Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Why does it seem like there is alot of master brewers who can either make shit stronger than qsc or they seem to just know everything and can make just about anything better. Its old.
Honestly most of QSC's brews seem totally fine. Occasionally there's a difference of goal/opinion, but QSC usually takes the middle road for the brews (e.g. some people might want low concentration superdrol without EO, other people want super strong, super PIPy Bold Cyp, QSC always tends to go the moderate route, using EO only where absolutely necessary and keeping PIP to a minimum)

That said -- no clue what's going on with L-Carnitine. Plenty of reputable real pharmacies sell it at 500mg/mL. The FDA-approved packaging on the container says:

"Each mL contains: Carnitine (L) 500 mg, Benzyl Alcohol 2%
as preservative in Water for Injection. May contain Sodium
Hydroxide and/or Hydrochloric Acid to adjust pH."

I trust QSC when they say their Carnitine doesn't hold above 250mg/mL. So something must be different about their Carnitine, like slight impurities that dramatically affect the solubility or solubility changing a lot with the "wrong" pH or their water already has a bunch of minerals in it or their brewer is brewing it inside a super cold walk-in fridge in the back of a Chinese restaurant (j/k!), ... idk what tbh.

What's stranger though is that people report being able to buy L-Carnitine raws from QSC and brew it just fine themselves. So then I'm really confused.
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mate i did this ... and somehow gave myself an intramuscular infection in my glute! pretty concerning and not something I want to risk again
You p
Honestly most of QSC's brews seem totally fine. Occasionally there's a difference of goal/opinion, but QSC usually takes the middle road for the brews (e.g. some people might want low concentration superdrol without EO, other people want super strong, super PIPy Bold Cyp, QSC always tends to go the moderate route, using EO only where absolutely necessary and keeping PIP to a minimum)

That said -- no clue what's going on with L-Carnitine. Plenty of reputable real pharmacies sell it at 500mg/mL. The FDA-approved packaging on the container says:

"Each mL contains: Carnitine (L) 500 mg, Benzyl Alcohol 2%
as preservative in Water for Injection. May contain Sodium
Hydroxide and/or Hydrochloric Acid to adjust pH."

I trust QSC when they say their Carnitine doesn't hold above 250mg/mL. So something must be different about their Carnitine, like slight impurities that dramatically affect the solubility or solubility changing a lot with the "wrong" pH or their water already has a bunch of minerals in it or idk what.
honestly i been off the forum for a few days and just read a bunch of pages todayto catch ip. A few pages back someone was basically saying they can make stronger brews while another was discussing someother brewing shit. It just made me think stop complaining and just brew your own. This one was like th 4th one in one day i read and it became a lot. Now i did read a shit ton of pages as well so there is that.
Why does it seem like there is alot of master brewers who can either make shit stronger than qsc or they seem to just know everything and can make just about anything better. Its old.
Holy hell - this response felt like a punch in the face! I am absolutely not a master brewer - I am the opposite actually and wont brew anything intramuscular again. I didnt realise QSC had previously addressed the strength of its lcarnitine before.

Sorry guys - please disregard!!!!
Holy hell - this response felt like a punch in the face! I am absolutely not a master brewer - I am the opposite actually and wont brew anything intramuscular again. I didnt realise QSC had previously addressed the strength of its lcarnitine before.

Sorry guys - please disregard!!!!
I don’t think it was the l carnitine i just got up to speed reading a shit ton of pages and yours ended up being by the fourth one about brewing and i bunched all of it together
I feel like if you eat whatever junk youll feel like even worse and maybe actually end up eating less? That's probably why they say you gain the weight right back because no one uses it as a tool to help develop healthy eating habits easier to get in a healthy routine. Instead people eat whatever they want then just keep doing that x10 if they come off
semaglutide and all those -ide ... glp-1 money grab scams are just... scams.. but it works haaaa for the weak-weak. unless shill. these are new. stay injecting the proven.
Overdue review of order back in November 22
1 x kit of test e
1/2 x kit tren e
1/2 x kit deca

Run cycle test e + tren e for 16 weeks (ratio 400/400). Didn't use deca yet gonna save it for this winder.

Ordering process went smoothly and delivery just under a month if I remember.
Products wise no pip or weird things in, all seems to be legit.
Good to go for me and will re order some jus soon.
How fast does semaglutide take to work? Lets say youve been dieting for awhile and you break the diet and become ravenously hungry would you be able to stop yourself from feeling like you want to binge that same day?
Definitely not. I think it peaks around 2 days after injection, but it takes at least a day to feel a difference. I always noticed that by injection day I was starting to get hungry for breakfast again, then usually the next day that was gone.
What? All evidence I've seen shows reduced food intake as the main driver of fat loss with semaglutide.

This is 100% the case, due to both decreased hunger and increased satiety. Anyone still eating junk food on this is just eating less of it. A well-documented side effect of semaglutide is a decrease in consumption of and desire for fatty foods, so the lady eating fried chicken and ice cream is kind of a surprise, but no doubt she's getting full faster.
I feel like if you eat whatever junk youll feel like even worse and maybe actually end up eating less? That's probably why they say you gain the weight right back because no one uses it as a tool to help develop healthy eating habits easier to get in a healthy routine. Instead people eat whatever they want then just keep doing that x10 if they come off
People gain the weight because obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and medicine is starting to recognize it. It's just one of the few diseases you can still get criticized for having. Drugs like semaglutide are meant to be lifelong, just like insulin or antidepressants or anything else used to treat chronic disease.
People gain the weight because obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and medicine is starting to recognize it. It's just one of the few diseases you can still get criticized for having. Drugs like semaglutide are meant to be lifelong, just like insulin or antidepressants or anything else used to treat chronic disease.
Obesity isn't a disease lmfao
People gain the weight because obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and medicine is starting to recognize it. It's just one of the few diseases you can still get criticized for having. Drugs like semaglutide are meant to be lifelong, just like insulin or antidepressants or anything else used to treat chronic disease.
Honeslty if you just use the GLP1s like Tirz and Sema and with proper diet and training you could probably build good habits in about a year or so and come off completely.
Hey bro's, just wondering other peoples experience on how long it took for your tracking number to become active in the couriers' system and start showing some movement? It's only been about 5-6 days and I know China Post is slow.

P. S. I know this ain't Amazon prime haha I'm not expecting it to be here anytime soon just wondering roughly when I'll start being able see/track it online.

A few days more for me around a week ish give or take 1-2 days
Honeslty if you just use the GLP1s like Tirz and Sema and with proper diet and training you could probably build good habits in about a year or so and come off completely.
That's ideal and will work for a lot of people, but it won't for everyone. It's not really that different from alcoholism, for example - if you get those good habits and stick to them 100% you'll be fine, but it's really easy to slip. Maybe more so with obesity, since eating and weight gain are survival-driven and the body really wants you to get back to that set point.
That's ideal and will work for a lot of people, but it won't for everyone. It's not really that different from alcoholism, for example - if you get those good habits and stick to them 100% you'll be fine, but it's really easy to slip. Maybe more so with obesity, since eating and weight gain are survival-driven and the body really wants you to get back to that set point.
Honestly the Tirzepatide has curbed my taste for alcohol. I really only drink once a month at a standing lunch meeting and it's usually just 1 22oz beer.
Yeah, I know this isn't the place to have that discussion.
You mean in a forum with a bunch of DIY guys trying to stay young and fit?
Overweight friend - " I don't feel motivated and fat"
Anyone in this forum, " Are you scared of needles, I may have something for you".