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Can anyone post some feedback on the Ment and IGF 1 LR3. Thanks.
IGF-1 LR3 gave massive pumps when taken pre-wo.
I did that for a week(ish) then tried post wo.
IDK which is better...obviously pump was better with pre dosing.
Did 100mcg then throttled down to 50mcg.
I was just worried about dose going "too" systematic and not attaching to damaged muscle with the pre.
IGF-1 LR3 gave massive pumps when taken pre-wo.
I did that for a week(ish) then tried post wo.
IDK which is better...obviously pump was better with pre dosing.
Did 100mcg then throttled down to 50mcg.
I was just worried about dose going "too" systematic and not attaching to damaged muscle with the pre.
you mean systemic? i think you would run peg with it then if you’re worried
Good thought but I think IGF-1 LR3 has a stronger receptor affinity so wouldn't the PEG be worthless.
I don’t think you run them concurrently but cycle on and off to build up satellite cells I believe..?

Don’t quote me all I know from it was some talk a couple hundred pages back on this thread
I don’t think you run them concurrently but cycle on and off to build up satellite cells I believe..?

Don’t quote me all I know from it was some talk a couple hundred pages back on this thread
No, i took it as @jthekid9 was thinking it would be useful to stop IGF-1 LR3 from going systemic....ie avoiding Polumbolism.
But yes, I've read to separate the 2 compounds.
I ordered 40 x 10ml vials of various products a couple of months back special shipping to Australia. Products all good but the vials only contain 9ml of oil anyone else find the same?
I ordered 40 x 10ml vials of various products a couple of months back special shipping to Australia. Products all good but the vials only contain 9ml of oil anyone else find the same?
Nope. I refiltered some and so had to draw some vials up with a 12ml syringe and they were all fine. Mostly little overfilled like 10,3 some 10,5ml.
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of a only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of a only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400
youve been on this forum for 3 years and youre seriously asking this?
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of an only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400

No, Clomid is not testosterone. I don’t know why after 30 years of use you’d think it was. What is the point of avoiding testosterone? You want to use a kind of nasty breast cancer drug instead of a bio identical hormone that you’ve had in your body since birth. What is the reasoning behind this? Granted it won’t work, but even if it kind of did it’s still a lousy idea from a general health perspective.
So is it really true you must run test with all cycles to prevent shut down? If so can you just run clomid. Was thinking of a only run of primo. Just expirmenting been running juice for 30 years. Clomid keeps balls going so would this thinking work? Primo + clomid cycle. Just not sure how clomid you would need to run a week and how often. Waiting for my labs to get back on. My normal test levels last few labs have been around 400
Goddamn 30 years of using gear, how did you manage to do this without researching.
IGF-1 LR3 gave massive pumps when taken pre-wo.
I did that for a week(ish) then tried post wo.
IDK which is better...obviously pump was better with pre dosing.
Did 100mcg then throttled down to 50mcg.
I was just worried about dose going "too" systematic and not attaching to damaged muscle with the pre.
Started it yesterday taking it for the first time, I’m doing 1hr pre workout still hard to tell hopefully next few days get those pumps. Did you take it on non training days?