Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Primo 6mos ago - zero pip
New stuff massive pip until I mixed with my test.
I put both into vial- weekly total.
Warm, mix then use throughout week.

Zero pip
Alot off people complain about pip with the new batch

does the homebrewers have also pip on this batch raws or its only the finisch oils?
For me, I run 3 different compounds and do daily injections, so by drawing 7mL of oil from 3 different vials into a 10mL syringe and then into a sterile vial. Then I draw 7 times from the mixed vial. Total entries into. Vial this way is 10 per week as opposed to 21 per week when entering each vial every day.

Looking at it this way I feel like the way I am doing it is actually less prone to causing an infection or introducing bacteria/other debris into the vials. But that is purely conjecture and I do see your point as well.
This is certainly preferable to backloading.
Fucking with it right now, another guy was on here but at a ml a shot his experience is different than mine, he has knots in his leg day or 2 after his shots and im running alot lower just enoigh to get some nutrient partitioning help out of it. No pip for me at abouy 1/3 ml a shot but shits worth the money an then some.
enjoying my run with it
I’ve used it. It’s got pip that will come on the next day. Warming it first helps (mug warmer) and using longer needles that will put deeper in the glutes. Rotate injection sites.

Good to know. I was considering pulling the trigger and just cutting it with EO.

I’ve had some blends of ttm that have had me dragging my leg around the next three days.

100mg of each is convenient, but I’ve only been able to personally make a blend at 50mg each that didn’t have any bite to it.
Good to know. I was considering pulling the trigger and just cutting it with EO.

I’ve had some blends of ttm that have had me dragging my leg around the next three days.

100mg of each is convenient, but I’ve only been able to personally make a blend at 50mg each that didn’t have any bite to it.
Its %100 worth the $. I prefer short ester gear all the way around and had stayed away from trying tren for 10 years before i saw this but couldnt help it. Trens a different beast lol buy 3 grams of prop/ace gear a vial for that price.. pull it bro
Another successful order to Canada.
Test C. Primo E.
Ordered/paid April 19, tracking April 20. Delivered May 30. China post.
Just waiting on ID email.
Let us know how the pip is for you!

I just mixed 1:1:1 primo 200, test cyp 200, NPP 100.

My left glute with 1ml IM injection doesn’t hurt as of yesterday, my .5ml subQ other side is still hurting along with rest of leg. Going to IM this mix and see what happens. I do not recommend subq this primo same as poster a few pages back.
US domestic primo update. Kinda pippy. On my second shot, both mixed with 1 mL test C and 1 mL mast E (all QSC). PIP is not bad enough that I couldn't do cardio. Both were quad injections, 3 mL per injection.
Yeah I still have nightmares just thinking of the fucking propionat 100
Still being relatively new to AAS, I have seen lots of people talk about Test Propionate PIP. I cooked QSC's Prop at 100+mg / ml in MCT. Just started a cycle last week, injecting every morning, did 1cc today. The PIP has not been bad at all to quads, and last cycle was the same. It's making me wonder if that means I can easily handle the Primo or Ripped blend without issues, or if it's just easy for me due to low injection volume.
I guess there's only one way for me to find out, for future cycles..
Still being relatively new to AAS, I have seen lots of people talk about Test Propionate PIP. I cooked QSC's Prop at 100+mg / ml in MCT. Just started a cycle last week, injecting every morning, did 1cc today. The PIP has not been bad at all to quads, and last cycle was the same. It's making me wonder if that means I can easily handle the Primo or Ripped blend without issues, or if it's just easy for me due to low injection volume.
I guess there's only one way for me to find out, for future cycles..
Test prop used to have a reputation for having a lot of pip. I believe from a certain manufacturer putting an unnecessary amount of solvents in it to discourage human use. Don’t quote me though.

Pip these days is generally from high concentrations in a single ml. Much like how test e has more pip if brewed at 400 or 500mg per ml rather than the standard 250mg
first time using QSC. bought alot of shit.US domestic. 36 fucking hours from initial email to when i had the gear in my hands. unreal. 10/10.