Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anybody know how to use Estradiol Valerate?
I would assume it is brewed.
Wondering if this can be used for females when on cycle to repair low estrogen.
Yeah I gotta be honest, I'm 39, not very old, but old enough that my eyes can't handle even attempting to read a wall of text like this
lol kids these days never read the paper or a book, never mind literature ;)

I will do better at making things tiK TOK digestible..

at any rate, don't be using dye grade MB kids! carcinogenic.
Anybody know how to use Estradiol Valerate?
I would assume it is brewed.
Wondering if this can be used for females when on cycle to repair low estrogen.
I mean, yeah. Men too I'd guess, if they crash their E2. How much to take? No clue. Turns out though, there's a group of people that half of MesoRX absolutely despises who have built a wonderful calculator app to help find out:

Anybody know how to use Estradiol Valerate?
I would assume it is brewed.
Wondering if this can be used for females when on cycle to repair low estrogen.
women convert testosterone to estrogen via aromatase just like men so if they are taking test they should have estrogen, if test isn't involved then the Estradiol Valerate could probably be very useful.
lol kids these days never read the paper or a book, never mind literature ;)

I will do better at making things tiK TOK digestible..

at any rate, don't be using dye grade MB kids! carcinogenic.
I think making a paragraph is a basic feature in a book, no?

To reiterate, they want you to separate the wall of texts you typed into a group of sentences that is acceptable to normal reading standards.
for what purpose? lol its not extremely safe and why its no longer used as it once was. def don't take it if on antidepressants as can cause serotonin syndrome. also please find a study about long term use of MB... even short term uses has its issues.

this sounds safe to you? and everyone should take it? I think u have been misinformed, ESP if promoting LONG TERM USE!!! yowza
"One of the popular cationic dyes that is environmentally persistent, toxic, CARCINOGENIC and MUTEGENIC is methylene blue (MB) dye. It is commonly applied as synthetic dye for dyeing fabrics in clothing and textile industries and also for dyeing papers.."

Cardiovascular side effects
Precordial pain

Central Nervous System
• Mental confusion

Staining of skin
• Injection site necrosis(SC),

• Fecal discoloration
Abdominal pain

aswell as give anemia and irritate bladder, keep in mind that is all with acute use. not LONG TERM use, as likely unstudied.

I get it for folks that never used it in the biology lab and read the MSDS and how u dont even want it on your skin because of cancer risk.

Toxicity and carcinogenicity studies of methylene blue trihydrate in F344N rats and B6C3F1 mice - PubMed more cancers in mice study.

again, see this all the time, folks read blog entries about how safe something is when if actually did research would find out wait, it causes cancer? wait, its bad for environment as persists. forget there is a HUGE difference from back in the day being used acutely to treat something that would otherwise kill you (ie benefit of preventing dying from cyanide was worth any risk as just 1 dose vs EVERYDAY).

If read literature and somehow think EVERYONE should take it DAILY, im not sure what world u live in but your wrong. If read indications for use is for 1 day ONLY in life or death circumstances, and ONLY when prepared for anaphylaxis.

really hope you have data saying long term use is ok when promoting its use when literature indicates it is toxic carcinogenic and mutagenic.. 99.999% if something is known carcinogen and mutagenic u want to avoid taking it chronically esp when no real reason to take it. OR hopefully learned a lesson about what MB REALLY does to your body and will think twice about taking it for whatever reason u think EVERYONE should be taking it.
Hey Karen, you are doing nothing but fear mongering and you have no idea wtf you are talking about. Are you a bot? You are basically presenting the most extreme and hard-core negative potential side of Methylene blue, like you cited it from some biased article. You are wrong.

Methylene blue has so many uses but for most people, it is the ultimate nootropic and it prevents alzheimers, dementia, and increases cognitive functions and it does so much more. Everyone should be taking a small amount daily. End of story. It's awesome.

Don't even answer me because it is derailing this thread. If you want to talk about methylene blue go start a thread about it and we can argue with the literature there.

That said if QSC can provide me 99%+ USP grade methylene blue, I would certainly buy some.
tested at 99.89% , reputable distributor, 100g for $75: Methylene blue | CAS 61-73-4
We can test that for 120 USD too, btw.

There might be some value in getting some kind of FSH instead of HMG. @janoshik cannot test HMG, perhaps something with only FSH action instead of combined FSH/LH action, could be tested.
It is just that the only reliable test I've seen in the literature involves copious amounts of rats and a lot of dissections, so I'm not too keen on that.
I presented the literature, and what it says, not extreme, well understood. its not hardcore, its reality. unless can dismantle the literature produce ANY long term studies or anything saying its not mutagenic, please do. lets go ahead and say the decades of science done on it are correct and your broscience new age FEELINGS are not applicable to real world data. not sure how literature can be "fear mongering" or "not knowing what im talking about" sorta looks like thats u bud ;) ill wait for ur science ur so confident in...

produce the studies.. ill listen, however, I think if ACTUALLY read the studies you will see the damage FAR outweighs a slight potential it may help increase NAD that MAY help with the things you are mentioning when u can just take NAD or nmn, or a safer MAOI, why take a potent toxic carcinogen? again all of this to say u REALLY have to read into blogs you read and the conclusions are often based off of a poorly made theory made of "ifs", not science. hopefully this will be a life lesson.

put up or respectively shut up promoting KNOWN carcinogens is unacceptable IMO.

FYI I made IV MB for a vet prob before u were born so I likely have a wee bit more knowledge than you ;) or can join the cancel mob and jump all over the smart guy who is actually producing data, not feelings from new wave healers.

sorry for the derail QSC, just cant allow people to promote things that will give people cancer. I am passionate about harm reduction, what can I say ;)