Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I did, they told me to ask the question here. You couldn’t help, why even bother replying?
Ok give us some helpful information then like what color caps are they? When were they ordered? Every batch has different caps. If I were to guess I would say purple caps are test cyp and white caps are mast e but for all I know ur caps are blue and black red orange who the fuck knows
Ok give us some helpful information then like what color caps are they? When were they ordered? Every batch has different caps. If I were to guess I would say purple caps are test cyp and white caps are mast e but for all I know ur caps are blue and black red orange who the fuck knows
You didn't specify ester either. Whenever u see this let us know when u ordered and what colors caps u have and what ester the test and mast are
This shit needs to stop, don't trust anyone here to identify your product but your seller. This sounds so dangerous especially with how there are products with similar caps.

Imagine mixing up tren and eq, damn.
the rep was asked the question first. they told me to ask here. 3 domestic oils = 3 possible different cap colours. anyone who has purchased Aussie domestic lately just needs to identify 1 out of the 3 for me to work out the rest. I mean it’s not rocket science but based on the last few responses I’m starting to doubt my judgment.
the rep was asked the question first. they told me to ask here. 3 domestic oils = 3 possible different cap colours. anyone who has purchased Aussie domestic lately just needs to identify 1 out of the 3 for me to work out the rest. I mean it’s not rocket science but based on the last few responses I’m starting to doubt my judgment.
That's not right, it's their products not members here. Don't take no for an answer, keep bugging them.
That's not right, it's their products not members here. Don't take no for an answer, keep bugging them.
I don’t know the colors mate and there is no way for me to know them beside asking australian customers.

I give instructions before delivery about the codes (SKU) next to bar codes to be able to distinguish the items once opened.

If the customer didn’t follow the instructions and already mixed the oils, the only way to distinguish them is to ask members for help.
Have you ever thought about numbering your entire list then numbering the vials ? Would make things 100000% easier and wouldn’t have to label product names on any vials.
i believe the rep said in the past that it was part of their policy in order to prevent people from claiming that they never received packs to get reships
silly reason as other ways around that if wanted to reverse scam. seems like the cost of there time having to ID EVERY pack would be outweighed by odd reverse scam... that folks could do anyway if thats what they wanted to do. not my company, just seems like could avoid ALOT of messages and ALOT of mix ups...
silly reason as other ways around that if wanted to reverse scam. seems like the cost of there time having to ID EVERY pack would be outweighed by odd reverse scam... that folks could do anyway if thats what they wanted to do. not my company, just seems like could avoid ALOT of messages and ALOT of mix ups...
Not really. Rep identified your order and YOU forgot to mark the items properly (sticker + pen) and YOU mixed things up.

Send a sample to a lab to identify it.
I didn't do anything, yes his fault for mixing things up. I was commenting on reasoning behind random labeling just to avoid reverse scam as not effective if someone is motivated to reverse scam. and would save soooo much time/emails and mix ups... not my biz, just doesn't make sense IMO, and has to be another reason aswell as when send a pic of your gear also isn't best for opsec as meta data etc from pic (for the order a pic is needed to ID)
the rep was asked the question first. they told me to ask here. 3 domestic oils = 3 possible different cap colours. anyone who has purchased Aussie domestic lately just needs to identify 1 out of the 3 for me to work out the rest. I mean it’s not rocket science but based on the last few responses I’m starting to doubt my judgment.
If this is true then that’s a terrible response from them, but I’ve never heard them say that before.

Simple fix go to a number system, imagine how many emails this would eliminate that you would have to reply to @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals