Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I completed successfully 2 orders with this source. Communication is good and delivery times were fine. However, yesterday I was inspecting some of the goods received a while ago, and 1 bottle of LGD4033 was open, with the seal broken and almost empty. I reached out for further explanation from the source and the rep just said that he has no way to verify such claims. As if a claim about a 10$ bottle should be verified. Let me be crystal clear: the envelope and the package were perfect at the moment of collection, so the open bottle isn't related to customs controls or anything like that, the seal was broken IN the facility of the source, which should be a major concern for anyone considering hygiene, and control of the supply chain in general, a priority.

I clarify: I don't want a compensation for a 10 fucking bucks open bottle, I don't fucking care, if it was missing I would've been WAY less alarmed, shit happens. BUT having a disloyal employee in the supply chain of a source who handles INJECTABLE goods, woah, that's a big red flag.

I'm ready to be reassured about this incident by the source, as I'm ready to order again in the future.
I clarify: I don't want a compensation for a 10 fucking bucks open bottle, I don't fucking care, if it was missing I would've been WAY less alarmed, shit happens. BUT having a disloyal employee in the supply chain of a source who handles INJECTABLE goods, woah, that's a big red flag.
I dont know man, this seems very unlikely to me. We would have had a lot more incidences like yours popping up in this thread if that really was the case.
I dont know man, this seems very unlikely to me. We would have had a lot more incidences like yours popping up in this thread if that really was the case.
I'm very willing to get a valid explanation, just that. I was totally happy with the source before this incident and I said I am ready to order again if I get a proper explanation. Any source can chime in and confirm I am a serious and super honest customer, I even refuse discounts, never had a single problem with a source. Once had HL reship one order after 30 of them, a while ago I got fake HGH from pharmasource (David if you remember) and I got it sorted giving my credit to another member of the board.

I don't think you need reassurance, its human error.
Even the US mint fucks shit up once in a while, let alone a factory in China.
Forgetting a bottle it's human error, having an employee opening a bottle and stealing goods it's lack of control of the supply chain.
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I'm very willing to get a valid explanation, just that. I was totally happy with the source before this incident and I said I am ready to order again if I get a proper explanation. Any source can chime in and confirm I am a serious and super honest customer, I even refuse discounts, never had a single problem with a source. Once had HL reship one order after 30 of them, a while ago I got fake HGH from pharmasource (David if you remember) and I got it sorted giving my credit to another member of the board.

Forgetting a bottle it's human error, having an employee opening a bottle and stealing goods it's lack of control of the supply chain.
No one's stealing goods from their own factory lol. And if they are they aren't stealing fucking SARMS lmfao.

Find the most dyel guy in the factory and you've got your thief lol
I'm very willing to get a valid explanation, just that. I was totally happy with the source before this incident and I said I am ready to order again if I get a proper explanation. Any source can chime in and confirm I am a serious and super honest customer, I even refuse discounts, never had a single problem with a source. Once had HL reship one order after 30 of them, a while ago I got fake HGH from pharmasource (David if you remember) and I got it sorted giving my credit to another member of the board.

Forgetting a bottle it's human error, having an employee opening a bottle and stealing goods it's lack of control of the supply chain.
dude it was probably customs checking this shit out
Not having the same experience thus far with the new Canada special line:
Paid Mar 26th
Given tracking Mar 30th

Until now no updates on the UPS tracking 6 weeks later. Was told "Time of transportation is random, it cna be 1 month or 2 months or sometimes more."

I'll be patient, more updates when I get movement.
Check your tracking now :)