Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Man fuck primo. First time using it and in 4 weeks my hair is fucked lol. So odd I've never had issues with testosterone as high as 900mg/week with my hair. But 300mg primo has fucked it up bad. Odd thing is, I "feel" my estrogen is tanked, and my hair is thinning and breaking like crazy, but specifically in a female pattern hair loss(FPHL) so I wonder if I

1. Have poor 5ar expression, but very high sensitivity to DHT-derivative(since primo did me in, but high test deca and tren never touched me)
Or 2. Primo has dropped my estrogen, and I happen to be a weird outlier where I lose hair like a menopausal women. Getting blood work to confirm some things.

Conclusion: primo was amazing for the 4 weeks I used it.

Edit: Correction: QSC primo was amazing for the 4 weeks I used it.
Man fuck primo. First time using it and in 4 weeks my hair is fucked lol. So odd I've never had issues with testosterone as high as 900mg/week with my hair. But 300mg primo has fucked it up bad. Odd thing is, I "feel" my estrogen is tanked, and my hair is thinning and breaking like crazy, but specifically in a female pattern hair loss(FPHL) so I wonder if I

1. Have poor 5ar expression, but very high sensitivity to DHT-derivative(since primo did me in, but high test deca and tren never touched me)
Or 2. Primo has dropped my estrogen, and I happen to be a weird outlier where I lose hair like a menopausal women. Getting blood work to confirm some things.

Conclusion: primo was amazing for the 4 weeks I used it.
So you have a vagina
Man I had completely forgot Primo was a risk for hair loss.... I'm doing good on 400mg of masteron. Minimal shedding. Hair is thick as shit still.

How common is it for people to survive mast and then go bald on Primo? Never met my real grandpa but saw a picture of him at 60 years old with a full head of hair.
Man I had completely forgot Primo was a risk for hair loss.... I'm doing good on 400mg of masteron. Minimal shedding. Hair is thick as shit still.

How common is it for people to survive mast and then go bald on Primo? Never met my real grandpa but saw a picture of him at 60 years old with a full head of hair.
As far as I'm aware - the family tree theory has been disproven. But please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to misguide anyone.

My thing is I need to confirm if what happened to me was because I suddenly have a vagina, or if it's DHT related and I feel it's the former. Regardless I think it's good practice that if testosterone gives you no issues for your hair, but DHT derivative may, then you need to look into NSAA, specifically those that compete against DHT. Not 5AR inhibitors as the issue isn't testosterone converting to DHT via 5AR, but because you're using a derivative of DHT that is not undergoing 5AR.

Also don't use 5AR with nandrolone
Man I had completely forgot Primo was a risk for hair loss.... I'm doing good on 400mg of masteron. Minimal shedding. Hair is thick as shit still.

How common is it for people to survive mast and then go bald on Primo? Never met my real grandpa but saw a picture of him at 60 years old with a full head of hair.
42 never had issue running primo.
Think it's specific to the individual.
In Canada?
Yes sir. I went to my doctor last spring and opened up about my use and wanted to get regular blood work to use safely, and they flat out told me I need to go to an addictions clinic and get clean, and not provide me blood work at my request, and then suggested that I go on androgel. Didn't ask how I'm controlling estrogen, blood pressure, nothing.

So I mentioned this somewhere and I think it was Disarmer who mentioned that I just fucking go to a walk-in. Success.
Does testosterone do anything to your hair? While on primo does you estrogen get low/crash? If so do you do anything to maintain your estrogen?
Nah I've run test for 15 years - full head of hair.
Primo at 2/3 has always been perfect for me with no ai no hcg etc.

Getting bloods is tough but when I have levels are good.
@Disarmer - I think you made the suggestion to go into a walk-in for blood work. Thanks. I was greeted by a little polish lady who was so uninformed about what I was asking that she gladly gave me whatever I wanted on the requisition.

Yeah it was me brother, happy you got what you needed. There was ways to do this simple, don't make it complicated.

If necessary, Can always report the doctor for swiping your OHIP card but not providing service. Gov really doesn't like doctors that commit health care fraud.