Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

They send it to themselves in Canada, repackage and relabel it, and ship via domestic service to you... That's what they mean by reship service.

Not to be confused with reshipping a seized package. Maybe forwarding service would be a better term but I'm not the person who named it
Ok. I got ya.
No PIP on the rip mix? What are you using, and where are you injecting, and how much?

I’ll just bet that it’ll show up today or tomorrow.
Im at about 1/3 ml a day. Going to run it for a single vial and then go from there. So far all thighs and i can picture it hurting at a ml a pin. I just dont really get pain out of "painful" gear. My first cycle was high concentrate prop.. no pain and its kept to it since. Idk my system dosnt inflame like others?
Can confirm. That primo pip is a mofo...
I must admit I had really bad pip, flu like symptoms. I had given the 200 primo up for that cycle. Didn't think I'd go back. But as I had 4 vials left I ended up trying again. Only this time I heat both my test and primo before slow injection and so far so good I'm 4 weeks in with very little pip. I only get a small deep 2/10 pain which is not even comparable. I was on 2x200ml a week but had to cut back as the veins where growing veins and it was very noticeable and getting remarks.
Bro, you went from 6 months on 10mg pharma Tirzepatide straight to 2mg pharma Ozempic and probably had both things active at the same time and it's likely you have build up a crazy GLP-1 tolerance. You should mention this if you make such a claim.

You need a break.
jesus christ. you are right.


going from the best drug to the best value drug.

Would someone see results from hgh fat loss in 30 days? Or 60 days? Trying to see if its even worth getting for summer months? Already a pretty low BF 15-16%.
Would someone see results from hgh fat loss in 30 days? Or 60 days? Trying to see if its even worth getting for summer months? Already a pretty low BF 15-16%.
Thinking about doing it for two months at 5iu but if it’s going to take longer I would rather just run tren if the fat loss is going be insignificant
You need to cut calories below maintenance. HGH will only give a slight edge depending on the severity of your caloric deficit, and your method of use.

I'm on QSC HGH. I love it. Can't tell if it's done anything for weight loss as I've been in a 2k deficit prior to beginning use, but it's great for my pumps pre workout(2iu/day pre workout)
Ohh my 3rd order using the new Canadian reship line just had a tracking scan, I should have this Monday and if I'm really lucky, tomorrow. Can't wait to try this PT141

No scans today whatsoever, so I was really surprised when this just showed up! This makes 3 successful orders using the new Canada reship line, every single one took 24 days from the time tracking was provided.

No scans today whatsoever, so I was really surprised when this just showed up! This makes 3 successful orders using the new Canada reship line, every single one took 24 days from the time tracking was provided.

View attachment 258598
Awesome haul bro. You will love their pt141, at least i do.... drinking coffee before and a little while after injection has anacdotaly been said to reduce any nausea symptoms; worked for me anyways. I use 2.5- 3 mg per shot, i'm 220lbs.

Spontaneous hard ons and crazy sex drive for well into 48hrs. I dont start getting effects for 4-6 hours after inject. Ymmv.
Awesome haul bro. You will love their pt141, at least i do.... drinking coffee before and a little while after injection has anacdotaly been said to reduce any nausea symptoms; worked for me anyways. I use 2.5- 3 mg per shot, i'm 220lbs.

Spontaneous hard ons and crazy sex drive for well into 48hrs. I dont start getting effects for 4-6 hours after inject. Ymmv.

Thanks brother this is awesome information, Literally just answered every question I've been googling right now. Really appreciate this anecdotal feedback and the tips on curbing the nausea is appreciated too. I don't do coffee anymore, it bloats the fuck out of me so instead I've switched to caffeine pills. I'll let you know if they have the same effect or if it's something special about the java.

Any experience with MT2 by any chance? I haven't researched this one too much but I did see a thread the other day advising don't take semaglutide and MT2 together as they both encourage nausea; I'm assuming the same consideration should be made for MT2 and PT141.

Any movement on your box yet?