Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This stuff work that well?
I would say so. TB at "Real peptide warehouses" go for 70-100 each vial. You cant run a TB Healing cycle off of one or two vials.

My dog and I did see results from it(HE used to limp).

tennis elbow resolved, same with my dogs limp.
I would say so. TB at "Real peptide warehouses" go for 70-100 each vial. You cant run a TB Healing cycle off of one or two vials.

My dog and I did see results from it(HE used to limp).

tennis elbow resolved, same with my dogs limp.
I may have to give it a go when back in stock. Tennis elbow from lateral raises has been killing me for the past year. Appreciate the input.
This stuff work that well?

I can also vouch for tb500.

I had a fucked up lower back for months. The typical pain from squatting too heavy without a belt. I took TB500 for a month while doing little yoga stretches and back rehab moves, and it doesn't hurt at all anymore. I'll still get flare ups from squatting heavy so I mostly do hack squats now
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of an only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400
You could do this with hcg. But why?
Started it yesterday taking it for the first time, I’m doing 1hr pre workout still hard to tell hopefully next few days get those pumps. Did you take it on non training days?
I did it immediately before going to the gym.
I would only take during training days.
I would say so. TB at "Real peptide warehouses" go for 70-100 each vial. You cant run a TB Healing cycle off of one or two vials.

My dog and I did see results from it(HE used to limp).

tennis elbow resolved, same with my dogs limp.
Bpc and tb took my estimated leg injury from 6 months to walking without a cane to 3 months jogging 5 miles. Shit is no joke and I am using it on my pesky elbow to see what it does.
I feel like everyone should have a 2 weeks of healing peptides in their stock
a pack of amoxicillin
if they are on blast ready to go. shit happens...

reduce downtime. it isnt expensive

Bpc and tb took my estimated leg injury from 6 months to walking without a cane to 3 months jogging 5 miles. Shit is no joke and I am using it on my pesky elbow to see what it does.
that is awesome to hear brother!
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of a only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400
If you have been running juice for 30 years why would you even consider running cycles and.not having test in the cycle. If you have a actually been juicing for 30 years your bodies ability to produce test naturally is most likely very poor if not completely shut down. This seems like a question a newcomer or someone that only has used SARMs would ask.
I feel like everyone should have a 2 weeks of healing peptides in their stock
a pack of amoxicillin
if they are on blast ready to go. shit happens...

reduce downtime. it isnt expensive

that is awesome to hear brother!
Is amoxicillin in case of an infection? I was thinking of looking into a list of medications to have on hand.
I wouldn't play around with a infection I'd go straight to the doctor
Doesn't hurt to have it on hand. If he does have it from injection related. That's what they would prescribe. Take the full course no matter what, but if it worsens while on the course. Go to urgent care and don't lie to them about what you took.
Doesn't hurt to have it on hand. If he does have it from injection related. That's what they would prescribe. Take the full course no matter what, but if it worsens while on the course. Go to urgent care and don't lie to them about what you took.
Yeah it's a must to always have antibiotics on hand and honestly I hate hospitals so I'm gonna try the antibiotics at home first but if it doesn't look like it's getting any better within a few days then I will go get care for it but I will still say that my vitamin B12 shot got infected