Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Has anyone ever had an adverse reaction to QSC’s stuff? First time pinning his test during my cruise and I can’t sleep for shit.

Maybe it’s the carrier oil. Bloodwork came back reasonably fine but it’s hard to fall asleep cause my mind starts racing the moment my head hits the pillow.

Wasn’t having this problem with another source’s test
Has anyone ever had an adverse reaction to QSC’s stuff? First time pinning his test during my cruise and I can’t sleep for shit.

Maybe it’s the carrier oil. Bloodwork came back reasonably fine but it’s hard to fall asleep cause my mind starts racing the moment my head hits the pillow.

Wasn’t having this problem with another source’s test
Pinned test and tren Monday night last night had trouble getting to sleep at all. Thoughts it was just the tren
So we should all be using clomid while on cycle to preserve normal hpta?

Sounds good. Why is it you believe this?
No, on a basic TRT dose, you don't get suppressed. At least I don't. No testicular shrinkage with 50mg/day of clomid + TRT. Confirmed by a legitimate medical professional + bloodwork.

500mg of test doesn't completely shut me down, but there is some shut down with 50mg/day of clomid. Just not enough to cause infertility. There was a fair bit of testicular shrinkage, but not anywhere near as much as without the clomid.
No it is not. If you inject 60mg or 6000mg you will be shut down and clomid won’t do shit.
I'll take the advice of an actual medical professional rather than some random person on a BB forum. :p
Has anyone ever had an adverse reaction to QSC’s stuff? First time pinning his test during my cruise and I can’t sleep for shit.

Maybe it’s the carrier oil. Bloodwork came back reasonably fine but it’s hard to fall asleep cause my mind starts racing the moment my head hits the pillow.

Wasn’t having this problem with another source’s test
Did it kill your libido too?
No, on a basic TRT dose, you don't get suppressed. At least I don't. No testicular shrinkage with 50mg/day of clomid + TRT. Confirmed by a legitimate medical professional + bloodwork.

500mg of test doesn't completely shut me down, but there is some shut down with 50mg/day of clomid. Just not enough to cause infertility. There was a fair bit of testicular shrinkage, but not anywhere near as much as without the clomid.

I'll take the advice of an actual medical professional rather than some random person on a BB forum. :p
500 mgs of test doesn’t shut you down huh lmfao , neither does your trt dose? I’m not gonna ask if you checked bloods to price this cause you could just lie and say your levels are still functioning or post reg bloods. You either got 1000% mct or gso oil pal or you’re part alien. But can’t wait to hear some reactions to this lol
500 mgs of test doesn’t shut you down huh lmfao , neither does your trt dose? I’m not gonna ask if you checked bloods to price this cause you could just lie and say your levels are still functioning or post reg bloods. You either got 1000% mct or gso oil pal or you’re part alien. But can’t wait to hear some reactions to this lol
Without clomid I get shut down.

With clomid 50mg/day, 50mg test, normal range TSH/FH, normal sized nuts (didn't try 200, I respond very well to 50mg/week)

With clomid 50mg/day, 500mg test, 1/3 TSH levels (but still not completely supressed), 1/2 nut size.

Without clomid on 500mg/week, 1/3 nut size, completely shut down.

All results taken after 6 weeks. But I wouldn’t recommend it for a cycle… that’s what HCG is for.
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