Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Absolutely, QSC's hgh & his igf1-lr3.
Gonna give his peg-mgf & igf1-des a go too.
How are you planning on running the igf1-lr3?
How did you run IGF1LR3? Just asking for your experience. Time of day, dosage, etc.

Last time I ran it (and the only time) I used 50mcg daily about an hour preworkout and then same time on non workout days.
whats your e2 at 1:1?
i always had to run test slightly higher than primo to not drop e2 too low.
I dont understand how some people can run 2:1 or even 3:1 Primo:Test without having brutally low e2
Personally primo works almost too well as a anti e for me. Even 3 to 1 test, primo gave me aching joints on trt doses. I'm also a high aromatizer, so it surprised me.
Without knowing anything else, the obvious answer is short runs of Anadrol, no doubt.
thanks for your input. I will start looking at this compound in addition to the two other that were recommended from somebody else.

Not sure what other information you would find the value for recommendations. But a little about me.
-180 lbs
-Bounce between 14 and 16% bf
-51 years of age
-Don't aromatize that easily
-No maintenance medications except BP pills
-Usually I'm a super responder to test
-diet is fair, eat fairly healthy, but I would never say I'm spot on
-Have mot had any alchol in 2 years
on cycle take lots of extra nutritional ancilaries

thanks for your input. I will start looking at this compound in addition to the two other that were recommended from somebody else.

Not sure what other information you would find the value for recommendations. But a little about me.
-180 lbs
-Bounce between 14 and 16% bf
-51 years of age
-Don't aromatize that easily
-No maintenance medications except BP pills
-Usually I'm a super responder to test
-diet is fair, eat fairly healthy, but I would never say I'm spot on
-Have mot had any alchol in 2 years
on cycle take lots of extra nutritional ancilaries

Cool man, based on what you said sprinkling Anadrol in is gonna be your best bet.

Just gotta make sure the risk/reward is there for you at this age, and obv if you're just like "it'd be nice to be stronger" it might not be worth it beyond very small doses very sparingly. Are the health risks worth arbitrarily lifting 5-10% more weight? Only you can decide.

But, after a Test/Primo/NPP base Var and then Adrol are you next steps up for acute strength, with increasing sides.

Don't really want to clutter this thread up with cycle discussion, but feel free to PM me.
Touchdown. The semaglutide tops are different this time but I'm sure it's just from new production

2 weeks t/a Dom reship


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was going to ask u as i never used igf before only used hgh so can u advice me a good protocol, i will be doing 2iu gh first thing in the morning and postworkout 2iu so how can i combine the igf1-lr3 and do i need fast carb shakes with it?
I did try prewo but switched to post... then followed this but obviously used LR3.
Will use this with DES in the near future...(I did 3x per week and only for 4 weeks)...
This is free info from:
theprepcoachforum DOT com
What!? Those folks use the same needles for months with no issues. And they are IVing drugs through them.

seriously, you think most people that are using GH plus taking multiple peptides daily…some that require multiple daily injections…you think most of those people are are only using them once? That’s like a pack of pens or more a day lol
Yes, i use new needles for each peptide as week, or the MIC B12 I take twice a week. Needles are cheap enough for now and I can afford them.