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Why is it 1ml minimum ?
Like @Zoidberg mentioned a half a mil will cause cloudyness. I to tried reducing my BAC water to a half a mil and it dissolve fine and after about a day and a half to two days of using it, it eventually turn milky. since I only had 2 iu left and I had no issues before it was cloudy. I want a Hidden injected it.

I did live to talk about it, but I do know others have mentioned when the cloudiness appeared, they tossed it

However, if you do start your own thread I think it will adjust your title automatically to a subscriber. I think I seen @Cridi887 handle change. Not sure if it will eventually change back or not?
It will change back when I stop upon request. This is obviously when I stop.

its for prevention of me utilizing any handle to take advantage of new members. So they can make judgement if I am legit or not based off of reviews.

Several people on this thread have reported that 0.5ml makes the HGH cloudy and it won't fully dissolve. Using 1ml solves this problem.
Never understood how people make it cloudy. unsure if it has anything to do with the water I use(Medical BAC).

I done 1/2 ml for atleast 100 vials so far. no issues
Why in the world would anyone use less 1ml of water to mix ??? It’s bacsteriostatic water it’s cheap.. use 1ml and move on.
Why in the world would anyone use less 1ml of water to mix ??? It’s bacsteriostatic water it’s cheap.. use 1ml and move on.

Can use smaller syringes, less volume. Less indention on stomach. Especially when you are injecting 6 units.
Bulking a bit. It works well for putting on lean mass. Not watery gains like dbol. Very similar results to tren without the sides. Everyone is different though. I just ran it at 300mg with TRT doss of test.

I would inject 100mg so 1ML every other day. I warmed the vial with a torch lighter for like 20 seconds before drawing into the syringe. Very please with it and next order I will be placing I’ll be getting more.
Good to hear, thanks
Another successful international reship 4kits hgh 10grams anadrol 1 kit npp and 1 kit masteron.
Do any of you happen to know how many MGs the orange amazon scoop measures for anadrol. I remember it being 17 for anavar but ive searched the search bar and i cant for the life of me enter the correct key words to find the post of the measurements that someone did.
Another successful international reship 4kits hgh 10grams anadrol 1 kit npp and 1 kit masteron.
Do any of you happen to know how many MGs the orange amazon scoop measures for anadrol. I remember it being 17 for anavar but ive searched the search bar and i cant for the life of me enter the correct key words to find the post of the measurements that someone did.
3 of the 30mg orange scoops are 100mg exactly. I tested it with 3 different brands of scales including a reloading scale which is very sensitive