Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thinking about doing it for two months at 5iu but if it’s going to take longer I would rather just run tren if the fat loss is going be insignificant
Because adding muscle will actually cause fat loss too, hence why wondering, just as you said
Thanks brother this is awesome information, Literally just answered every question I've been googling right now. Really appreciate this anecdotal feedback and the tips on curbing the nausea is appreciated too. I don't do coffee anymore, it bloats the fuck out of me so instead I've switched to caffeine pills. I'll let you know if they have the same effect or if it's something special about the java.

Any experience with MT2 by any chance? I haven't researched this one too much but I did see a thread the other day advising don't take semaglutide and MT2 together as they both encourage nausea; I'm assuming the same consideration should be made for MT2 and PT141.

Any movement on your box yet?
I’m using QSC mt2 right now. I’m only using it once or twice a week and I’m more tan than I’ve ever been. I constantly get comments about how tan I am. I’ve been using 250 mcg 30 minutes before a tanning session. Slight nausea but it gets better. Very flush and red for about an hour or so after injection.
No need to be nervous imo. I had 1Kg test cyp seized in September and nothing ever came of it
Did you continue ordering to the same address afterwards under same name? I'm about to order $2k USD worth to Canada lol. Ordered $1k USDback in December when the big delays happened(I'm not upset) and recieved it no problem(minus couple items missing, but they were out of stock, and I used that credit for some HGH(first time) and now I'm hooked lol.)
Thanks brother this is awesome information, Literally just answered every question I've been googling right now. Really appreciate this anecdotal feedback and the tips on curbing the nausea is appreciated too. I don't do coffee anymore, it bloats the fuck out of me so instead I've switched to caffeine pills. I'll let you know if they have the same effect or if it's something special about the java.

Any experience with MT2 by any chance? I haven't researched this one too much but I did see a thread the other day advising don't take semaglutide and MT2 together as they both encourage nausea; I'm assuming the same consideration should be made for MT2 and PT141.

Any movement on your box yet?
I take them both together. I use QSC MT2 and another domestic source for the semaglutide.

Once I got up to 500mcg sema the nausea was pretty bad so I split it to 250mcg twice weekly. And I split my MT2 maintenance into 3 times weekly
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Im at about 1/3 ml a day. Going to run it for a single vial and then go from there. So far all thighs and i can picture it hurting at a ml a pin. I just dont really get pain out of "painful" gear. My first cycle was high concentrate prop.. no pain and its kept to it since. Idk my system dosnt inflame like others?
Yeah I’m doing 1ml MWF. It hurts.

With 30 gauge and 0.5 in the quads, it’s fine for two days… then pippy longstocking shows up again.
Taking a hefty dose of Taurine supplement is the ticket to limiting nausea from PT-141 and MT2. A dose of ginger root added to that also helps.

For me:
- Pre PT-141= 4 grams Taurine and one capsule ginger root
- Pre MT2= 3 grams Taurine and one capsule ginger root

No nausea to speak of with this method. I time the supplements at least a half hour before dosing either peptide. Works like a charm.
Would someone see results from hgh fat loss in 30 days? Or 60 days? Trying to see if its even worth getting for summer months? Already a pretty low BF 15-16%.
i would say yes. i think the idea that gh takes time to work comes from the past when fake gh was prevalent and that was used to get people to keep buying the fake shit
What's the current tested concentration of Test Cyp for US domestic oil kits? I know it's nominally 250mg/mL but I also know it's been closer to 225mg/mL recently.

I'm fine with 225mg/mL or whatever, just wanna know what to use for my calculations/logging/labeling. Yes I know +/-10% doesn't actually matter. Just call it OCD lmao

Thanks in advance!