Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Second order with new Canada special line is again a great success. This is my 6th QSC order to date.

Paid April 8
Tracking provided April 18
Origin scan May 10
Delivered May 12

Order was smooth although it seems the repacking agent in Canada cut into my Metformin bag with an exacto knife by mistake and placed the opened bag into the silver packaging material, so it made a bit of a mess and spilled onto my table when I opened it.

Not a big problem, but it would have been nice if he left a note for me "hey be careful when opening this one". I didn't lose any product from the spill.

I was surprised to learn that 10g of Trestolone E will come as liquid raws in a vial, I thought that I was sent tren oils instead of Trest E raws until Tracy explained this to me.

Still remain a happy QSC customer and have one more order in transit via Canada special line.

View attachment 257649

View attachment 257648
Not having the same experience thus far with the new Canada special line:
Paid Mar 26th
Given tracking Mar 30th

Until now no updates on the UPS tracking 6 weeks later. Was told "Time of transportation is random, it cna be 1 month or 2 months or sometimes more."

I'll be patient, more updates when I get movement.
Not having the same experience thus far with the new Canada special line:
Paid Mar 26th
Given tracking Mar 30th

Until now no updates on the UPS tracking 6 weeks later. Was told "Time of transportation is random, it cna be 1 month or 2 months or sometimes more."

I'll be patient, more updates when I get movement.

Did you pay for reship insurance? At what point does the vendor agree there's an issue and proceed to reship?
Ironmaster, there is .1ml of waste / loss with normal 3 cc syringes. You are wrong about slin pins having no loss / waste, however....I have been using slin pins since 2001 ..... there is .07ml loss / waste in slin pins. So while yes there is less waste in slin pins (.07 ml vs .1 ml)...there is still loss in slin pins). So since you were able to load (9) slin pins with (1) 10 cc QSC vial....that 10 cc QSC vial technically really had only (9.7) ml....not (9.0) ml . But, since whenever you load a dart, there is always a degree of "eyeing" the markings on the dart.... the reason why you got 9.7 cc's in his vials and not 10.0 cc's could certainly be user error on your part.
Kinda off the wall here but even more lose with TB syringes, it seems. Tried that years ago & never again.
Anyone using their var here? Been running it and honestly notice zero difference to the point of thinking it may have been mis labeled or underdosed heavily.
I sent var for testing and also blindly made the var into caps.

Both tested well(var raw was perfect).

Customers/friends who gave me feedback on the capsules said it worked well.
I forget the exact mechanism this second, but it is a situation where taking the precursor to the substance you want, can be more effective than taking the substance itself.

It's kind of like when you take glutathione orally. Your body doesn't use oral glutathione as glutathione, it's absorption isn't great, it does little to raise glutathione levels. But if you take a precursor to glutathione like NAC, the precursor is then superior, because the body uses it to directly produce glutathione, with nothing lost in the process.

So there is a line of thinking that NMN as a precursor is more effective than the NAD+ itself.
But no one is sure about any of this. And I can't remember the exact mechanism. I'll look later.
Mmmm kinda like how GABA itself, which binds to the GABA A receptor, cannot cross the Blood Brain Barrier so taking GABA itself cannot work for anxiety .......supposedly.......but Benzos, alcohol, barbitrurates can cross the blood brain barrier....so since they can, and since they are GABA A Agonists, they all work very well for anxiety.

By the way we now know that even though GABA cannot cross the BBB....it does not actually need to......we have GABA A receptors in the small intestine, and when you take GABA as a supplement, some of the GABA gets absorbed into the SI and so when it binds to GABA A receptors in the SI, there is communication between the gut and the brain via the vagus nerve....and so dietary GABA can actually have some mild anxiolytic properties ( mch less potent than benzos, though) even thogh it cannot cross the BBB. z
Test Ace is famous to be painful.
No, actually Test Ace is famous for being painless for about 99.9% of people. And it is counterintuitive to me.....Acetate is a 2 carbon ester, as short as you can get. Propionate is a 3 carbon ester, longer than Ace, and it is theorized that shorter esters are responsible for the pain of themselves compared to longer esters generally being less painful than shorter esters. So since Ace is the shortest of all esters - 2 C's - whereas Propionate is 3 C's and hence a longer ester than Ace, if anything Test Acetate should be more painful than Test Prop.....but anecdotally, I have found just the opposite.....since I joined the boards in 2001...that across every board I have ever been apart of Meso included, Test Ace is far and away a painless ester compared to Test Propionate.
Ironmaster, there is .1ml of waste / loss with normal 3 cc syringes. You are wrong about slin pins having no loss / waste, however....I have been using slin pins since 2001 ..... there is .07ml loss / waste in slin pins. So while yes there is less waste in slin pins (.07 ml vs .1 ml)...there is still loss in slin pins). So since you were able to load (9) slin pins with (1) 10 cc QSC vial....that 10 cc QSC vial technically really had only (9.7) ml....not (9.0) ml . But, since whenever you load a dart, there is always a degree of "eyeing" the markings on the dart.... the reason why you got 9.7 cc's in his vials and not 10.0 cc's could certainly be user error on your part.

There is 3ul loss in an insulin syringe (0.003 ml). Surely you can tell it's almost nothing just by looking at them

Second order with new Canada special line is again a great success. This is my 6th QSC order to date.

Paid April 8
Tracking provided April 18
Origin scan May 10
Delivered May 12

Order was smooth although it seems the repacking agent in Canada cut into my Metformin bag with an exacto knife by mistake and placed the opened bag into the silver packaging material, so it made a bit of a mess and spilled onto my table when I opened it.

Not a big problem, but it would have been nice if he left a note for me "hey be careful when opening this one". I didn't lose any product from the spill.

I was surprised to learn that 10g of Trestolone E will come as liquid raws in a vial, I thought that I was sent tren oils instead of Trest E raws until Tracy explained this to me.

Still remain a happy QSC customer and have one more order in transit via Canada special line.

View attachment 257649

View attachment 257648
Weird you beat my spcl liner order that was a week sooner.