Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'll make you a deal. Just as soon as all you QSC nut-huggers get him to compensate my friends and I; I will give you the names, contact e-mails, price lists, and negotiated prices thus far of the vendors we have purchased from tirzepatide and other peptides from recently. I will also give you the lab tests done so far as well as the results of others as they come in.

We have 1 vendor tested, 3 tests waiting on results, and at least more being sent this week for testing. We are also comparing a vial from Jano and MZ Biolabs from the same vendor for both purity and content, to see if MZ is even comparable. All their content readings seem to be over dosed and they had a purity reading on one of the research chem sites tirz at 100%. So I am doubting their testing methodology.

And to address the issue of why I purchased from QSC to begin with. Originally I was impressed with their prices and had several smooth transactions. But I started looking for a back up in case it was needed. It was actually a group effort with others involved. We are actually not looking for the best price, but the best overall experience when you combine price, quality, shipping, communication, and ease of ordering.
There are nut huggers here, for sure. Most of us aren't though. I'm not a nut hugger. I'm fair. I've been critical of QSC at times when they deserve it, but I also like QSC. I don't condone QSC's treatment of customers in certain interactions, but at the same time, it's been proven time and time again that there is very often important information that influences whether QSC will take care of you or tell you to fuck off because he feels like he's justified.

There's usually a bunch of hidden information behind the scenes that shows there is more to the story. There's even been plenty of QSC saboteurs that have been discovered during these disputes. It's been a wild thread. People are desensitized by the previous drama and that's why no one is really listening to you. Right or wrong, people are just desensitized.

You want more compensation but ultimately you are going to have to talk to QSC again and ask him nicely to come to a slightly better resolution and maybe he will. Maybe he was having a bad day. I don't know.
Just fuck off will ya,your a nightmare cunt,ban this fuckn fool

There are nut huggers here, for sure. Most of us aren't though. I'm not a nut hugger. I'm fair. I've been critical of QSC at times when they deserve it, but I also like QSC. I don't condone QSC's treatment of customers in certain interactions, but at the same time, it's been proven time and time again that there is very often important information that influences whether QSC will take care of you or tell you to fuck off because he feels like he's justified.

There's usually a bunch of hidden information behind the scenes that shows there is more to the story. There's even been plenty of QSC saboteurs that have been discovered during these disputes. It's been a wild thread. People are desensitized by the previous drama and that's why no one is really listening to you. Right or wrong, people are just desensitized.

You want more compensation but ultimately you are going to have to talk to QSC again and ask him nicely to come to a slightly better resolution and maybe he will. Maybe he was having a bad day. I don't know.
The reason why he was such a dick is a simple one. The same week that I sent the QSC vial off for testing, one of my friends, also received their order. She ordered 2 kits and received 1. She emailed him for a resolution and he basically called her a scammer, saying she received 2. She posted a picture of the bag inside the box that the kit came in, to prove that it was impossible for 2 kits to fit in the bag, but he did not care.

So, I emailed him a very polite email, explaining the situation and that I know her and she is a good person and not a scammer. I asked him nicely to take care of her and used the word "please".

He refused, said there were 2 kits and sent me a picture from his computer system in Chinese, to show that the weight of the box was for 2 kits, so 2 kits had to be in there. I plugged the picture into a translator, where it showed under the weight, "unconfirmed weight" and under count it said "1"; again more proof that only 1 was shipped. It was clearly an error, not intentional. But he refused to reply when confronted with that evidence and did nothing to rectify.

So, when the test results came out; we were already not on good terms. In fact I originally never even contacted him about the test results or asked for anything, and was just going to let it be. However, the way in which he handled it and treated me following the results, I couldn't bite my lip anymore. And things snowballed from there.
I wonder if a fella diluted it with some sterile oil if it would knock down the PIP.

I diluted 1 mL of the new primo with 1 mL test C and 1 mL mast E. Still kinda pippy.

So far have tried qsc test cyp mast e and tren e all have 0 pip even first injection with large volumes and never used MCT oil before 10/10 would buy again
1. A 30% refund/credit for a product under-dosed by 30% makes sense.
2. Losing your order because it was destroyed, and not RTS, due to wrong address info also makes sense. This happened before and we've been warned.
3. I don't want to comment on the missing pack because it's third-party info and there's no corroborating evidence.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I've ordered from you a handful of times, never had an issue, and will continue ordering from you. I've also followed this thread since the beginning and have to say that your responses sometimes do not inspire trust or confidence, especially to new customers. You claim you're here to make money. Putting effort into making customers feel better about ordering from you may have a short-term cost, but it'll gain you more money in the long run.

