Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You have to email the rep. Didn't you read the thread? This comes up at least 2 times a week.
Thank you. I did email the rep. So I guess disregard the post. The rep also told me prior to shipment the vials would be labeled cuz I specifically asked about it.
Thank you. I did email the rep. So I guess disregard the post. The rep also told me prior to shipment the vials would be labeled cuz I specifically asked about it.
They are labelled as "1", "2", and "3". You don't want them labeled with the proper name in case the package is opened by customs.
Deca oil 200mg/ml available $85/kit
primo oils will be in production soon and expected to be available mid april or so.
Will the price for Primo E oil be the same as its always been? Or will it be slightly higher now that you're going through a new manufacturer?

Totally cool either way, I just want to make sure I have the necessary funds ready for when the Primo finally does drop (i'm sure it'll sell out in like less than an hour)
I don't know why you'd be encouraging higher pricing. That's kind of stupid. And I don't know why you'd assume "it will sell out in less than an hour." What a kiss ass.

Honestly, go back to reddit.
Tirzepatide 5mg sold out (restock in 2.5 weeks)
Tirzepatide 10mg will be restocked end of next week.

Tirzepatide preorders for 10mg can be accepted.

Semaglutide 2mg low stock (about 15 kits left)
we still have enough stock semaglutide 4mg.

RU58841 50mg/ml 8 vials $70
RAD140 30mg/ml 27 vials left ($85/kit) (will be discontinued)
I don't know why you'd be encouraging higher pricing. That's kind of stupid. And I don't know why you'd assume "it will sell out in less than an hour." What a kiss ass.

Honestly, go back to reddit.
Clearly you haven't been following this thread. The demand for Primo is out-fucking-rageous right now. Giving it an hour is probably generous..

And I wasn't encouraging higher pricing. It was merely a question because QSC CLEARLY stated previously that there would be price negotiations with their new source they get primo raws from. Obviously if their raws price increases, their oil prices will increase as well, and i just wanted confirmation of this.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm totally cool with the price going higher if it means preventing broke fucks like yourself from taking my stock
I’m going to buy up all the primo and pour it down the drain so you fucks stop posting about it
I mean they are labeled but not in such a way you can identify them without their key.
So he emailed me the list this morning. And I have 3 oils. Do you or anyone know of the tren ace is clear color in the mct or is it an amber color? I ask cuz other brands tren ace I've ordered in mct oil was amber and based off the labels he gave me in the email the amber colored oil is the superdrol, and not the tren. The eq I got is all crashed too. Lol I woulda guessed it would have been the superdrol that crashed.
So he emailed me the list this morning. And I have 3 oils. Do you or anyone know of the tren ace is clear color in the mct or is it an amber color? I ask cuz other brands tren ace I've ordered in mct oil was amber and based off the labels he gave me in the email the amber colored oil is the superdrol, and not the tren. The eq I got is all crashed too. Lol I woulda guessed it would have been the superdrol that crashed.
Superdrol is not esterfied and has guaicol in it so it won't crash. Haven't ordered any of those from Sigma myself so can't comment on the coloring. Have to say though that my oils have occasionally differed in color from batch to batch with primobolan specifically.