Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It’s been in transit for MONTHS by the time you get it, completely unrefrigerated lol
yup, not sure ur point here... think Liska even noted using same suppler as someone else and because longer ship time it was always 1-2% less. just because already had been exposed to bad temps doesn't mean you shouldn't try to store at proper temps lol. as they say, 2 wrongs don't make a right. point was, if worried about stocking up for a long time BEST thing to do is keep it cold as possible and will be fine. this goes for 99% of ANY drug/compound.
hopefully somebody more knowledgeable than me will chime in or confirm what I am saying, but I thought I read somewhere on this thread or the peptide forum that HGH is best kept in the refrigerator or at cool temperatures versus freezing if in the powder form.

I'm no expert, but years ago I talked with someone who is, the owner of Canada Peptide. He said peptides can "stay valid" indefinately when kept frozen. They use a freezer that stays at -40 C. He said a freezer without a "Frost free" cycle is better for peps as the temp stays constant.
I think QSC said trest E was not as popular as expected. It got a lot of requests here but not many initial sales.
Ahhh damn, I totally missed that. Trest E in my opinion is basically just a superior and less watery version of Deca. Yet Deca seems to fly off the shelves. Oh well. Maybe we'll get lucky again in the future

Thanks for the info
L-Carnitine 200mg/ml available

I use a lot of L-carnitine, 600mg/daily.

I purchase it at 600mg/ml.

If you can produce it at this concentration I would be very keen. At 200mg/ml that's too much to inject daily.

Also, where I live I can purchase it at 200mg/ml from veterinary suppliers.

Please do L-carnitine at 500mg/ml or higher.
I'm no expert, but years ago I talked with someone who is, the owner of Canada Peptide. He said peptides can "stay valid" indefinately when kept frozen. They use a freezer that stays at -40 C. He said a freezer without a "Frost free" cycle is better for peps as the temp stays constant.
Fun fact, it’s just “minus 40 degrees”. You don’t need the C at that temperature.

Whats a good daily dose if you are taking primo e say 2-300mg a week. Thanks
If you take it orally then the answer is 5x* your normal weekly dose. So 300/w of injected primo e then 1,500mg of oral primo ace.

*The generally accepted bioavailability is ~20%, and I’ve never seen anything that disputes this.
If you take it orally then the answer is 5x* your normal weekly dose. So 300/w of injected primo e then 1,500mg of oral primo ace.

*The generally accepted bioavailability is ~20%, and I’ve never seen anything that disputes this.
I've heard even less than 10%. Generally accepted that it's best used by females and not males if you believe what you read on the internet.
If you take it orally then the answer is 5x* your normal weekly dose. So 300/w of injected primo e then 1,500mg of oral primo ace.

*The generally accepted bioavailability is ~20%, and I’ve never seen anything that disputes this.
Maybe sublingual can boost this .
If i remember correctly Russian athletes did it that way but also used alcohol for better absorption.