Two things from the last few pages I wanted to comment on specifically:
1. Giving a credit for positive lab tests, but not for under-dosed lab tests looks bad. The purpose of testing is to ensure quality and safety for the community. You're incentivizing only showing results in your favor and making mistakes easier to sweep under the rug.

2. No customer with half a brain would take an in-house test over a 3rd party test. That's what we call the fox guarding the hen house. If you think @janoshik is doing the test wrong why don't you set up a discussion between him and your chemist to hash it out? It will be less headache for you in the long run no matter the outcome. Either Jano or your chemist adjusts their method and there's no more discrepancies.

If you don't have the time or skills (not an insult, no one is good at everything) to think of solutions perhaps you could ask 5 or 6 intelligent vets to join an email or messaging thread where they could consult on ways to mitigate/hand issues.
Idk where did I mentionned that the jano testing is wrong or compared him with in house testing but I guess you totally missed my point that I was talking about the answers you get from other chinese sources about jano testing... not my job to teach people how to read, that could save you some time writing all this.
Back to business, the international oils are all sold out, we shipped all inventory to usa and eu
some oils expected in eu next week.

Restock will take some time, we will keep a small inventory in future in Qingdao city.

So no more oil orders international the next days.

In the meantime you can keep ordering oils from domestic warehouses, and you can keep ordering raws and peptides normally.
Only the international oils are sold out (temporary)

I hope I am clear.

I will be taking advantage from this lack of stock, to take some days off too, working a minimum, spending time with familly, to rest a bit, answering few emails once or twice a day, giving tracking numbers, identifications, but accepting few orders only so not all emails will get replies, 3-4 days, until the weekend, then will start again with full time.
Thank you for understanding.
Enjoy your well earned rest. Thanks for all your hard work.
Back to business, the international oils are all sold out, we shipped all inventory to usa and eu
some oils expected in eu next week.

Restock will take some time, we will keep a small inventory in future in Qingdao city.

So no more oil orders international the next days.

In the meantime you can keep ordering oils from domestic warehouses, and you can keep ordering raws and peptides normally.
Only the international oils are sold out (temporary)

I hope I am clear.

I will be taking advantage from this lack of stock, to take some days off too, working a minimum, spending time with familly, to rest a bit, answering few emails once or twice a day, giving tracking numbers, identifications, but accepting few orders only so not all emails will get replies, 3-4 days, until the weekend, then will start again with full time.
Thank you for understanding.
Back to business, the international oils are all sold out, we shipped all inventory to usa and eu
some oils expected in eu next week.

Restock will take some time, we will keep a small inventory in future in Qingdao city.

So no more oil orders international the next days.

In the meantime you can keep ordering oils from domestic warehouses, and you can keep ordering raws and peptides normally.
Only the international oils are sold out (temporary)

I hope I am clear.

I will be taking advantage from this lack of stock, to take some days off too, working a minimum, spending time with familly, to rest a bit, answering few emails once or twice a day, giving tracking numbers, identifications, but accepting few orders only so not all emails will get replies, 3-4 days, until the weekend, then will start again with full time.
Thank you for understanding.
Glad payment went through a few days ago, lol.

Enjoy your downtime!
Back to business, the international oils are all sold out, we shipped all inventory to usa and eu
some oils expected in eu next week.

Restock will take some time, we will keep a small inventory in future in Qingdao city.

So no more oil orders international the next days.

In the meantime you can keep ordering oils from domestic warehouses, and you can keep ordering raws and peptides normally.
Only the international oils are sold out (temporary)

I hope I am clear.

I will be taking advantage from this lack of stock, to take some days off too, working a minimum, spending time with familly, to rest a bit, answering few emails once or twice a day, giving tracking numbers, identifications, but accepting few orders only so not all emails will get replies, 3-4 days, until the weekend, then will start again with full time.
Thank you for understanding.
Can we know wich oil will hit the eu warehouse?And when?