Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You mean rFSH? Or a FSH analogue like HMG?
Both recombinant one and the urinary-extracted would be effective.
It could be a nice item to have available, both for fertility issues and to stimulate testicular trophism (hCG or LH-analogue are far less effective for the latter, whereas are essential for the spermatogenesis and so fertility, but only in the first steps of spermatozoa maturation, that are depended on intratesticular testosterone levels)
It is just that the only reliable test I've seen in the literature involves copious amounts of rats and a lot of dissections, so I'm not too keen on that.
You mean this for the HMG alone or also for the FSH (both urinary extracted and recombinant)?
How is stock for Gh Australia?? I want to try
Anybody have experience
Order a few kits for a trial and error. Only a week in so obviously no noticeable sides besides maybe sleeping improvement as a shift worker. Possibly a placebo if anyone can chime in on that.
Cool I might actually try that then. Don’t really feel like brewing it and never had an interest as most say it’s no different than E other than price. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals this is what your E does for me with diet not even in check the past couple weeks. Can’t imagine hex could make this any better. Maybe one of you guys could talk me into it. View attachment 257188
Hex is a completely different animal brother it trumps tren e in every way but where it really shines is on a cut you can all most starve yourself and not drop muscle you have to run it to really get the picture.
here is a great paper in my opinion
weekly injection (but i guess we have to see if increasing frequency lowers side effects as we did with semaglutide)
10mg vials would be perfect imo
after being involved in this thread forever now I wouldn’t be shocked if QSC gets the new Retatrutide to market before Eli Lilly does hahaha. Wouldn’t shock me
Hex is a completely different animal brother it trumps tren e in every way but where it really shines is on a cut you can all most starve yourself and not drop muscle you have to run it to really get the picture.

What about sides? Same as A or E or less/more? I couldn’t deal with Tren a at 200mg/wk had to drop it after 3 weeks cause sleep was absolute crap. That was with my trt dose of test at 125mg week.
What about sides? Same as A or E or less/more? I couldn’t deal with Tren a at 200mg/wk had to drop it after 3 weeks cause sleep was absolute crap. That was with my trt dose of test at 125mg week.
I tried adding 100mg/wk Tren A to my trt dose (200mg Test C).
Anyway, anger was too much. Dropped down to 70mg/wk.
Still not a good place, would get pissed pretty easily and fester on it. Could control myself but just got sick of being pissed most of the time.
I've switched to Tren H and am at 100mg/wk and it is so much better mentally. YMMV.
What about sides? Same as A or E or less/more? I couldn’t deal with Tren a at 200mg/wk had to drop it after 3 weeks cause sleep was absolute crap. That was with my trt dose of test at 125mg week.
imo for every compound, more stable blood levels means less sides.
Acetate has a very short half-life so even with daily injections blood levels fluctuate a lot.
imo for every compound, more stable blood levels means less sides.
Acetate has a very short half-life so even with daily injections blood levels fluctuate a lot.
Acetate half-life is 3 days, Cypionate half life is 8 days. Pinning ace everyday would result in more stable levels than pinning Cyp twice per week.

In before there's no tren Cyp. Yeah I know there's no tren Cyp. Half life is determined by the ester not the drug, this is meant as an easy math explanation
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