Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So, 8 weeks after placing the order, it finally came through. Starting 2023 the best way possible! Praise the china gear lord, amen.

I'm waiting for an answer on e-mail from them to help me identify everything, since they're using numbers as "label"

Even though the second order got seized/lost, and the reship took a little longer than expected, I do recommend QSC and will be ordering again.
New update: The "seized/lost" package did came through after 3 months without tracking update. Asked for a few days to pay for the duplicated goods so I can pay on a new credit card billing cycle and the REP did understand without further questions.

I vouch for QSC and do think they are the best source available when considering the benefit-cost ratio.

Already running the HGH for ~3 weeks and can tell it's working (at least the letargy and minimal carpal tunnel syndrome is real).
I would normally agree but in this case there's another factor causing this domestic Australian order to take a month so far.
Looks like im getting a reship after the CNY for this domestic order.
Shit happens but damn it's still annoying waiting all that time.
It could take maybe 5-7 weeks

I jumped to test U on blast with a front load. Can also use steroidplotter.
How are you liking it on blast?
I’ve always kept it for cruise and use the E for blast. But lately the E is causing such random pip but the U always goes in smooth. Considering it just for that fact.
Anyone try the bold cyp?
I’ve been using the Bold Cyp from the fall. MCT batch at 200mg. Very pippy but I’ve been able to dilute it with extra MCT to 150mg and that really made softened the pip. Works like a charm now but I’d personally just go with the EQ to not have to deal with the pain. I just ordered too much Cyp to cut my loses lol
I’ve been using the Bold Cyp from the fall. MCT batch at 200mg. Very pippy but I’ve been able to dilute it with extra MCT to 150mg and that really made softened the pip. Works like a charm now but I’d personally just go with the EQ to not have to deal with the pain. I just ordered too much Cyp to cut my loses lol

Thank you!
How are you liking it on blast?
I’ve always kept it for cruise and use the E for blast. But lately the E is causing such random pip but the U always goes in smooth. Considering it just for that fact.
I used it for my last blast. It felt everything was so much more stable. I am technically on blast still but my test is reduced to 190mg a week. 75 tren and now I'm adding 100 mast to transition to a cruise.(going to remove tren)
I used it for my last blast. It felt everything was so much more stable. I am technically on blast still but my test is reduced to 190mg a week. 75 tren and now I'm adding 100 mast to transition to a cruise.(going to remove tren)
What dose of test u did you blast on and how much did you front load? I read so much conflicting info on front loading
Anyone try the bold cyp?
I'm on blast with it now at 600 mg weekly. Pleased but will likely run npp as a Kickstart next time. I found boldenone a little mild. Primo test cruise then primo blast with test next for summer cut. Maybe a cardarine bump and hgh run too. ‍♂️