Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

have you tried primo? if so how do you rank it vs dhb for yourself?
I had primo from QSC - Unfortunetly only 100mg/Ml - I will pin max 4ml a week of anything so would have had 250test 300primo. I think I notice a small difference with 300mg primo but comparing 300mg of DHB to Primo DHB wins hands down. DHB is probably the most powerful steroid I have ever taken and given me the best aesthetic looks. I guess it's like comparing test to tren. Primo is too weak at only 300mg ml perhaps at 600mg primo might compare closer to DHB but I'm confident DHB will still be stronger. DHB is like 3x stronger
it should be noted however that protonmail to tutanota is NOT encrypted. It's a cleartext email same as if you sent an email to a gmail account. Both services store those emails in a no-look encrypted format, meaning they cannot view them even if they want to or are ordered to by a court.

The difference is, protonmail to protonmail, or tutanota to tutanota emails are encrypted in transit. This means that nobody can ever view the contents of those emails unless they have the passwords to the account(s).

People tend to conceptualize emails like letters inside an envelope, being mailed to their Aunt Mildred or whatever. People know those emails can be read, but figure it takes some sort of directed effort to do so, like opening the envelope first.

It's not like that. Emails are more akin to a postcard, with their contents out and visible for anyone who cares to look. And unfortunately the system which processes those postcards is an AI automatically reading those messages. And the US Supreme Court, and many courts in Europe, have for some reason ruled that there's no inherent expectation of privacy with regards to emails, so there's a very low standard necessary to legally intercept and read them.

Both protonmail and tutanota claim and have verified that they do not read your emails, and indeed cannot, once they receive them. But both companies are open and honest that if served with a valid court order, they will allow emails to be intercepted in transit. After all, if they violate that court order they will be shut down, and then no one will have secure email anywhere.

If you're sending messages like to like, meaning PM to PM or Tuta to Tuta, that interception doesn't matter anyway because the information is completely secured and powerfully encrypted.

If you're sending PM to Tuta though, or vice versa..... your emails are completely unsecured, same as if you were using yahoo or hotmail, at least in transit.

It's not really safe to intermingle the services at this time.
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Will there be any other products added to the Canadian warehouse soon?
This is going to replace the " primo availability " posts.

When you see Australia domestic warehouse get stocked while yours is barren, you know those jacked guys on CBSA are doing their job lmao.
I had primo from QSC - Unfortunetly only 100mg/Ml - I will pin max 4ml a week of anything so would have had 250test 300primo. I think I notice a small difference with 300mg primo but comparing 300mg of DHB to Primo DHB wins hands down. DHB is probably the most powerful steroid I have ever taken and given me the best aesthetic looks. I guess it's like comparing test to tren. Primo is too weak at only 300mg ml perhaps at 600mg primo might compare closer to DHB but I'm confident DHB will still be stronger. DHB is like 3x stronger
When's the best time to use DHB? On a cut? I heard it wasn't that good of a mass builder, similar to tren.
Do tell...
It was tested on muscular dystrophy kids at one point, the dosing was kind of crazy but it doesn't apply to physique athletes. I'm documenting my experience with it, dosing/frequency and any sides if they show.

When's the best time to use DHB? On a cut? I heard it wasn't that good of a mass builder, similar to tren.
I've used 1-Test back when it was on the market (topical/oral/injectable) and gained like crazy on it (bulking with it got me to 235lbs).

I'm way more conservative in my use these days and have no desire to be massive, I'm going to run it in my cut starting next week. Hindsight, it reminds me of primo only slightly more gains but not like tren in a PsychoBoy sense.
It was tested on muscular dystrophy kids at one point, the dosing was kind of crazy but it doesn't apply to physique athletes. I'm documenting my experience with it, dosing/frequency and any sides if they show.
Interesting, but still skeptical of these myostatin inhibitors. Wouldn't pros be running them if legit?