Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

As has been explained several times, when the products are available domestically they are no longer available internationally and vice-versa. QSC has moved many products to domestic warehouses recently which is better for our safety and speed of delivery
So ordering to the uk , which list is it ? International or eu
@narta Man, love ya, but you just aren't getting it... HUGE difference between new drugs and stuff thats been out there and used by 10s if not 100s of thousands and Rx d for a decade and a brand new drug used by 500 people. just fyi ghrp been around since 89 aswell. anyhoo, time will tell, hope you were one of the folks who said vax isn't tested enough...

also larger picture if drug becomes available in UGL prior to big pharma best believe a HUGE crack down is coming... big pharma is not happy when spend 100s of millions just to loose HUGE $$$, will team up with others for class action/lobbying against china for producing. this, again, has happened over and over in the past couple of decades. best believe 1 bad thing happens to 1 person with a new un registered drug, esp in the current climate when actually everyone talks about Ozempic.

just fyi from JUST last week... https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/20/health/novo-nordisk-lawsuits/index.html

nova prob won't go after china unless they get a patent extension to 2035, as may not be worth spending too much if expires in 5 or so years.
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Trying to confirm this but I can't find anything about this in orforglipron studies. Some state that there's a 20-40% oral bioavailability. I think because it's not a peptide that it might not need those other ingredients, but I also can't find a detailed breakdown of the formulation they're using for the pills in the studies.

Curious about this, too. The pharmaceutical preparations might have more to them then just raw powder, even if we can get 100% pure raw powder.
The time stamp is the same (12:00AM). Sometimes these are just bad translations. Your package is just being inspected by customs, nothing more.
I checked via local post app says detained for further inspection..
I'm just curious how they are going to test it I'm sure they just want to know what's inside the vials..
I checked via local post app says detained for further inspection..
I'm just curious how they are going to test it I'm sure they just want to know what's inside the vials..
Depending on your country, it doesn't necessarily mean they will test it (or even open the package for that matter). Many packages send for secondary inspection are just screened by drug sniffing dogs.
Depending on your country, it doesn't necessarily mean they will test it (or even open the package for that matter). Many packages send for secondary inspection are just screened by drug sniffing dogs.
Middle east..
Yeah customs and the feds are on it just Checked with the post office website.
Do you see any results from it? I am just running it because of claims, not really seeing anything substantial

ya not much observable with GHK, no real anecdotes either for sub-q, I think there is evidence that can help skin (although too much makes skin worse).. I think it comes down to that the half life is far to short and would need 4X per day in order to see any real benefit and would likely have metal poisoning before than... My FEELING is that one needs GHK not attached to copper, and perhaps if could make a transdermal slower absorption its possible... not sure there is a whole lot of data on ghk in general other than it MAY play roles in certain things and that it declines as we age...(some decent certainty on some things IIRC)
20mg/ml in alcohol so plenty soluble.... 1.5ml for 30mg dosage.. sounds like the way to go... sometimes a little ph change can help push things along aswell may be worth looking into if want t stronger... but certainly cheap and easy enough and will get better dosing with solution vs suspensions.

here comes name calling when @narta realizes he is wrong lol..
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20mg/ml in alcohol so plenty soluble.... 1.5ml for 30mg dosage.. sounds like the way to go... sometimes a little ph change can help push things along aswell may be worth looking into if want t stronger... but certainly cheap and easy enough and will get better dosing with solution vs suspensions.

here comes name calling when @narta realizes he is wrong lol..
You can't tell the difference between a suspension and a solution.

Anavar suspension at 20mg/ml? Sure.

Solution? Sure. At 4.8mg/ml ethanol and I doubt anyone is ingesting 6ml pure ethanol each dose.

As I said, you failed chemistry.
Dont you Ausies say Cunt a lot?
Like "You're a good cunt mate", vs "You're a fucking cunt!" ( bad cunt). Just wondering. Always interested in local colloquiallisms.
Yeh, it's basically a term of endearment. 'Champ', 'Champion' and 'Buddy' are reserved for blokes you hate and usually result in punch on's. Onya mate