Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It amazes me how so many of you cannot follow simple instruction.

If int/raws email the rep and they will tell you which item is which number

If domestic oils/peptides the box has a label near the sku. Easy to identify. And if you're still confused email the rep

Instead, most of you immediately open and mix items then blame the rep because you can't follow instructions.
It amazes me how so many of you cannot follow simple instruction.

If int/raws email the rep and they will tell you which item is which number

If domestic oils/peptides the box has a label near the sku. Easy to identify. And if you're still confused email the rep

Instead, most of you immediately open and mix items then blame the rep because you can't follow instructions.
You didn’t read anything I wrote, did you?

Last time I’m going to explain it.

I never blamed any one but myself. The rep gave me instructions. Out of habit ordering only intl, I opened the two boxes thinking the code would be stuck to the vials like always.

Only then realising I had made the error and not realising the rep said the codes were on the outsides of the box. At this point it was too late as I didn’t remember which kit came out of which box.

After asking the rep, they suggested I come here and ask if any other local Aus domestic could confirm what colour the caps were for each compound.

Instead of either a) just not replying because you couldn’t help or b) answering my simple request for assistance, everyone just took the opportunity to wave their dicks around for no fucking reason. Some of you need to get laid and release some tension.
Anyone using their var here? Been running it and honestly notice zero difference to the point of thinking it may have been mis labeled or underdosed heavily.
I didn't do anything, yes his fault for mixing things up. I was commenting on reasoning behind random labeling just to avoid reverse scam as not effective if someone is motivated to reverse scam. and would save soooo much time/emails and mix ups... not my biz, just doesn't make sense IMO, and has to be another reason aswell as when send a pic of your gear also isn't best for opsec as meta data etc from pic (for the order a pic is needed to ID)
Do you not know how to remove Metadata before sending out or publishing pictures?
You didn’t read anything I wrote, did you?

Last time I’m going to explain it.

I never blamed any one but myself. The rep gave me instructions. Out of habit ordering only intl, I opened the two boxes thinking the code would be stuck to the vials like always.

Only then realising I had made the error and not realising the rep said the codes were on the outsides of the box. At this point it was too late as I didn’t remember which kit came out of which box.

After asking the rep, they suggested I come here and ask if any other local Aus domestic could confirm what colour the caps were for each compound.

Instead of either a) just not replying because you couldn’t help or b) answering my simple request for assistance, everyone just took the opportunity to wave their dicks around for no fucking reason. Some of you need to get laid and release some tension.
There is one foolproof solution. If you have 2 different compounds, send a sample of one to Janoshik. Pay the $120 for testing and you’ll ID that one as well the other by process of elimination. Plus I believe Qingdao now offers credit or a gift or something.

Just if you want to be sure.
There is one foolproof solution. If you have 2 different compounds, send a sample of one to Janoshik. Pay the $120 for testing and you’ll ID that one as well the other by process of elimination. Plus I believe Qingdao now offers credit or a gift or something.

Just if you want to be sure.
There is a better economic way, ordering more kits, and extra one will fix it ^^
My friend from Lithuania tried to deal with you buy 2 kits tirzapatide. But you able to sell only one 1 kit. May I ask you why one person cant buy 2 kits tirzapatide?
I will speak up with he. Because we doing one order together and together want to buy tirzapatide and some more stuff. The reason which was mentioned that you could not to sell 2 kits tirzapatide for one person,becsuse it is very popular. So I miss understood that and I asking right here in Meso
I will speak up with he. Because we doing one order together and together want to buy tirzapatide and some more stuff. The reason which was mentioned that you could not to sell 2 kits tirzapatide for one person,becsuse it is very popular. So I miss understood that and I asking right here in Meso
Many customers order more than 1 at time, some grab 100 kits at once, feel free to explain to him that he can order as much as he wants.