Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Not right now. We're extremely busy and can't afford to take up any research work right now.

We're in the middle of a major acquisition, training new employees and one of our staple PhD is honeymooning this month.

Should have a lot more time starting July, along with new equipment etc, so then we ought to do lot more fun stuff.
Ok great. Thank you.
Not right now. We're extremely busy and can't afford to take up any research work right now.

We're in the middle of a major acquisition, training new employees and one of our staple PhD is honeymooning this month.

Should have a lot more time starting July, along with new equipment etc, so then we ought to do lot more fun stuff.
Congratulations on your overbearing success lmao. I remember when it was just you and your labcoat. :p Things run well over there now. The number of 100% blind samples people send you that get handled correctly are truly wonderful to see.
Some parabolan will be in US warehouse soon ;)
Cool I might actually try that then. Don’t really feel like brewing it and never had an interest as most say it’s no different than E other than price. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals this is what your E does for me with diet not even in check the past couple weeks. Can’t imagine hex could make this any better. Maybe one of you guys could talk me into it. 1F45B38F-4CAC-4C8E-BA3F-98BF246FC91F.jpeg
Also I might add doses are low and always will be.

Current is
Test C 225
TrenE 225
DHB 225

In about a month it’s gonna change to
Test C 300
Tren E 150
Primo E 300

For the rest of the summer.
I performed some measurements last night with the micro scoops

All measurements done with the A&D Newton EJ-303.
All scoops using big side, level and not packed and multiple measurement to compare scoops:

Telmisartan: orange scoop 4mg
Turnibol: Orange scoop 13mg
Var: Orange scoop 15mg
glutathione: Orange scoop 10 mg
Carderine GW501516: Orange scoop 20mg / red scoop 10mg
Tretinoin: Orange scoop 4mg (this is the topical solution that is like retinol-a)
Berberine: Orange scoop 7mg
TUDCA: Orange scoop 16mg

I am on the search for a slightly larger scoop that is a common scoop, for the Telmisartan and TUDCA..

on a sidenote, if anybody purchases the telmisartan raws. make sure that you have plenty of silicia gel packs. this raw really absorbs moisture like crazy.


Is Telmisartan powder best kept in fridge or room temp. ?
99.9% of drugs are best kept cold and dry.. just dont want to take in and out and open all the time to prevent condensation.. that being said I think as long as Telmisartan is dry it doesn't degrade super fast at least thats what literature says.. I think issue is that it does degrades/has impurities into pharma active products, and are mostly created during manufacturing rather than once dried. So if concerned use desiccant packs in ur powders and put in several containers kept in fridge or freezer so aren't opening 1 pack all the time, let it reach room temp before opening. any drug u are going to keep longer than a year, best to keep it cold as possible some may have next to no degradation some may be a bit more esp if several years or more, just an easy thing to do to be sure even if overkill and keeping drugs dry is often most important long with away from light.

DO NOT USE METHLENE BLUE ! its a poisonous by product of manufacturing and bad for environment(ie folks who live down river from factories that release methylene blue dont live longer lol).. Does it have uses? yup.. but we also have better safer things that do the same thing and why it is no longer used for the reasons it originally used. It should not be used chronically and only for specific reasons if at all as better options, not just "for general health". I mean its great when find uses for affluent instead of dumping it into the rivers but its literally pollution(like they figured out to make herbicides out of left over mining left overs, athough toxic and banned in most places other than North America ), even though you may read a blog that tells u how wonderful and safe it is, read the wikipedia on it and see if its something u still want to take. Unless ur staining cells for microscopy don't be taking that shit just as a supplement. next is those people who inject peroxide or ozone as makes your body release anti oxidants to prevent damage, despite the fact folks who are exposed to higher ozone die sooner and have health issues, folks inhale drink and inject that shit too when 0 evidence it makes u release antioxidants enough to prevent damage never mind enough to do anything else other than attempt to prevent damage. its like literly cutting yourself to release "healing" hormones from ur body, folks feel something so figure it must be working. ANYHOO,
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99.9% of drugs are best kept cold and dry.. just dont want to take in and out and open all the time to prevent condensation.. that being said I think as long as Telmisartan is dry it doesn't degrade super fast at least thats what literature says.. I think issue is that it does degrades/has impurities into pharma active products, and are mostly created during manufacturing rather than once dried. So if concerned use desiccant packs in ur powders and put in several containers kept in fridge or freezer so aren't opening 1 pack all the time, let it reach room temp before opening. any drug u are going to keep longer than a year, best to keep it cold as possible some may have next to no degradation some may be a bit more esp if several years or more, just an easy thing to do to be sure even if overkill and keeping drugs dry is often most important long with away from light.

DO NOT USE METHLENE BLUE ! its a poisonous by product of manufacturing and bad for environment(ie folks who live down river from factories that release methylene blue dont live longer lol).. Does it have uses? yup.. but we also have better safer things that do the same thing and why it is no longer used for the reasons it originally used. It should not be used chronically and only for specific reasons if at all as better options, not just "for general health". I mean its great when find uses for affluent instead of dumping it into the rivers but its literally pollution(like they figured out to make herbicides out of left over mining left overs, athough toxic and banned in most places other than North America ), even though you may read a blog that tells u how wonderful and safe it is, read the wikipedia on it and see if its something u still want to take. Unless ur staining cells for microscopy don't be taking that shit just as a supplement. next is those people who inject peroxide or ozone as makes your body release anti oxidants to prevent damage, despite the fact folks who are exposed to higher ozone die sooner and have health issues, folks inhale drink and inject that shit too when 0 evidence it makes u release antioxidants enough to prevent damage never mind enough to do anything else other than attempt to prevent damage. its like literly cutting yourself to release "healing" hormones from ur body, folks feel something so figure it must be working. ANYHOO,
Methylene blue is excellent. Everyone needs to be using small amounts of it. It's extremely safe.
99.9% of drugs are best kept cold and dry.. just dont want to take in and out and open all the time to prevent condensation.. that being said I think as long as Telmisartan is dry it doesn't degrade super fast at least thats what literature says.. I think issue is that it does degrades/has impurities into pharma active products, and are mostly created during manufacturing rather than once dried. So if concerned use desiccant packs in ur powders and put in several containers kept in fridge or freezer so aren't opening 1 pack all the time, let it reach room temp before opening. any drug u are going to keep longer than a year, best to keep it cold as possible some may have next to no degradation some may be a bit more esp if several years or more, just an easy thing to do to be sure even if overkill and keeping drugs dry is often most important long with away from light.

DO NOT USE METHLENE BLUE ! its a poisonous by product of manufacturing and bad for environment(ie folks who live down river from factories that release methylene blue dont live longer lol).. Does it have uses? yup.. but we also have better safer things that do the same thing and why it is no longer used for the reasons it originally used. It should not be used chronically and only for specific reasons if at all as better options, not just "for general health". I mean its great when find uses for affluent instead of dumping it into the rivers but its literally pollution(like they figured out to make herbicides out of left over mining left overs, athough toxic and banned in most places other than North America ), even though you may read a blog that tells u how wonderful and safe it is, read the wikipedia on it and see if its something u still want to take. Unless ur staining cells for microscopy don't be taking that shit just as a supplement. next is those people who inject peroxide or ozone as makes your body release anti oxidants to prevent damage, despite the fact folks who are exposed to higher ozone die sooner and have health issues, folks inhale drink and inject that shit too when 0 evidence it makes u release antioxidants enough to prevent damage never mind enough to do anything else other than attempt to prevent damage. its like literly cutting yourself to release "healing" hormones from ur body, folks feel something so figure it must be working. ANYHOO,
Just so you know @Millard doesn’t charge by the paragraph. You don’t need to limit your 1000-word essay to a single line break.
Yeah I gotta be honest, I'm 39, not very old, but old enough that my eyes can't handle even attempting to read a wall of text like this
Methylene blue is excellent. Everyone needs to be using small amounts of it. It's extremely safe.
for what purpose? lol its not extremely safe and why its no longer used as it once was. def don't take it if on antidepressants as can cause serotonin syndrome. also please find a study about long term use of MB... even short term uses has its issues.

this sounds safe to you? and everyone should take it? I think u have been misinformed, ESP if promoting LONG TERM USE!!! yowza
"One of the popular cationic dyes that is environmentally persistent, toxic, CARCINOGENIC and MUTEGENIC is methylene blue (MB) dye. It is commonly applied as synthetic dye for dyeing fabrics in clothing and textile industries and also for dyeing papers.."

Cardiovascular side effects
Precordial pain

Central Nervous System
• Mental confusion

Staining of skin
• Injection site necrosis(SC),

• Fecal discoloration
Abdominal pain

aswell as give anemia and irritate bladder, keep in mind that is all with acute use. not LONG TERM use, as likely unstudied.

I get it for folks that never used it in the biology lab and read the MSDS and how u dont even want it on your skin because of cancer risk.

Toxicity and carcinogenicity studies of methylene blue trihydrate in F344N rats and B6C3F1 mice - PubMed more cancers in mice study.

again, see this all the time, folks read blog entries about how safe something is when if actually did research would find out wait, it causes cancer? wait, its bad for environment as persists. forget there is a HUGE difference from back in the day being used acutely to treat something that would otherwise kill you (ie benefit of preventing dying from cyanide was worth any risk as just 1 dose vs EVERYDAY).

If read literature and somehow think EVERYONE should take it DAILY, im not sure what world u live in but your wrong. If read indications for use is for 1 day ONLY in life or death circumstances, and ONLY when prepared for anaphylaxis.

really hope you have data saying long term use is ok when promoting its use when literature indicates it is toxic carcinogenic and mutagenic.. 99.999% if something is known carcinogen and mutagenic u want to avoid taking it chronically esp when no real reason to take it. OR hopefully learned a lesson about what MB REALLY does to your body and will think twice about taking it for whatever reason u think EVERYONE should be taking it.
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