Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What was your body fat and weight prior to loosing that much weight in a month? Seems like a lot to loose, did you have any sides ?
I don't know I never measured my body fat. I mean I didn't have a belly or any big fat areas. I think it sucked most of the fat off my stomach and that's really about it maybe a little off my chest. I probably did lose a little muscle because I was trying to downsize a bit.I mean I'm nearly 50 years old and trying to be in this game for longevity. Yeah you get all kinds of sides with semiglutide....you can Google it but they seem to all go away after a while.... 6 months into it or a year all the sides are completely gone ....you don't even really notice that you're taking it anymore. I think when I started my heaviest I was at 225 and now I'm at 189. I was happy at 195 but I got a new job that requires me to do about 9 miles of cardio so I've lost a little bit more weight... not really planned it just came with the job these last 3 months.
Honestly the Tirzepatide has curbed my taste for alcohol. I really only drink once a month at a standing lunch meeting and it's usually just 1 22oz beer.

You mean in a forum with a bunch of DIY guys trying to stay young and fit?
Overweight friend - " I don't feel motivated and fat"
Anyone in this forum, " Are you scared of needles, I may have something for you".
Most people here are trying to get sub 10% BF for beach season and haven't struggled with being really overweight. Even so, internet forums aren't ideal places for nuanced discussion, and we're also in a source thread. Like I said, there is still a lot of stigma about being overweight, and I'd guess it's 100x more prevalent here. Bottom line is that obesity is a disease by definition, just like alcoholism, and the science is really getting clear on it. Even if you just consider diseases to be due to physical (vs. mental) dysfunction, the fact that semaglutide and tirzepatide work so well should make it clear that obesity has physical causes.
I don't know I never measured my body fat. I mean I didn't have a belly or any big fat areas. I think it sucked most of the fat off my stomach and that's really about it maybe a little off my chest. I probably did lose a little muscle because I was trying to downsize a bit.I mean I'm nearly 50 years old and trying to be in this game for longevity. Yeah you get all kinds of sides with semiglutide....you can Google it but they seem to all go away after a while.... 6 months into it or a year all the sides are completely gone ....you don't even really notice that you're taking it anymore. I think when I started my heaviest I was at 225 and now I'm at 189. I was happy at 195 but I got a new job that requires me to do about 9 miles of cardio so I've lost a little bit more weight... not really planned it just came with the job these last 3 months.
I’m 40 and longevity is now my main focus, sitting around 220 and 12% body fat, it’s getting harder and harder to loose the belly fat and last bit to get under 10%. Debating going the route semaglutide route, I’ve always had a huge appetite which at times can get out of hand
People gain the weight because obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and medicine is starting to recognize it. It's just one of the few diseases you can still get criticized for having. Drugs like semaglutide are meant to be lifelong, just like insulin or antidepressants or anything else used to treat chronic disease.
How can you make a determination that semaglutide etc needs to be taken "lifelong" when the drug itself is new and we don't even know if it is safe for longer periods of time? People need to learn how to eat correctly. Fat people will always out eat the treatment. Look at the gastric band surgery: most of those people learn to eat past the restriction and become even fatter than before.

I'm so tired of this new lame outlook in society that everything is "lifelong". Obesity is not a disease. Spend some time with obese people. They are disgusting and they eat everything. And for the moderately overweight, they need to be more disciplined.
How can you make a determination that semaglutide etc needs to be taken "lifelong" when the drug itself is new and we don't even know if it is safe for longer periods of time? People need to learn how to eat correctly. Fat people will always out eat the treatment. Look at the gastric band surgery: most of those people learn to eat past the restriction and become even fatter than before.

I'm so tired of this new lame outlook in society that everything is "lifelong". Obesity is not a disease. Spend some time with obese people. They are disgusting and they eat everything. And for the moderately overweight, they need to be more disciplined.

I 100% agree with you. I lived with monstrous beasts that refused to take their health seriously. Even had the gastric band treatment and are ham planets. Always chugging diet coke and frying everything they eat in oil. It's absolutely revolting. What it does to the brain is way more damaging. They have this fuck it mentality while expecting others to accept their gross behavior. Just nasty
I trust QSC when they say their Carnitine doesn't hold above 250mg/mL. So something must be different about their Carnitine, like slight impurities that dramatically affect the solubility or solubility changing a lot with the "wrong" pH or their water already has a bunch of minerals in it or their brewer is brewing it inside a super cold walk-in fridge in the back of a Chinese restaurant (j/k!), ... idk what tbh.

What's stranger though is that people report being able to buy L-Carnitine raws from QSC and brew it just fine themselves. So then I'm really confused.

If the L-Carnitine wasn't very pure the Janoshik lab test won't show that results, and I don't think impurities can affect the solubility of ph anyway, I don't know too why our both brewers reported the same problem of not being able to disolve more than this quantity per ml.
If the L-Carnitine wasn't very pure the Janoshik lab test won't show that results, and I don't think impurities can affect the solubility of ph anyway, I don't know too why our both brewers reported the same problem of not being able to disolve more than this quantity per ml.
Tell your brewers to experiment with adding baking soda to your L-Carnitine to aim for a higher mg/mL.