Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This was going to be my first guess. The labels are written by people that don’t use Arabic (western) numbers on the daily and I think it’s best to just send the rep a picture of what you’ve received since they can be hard to decipher sometimes.
Yeah sending a picture ended up getting them sorted out but the shifty 2 and the clear 3 somehow got messed up or missread
No offense, but judging from some of devins posts regarding his growth hormone use etc. I kind of question his judgement and decision making but hey that's just me, a fucking nobody who knows nothing lol.
So laxvbro88 what about my prior growth hormone use makes you question my judgement and decision making exactly? Not quite sure why you're talking shit dude? I've never been rude to you. The oils I received were either mislabeled and or just illegible. Go ahead and enlighten me please?
How's my fellow Canadien's luck ordering international, semi-large quantity of prepared oils/peptides with QSC? and what line did you use?

I'm not talking dealer or industry amounts of stuff, but say for a couple years worth or so.

Edit: I've ordered with QSC before but it was relatively small amount, lol.
How's my fellow Canadien's luck ordering international, semi-large quantity of prepared oils/peptides with QSC? and what line did you use?
I'm not talking dealer or industry amounts of stuff, but say for a couple years worth or so.

Edit: I've ordered with QSC before but it was relatively small amount, lol.
3 kits in a pack seized, 2 kits in a pack made it. That’s my success rate lol
I'm just kinda shocked that people have really glazed over the fact that that vial was clearly mislabeled. I suppose the deep discounts are buying silence.
Honestly this would be the first complaint where they mislabeled anything so I doubt it. Makes more sense that 2 and 3 were misread. I agree with the part that their handwriting is not the best, but other than that I dont see any problem here.
Honestly this would be the first complaint where they mislabeled anything so I doubt it. Makes more sense that 2 and 3 were misread. I agree with the part that their handwriting is not the best, but other than that I dont see any problem here.
Look at the pictures that Devin posted... The tren is clearly labeled with a 3 and the reps email stated the superdrol is labeled as number 3. I just don't appreciate how instead of admitting there was a mix up, it was said that Devin "misread" the labels. This mistake was caught. I just want to make sure that all mistakes are caught.... You know, that whole harm reduction thing.
Look at the pictures that Devin posted... The tren is clearly labeled with a 3 and the reps email stated the superdrol is labeled as number 3. I just don't appreciate how instead of admitting there was a mix up, it was said that Devin "misread" the labels. This mistake was caught. I just want to make sure that all mistakes are caught.... You know, that whole harm reduction thing.

I think your fundamentally misunderstanding what he is saying. We disagree with your assertion it was mislabeled, period.

I have personally received labels that were a number 2 but looked like a 3. It's an easy mistake to make. I get you feel your right, but it has not been an issue raised over literally thousands of orders. So take it for what it is, agree, disagree, whatever.
So laxvbro88 what about my prior growth hormone use makes you question my judgement and decision making exactly? Not quite sure why you're talking shit dude? I've never been rude to you. The oils I received were either mislabeled and or just illegible. Go ahead and enlighten me please?

I question anyone who says mk677 has less side effects than real hgh with no dimer.

So if you can make what is in my opinion a fairly large factual error, it stands to reason you would misread a label. That's all
I think your fundamentally misunderstanding what he is saying. We disagree with your assertion it was mislabeled, period.

I have personally received labels that were a number 2 but looked like a 3. It's an easy mistake to make. I get you feel your right, but it has not been an issue raised over literally thousands of orders. So take it for what it is, agree, disagree, whatever.
And I get you guys don't like anybody rocking the boat. We'll agree to disagree.
And I get you guys don't like anybody rocking the boat. We'll agree to disagree.
Your right so triggered by you rocking the boat. I just find your willingness to fall victim to your own confirmation bias tiresome. It's hard having to be right all the time I understand.
3 kits in a pack seized, 2 kits in a pack made it. That’s my success rate lol
2 separate packs, one was seized? Small orders by the sounds of it too... I ordered a couple raws, oils, and kits, and and tablet and they made it fine with reship line.

Looking for more input from other Canadiens!

Sorry your luck seemed shit Canuck.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Is it possible to either ship to fr or german wharehouse and choose which shipping courier you want to use from there, or can I pick special line, and use a specific courier instead of the default one used from german?
2 separate packs, one was seized? Small orders by the sounds of it too... I ordered a couple raws, oils, and kits, and and tablet and they made it fine with reship line.

Looking for more input from other Canadiens!

Sorry your luck seemed shit Canuck.
Stressing to find this out. Last time no issues.... but reading this now I find you need to pay insurance for reship in advance. Well fuck me.
Stressing to find this out. Last time no issues.... but reading this now I find you need to pay insurance for reship in advance. Well fuck me.
The insurance (20%) for Canada is optional and entitles you to ONE reship only. For me, the insurance isn't worth it because the seizure rate is lower than 20% and I'm willing to accept the loss and re-order. Over multiple orders, I would pay more for insurance than any losses suffered. Same reason I never buy insurance playing blackjack.

I have had a package opened (CBSA yellow tape) but still delivered. They don't care much about 100g of raws because they know it's not for distribution. They want to intercept 5kg+. That said, by allowing these smaller shipments through, they can gather intelligence on who is receiving these shipments.

There is no doubt that CBSA is on the lookout for these packages now. When shipped China Post, the boxes are always the same size, description, and customs declaration. They are easy to spot.