exact same results. Some people can get on a dose and stay there for a long time with excellent results. Others need to keep escalating. Some percentage find it stops working entirely after X amount of time. That’s just how this works. Fwiw tirzepatide doesn’t have the same issues, at least not for me. But n of 1, so don’t take it as gospel.
Racism and racial/ethnic slurs prohibited.
Ok so youre a shill too , good to know. "I just dont want to in qsc thread" yh ofc you dont cuz it could hurt them and you wouldnt get your free gear anymore. gtfo.
You are just fucking retarded, probably a spic
You literally think that heating your test vial degraded it to the point of underdosing it and your only proof is that you did a bloodwork the day after the injection while you still had other molecules in your blood
You are just fucking retarded, probably a spic
You literally think that heating your test vial degraded it to the point of underdosing it and your only proof is that you did a bloodwork the day after the injection while you still had other molecules in your blood
He is actually from eastern Europe. I think around Bratislava. I would delete the racial slur, mind wind up with a ban...
Let me start this post by saying I’ve had pretty much nothing but good experiences with QSC and have placed more than a few order with them.

That said, has anyone else purchase the trest enanthate raws? I couldn’t get it to filter for shit. I brewed several hundred mL’s of other gear the other day and went through 1 syringe filter for every 100 mL. I had a total of 47 mL of trest E and went through 5 filters (which was all that I had left) and managed to filter about 32 mL of gear. It kept clogging my filters and I even blew one out. I filtered the trest last too. So it wasn’t like I didn’t know what I was doing. I ended up having to throw out about 15mL and at $26/g I threw away about $75 worth of gear. I’m not happy about that.

Does anyone know what causes this? I have had this happen one other time with some bold cyp from a different supplier.
The ment kit (which is 10g) is actually cheaper than the 10g of ment raw. Not sure if you noticed, I just ordered some more ment. Going to give it another try, my lips leaked last time but I got ralox on the way too
The ment kit (which is 10g) is actually cheaper than the 10g of ment raw. Not sure if you noticed, I just ordered some more ment. Going to give it another try, my lips leaked last time but I got ralox on the way too
Wait the ment kit is 50mg/ml (500mg/vial x 10 vials) so 5g unless I'm losing my mind here? Two of those would be $360 vs 10g raws $250