Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ok so is clomid 50 a day good to take to keep you from shutting down? I take 100mg test c trt and def it shuts me down. Balls are raisins. I even did hcg 250iu twice a week also and that really didnt do much. Thats why I brought up this whole clomid thing.
Ok so is clomid 50 a day good to take to keep you from shutting down? I take 100mg test c trt and def it shuts me down. Balls are raisins. I even did hcg 250iu twice a week also and that really didnt do much. Thats why I brought up this whole clomid thing.
Balls are overrated, small balls will make the junk look huge lol
brother in christ... Whats the problem diluting with 1ml, you can literally dose everything so much better than ur 0.5ml unless ur pinning the whole vial at one go..sure agreed there but still jfc lol.
"Hurr Durr my GH doesnt dilute in low volume of water, must be a problem with the seller/manufacturer"
Its not a rule. I would call it more like COMMON SENSE, which you are lacking unfortunately, i pray for you brother!
common sense? tell the pharmaceutical companies who produce gh at 36iu with 1.5 bac water
plenty of people with other sources dilute at .5ml bac water with 10iu gh
goes to show you know fuckkk all lol
in most cases, tren decreases IGF-1 if all other conditions are the same.
Mechanism behind it is still unknown but it could be due to its effect on blood sugar. IGF-1 is heavility stimulated by blood sugar peaks which tren more or less minimizes due to its nutrient partioning effects
no one listen to this idiot

that gh is bunk
Ok so is clomid 50 a day good to take to keep you from shutting down? I take 100mg test c trt and def it shuts me down. Balls are raisins. I even did hcg 250iu twice a week also and that really didnt do much. Thats why I brought up this whole clomid thing.
No, that guys full of shit. I doubt he’ll post his bloodwork to backup his claims.
Ok so is clomid 50 a day good to take to keep you from shutting down? I take 100mg test c trt and def it shuts me down. Balls are raisins. I even did hcg 250iu twice a week also and that really didnt do much. Thats why I brought up this whole clomid thing.

No man. Your body will recognize the exogenous tesosterone and think, "hey, I'm already getting this shit... why am i wasting time and energy making my own?"
And you will shut down natural production. Maybe it won't go to 0.00 ng/dl of your own test, but you will certainly be low. Sure there are probably a 0.01% of people who don't shut down, but only a knucklehead is going to assume he is a 0.01% of people.

Stop worrying about the size of your balls. It has nothing to do with your test levels and shut down anyways. They get bigger and smaller based on a million different variables. Quit touching yourself 5 times a day and they might grow back a little lol (jk)
common sense? tell the pharmaceutical companies who produce gh at 36iu with 1.5 bac water
plenty of people with other sources dilute at .5ml bac water with 10iu gh
goes to show you know fuckkk all lol
We're not pharmaceutical companies. We're drug abusers. I use 1ml with my generics and don't have an issue
Ok so is clomid 50 a day good to take to keep you from shutting down? I take 100mg test c trt and def it shuts me down. Balls are raisins. I even did hcg 250iu twice a week also and that really didnt do much. Thats why I brought up this whole clomid thing.
That’s going to depend on a lot of things. Your body chemistry for one.

I’ve used clomid as an experiment at different doses and honestly… just use HCG bro. 250iu may not be enough. Personally I did 500 iu twice a week.
That’s going to depend on a lot of things. Your body chemistry for one.

I’ve used clomid as an experiment at different doses and honestly… just use HCG bro. 250iu may not be enough. Personally I did 500 iu twice a week.
Still waiting on that bloodwork bud. Otherwise you can take your mpmd theories back to Reddit
Does QSC have any heavy metals testing done on their products? Not throwing around any accusations but I’ve been feeling sick for 4 weeks since I started using his gear on my cruise. I could count on one hand the amount of hours I slept last week cause my body and brain have been physically unable to chill out.

Switched sources for the time being to confirm that I’m not going crazy. Been running his GH for more than a year though, no problems there