Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Looks like Protonmail is rejecting your Tutanota address now fyi. I will create a Tutanota address and email you there. Proton has just become too big of a pain in the butt.

Edit: Disregard. I see your email changed again. I’ll send to updated. (Should have checked)


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To avoid any additional confusion, sticking it in the fridge won't help. You need to inject it your body.
yeah this is clearly the only way it works

Just stick in the fridge. JfC why are people making this so complicated.

Un reconstituted= fridge
Reconstituted= fridge.

i meant for 2 years storage sorry, obviously I can just fridge it, but can I put it in the freezer, i understand it's a peptide so I see no issue why but some people say not to.
I’m def interested in retatrutide, since both sema and tirz give me insomnia. Beard this is a side effect of GLP-1’s because they increase sympathetic drive and cortisol secretion and I’m just ridiculously sensitive to it. Wondering if this one might work for me since pill form might mean smaller half life
yeah this is clearly the only way it works

i meant for 2 years storage sorry, obviously I can just fridge it, but can I put it in the freezer, i understand it's a peptide so I see no issue why but some people say not to.

Sorry I'm being an asshole lol, for 2 years? I think fridge is still okay my only concern with freezing stuff is condensation but in a small vacuum sealed vial your probably good either way.
Sorry I'm being an asshole lol, for 2 years? I think fridge is still okay my only concern with freezing stuff is condensation but in a small vacuum sealed vial your probably good either way.
It's all good I shouldn't even ask here. Fridge may last that long, probably will. I am not even having it out of the shipping package until use. (using over the course of 1-2 years but yeah.) I just dont want it to kill it somehow or some shit, I paid $$$ for it and all.
I’m def interested in retatrutide, since both sema and tirz give me insomnia. Beard this is a side effect of GLP-1’s because they increase sympathetic drive and cortisol secretion and I’m just ridiculously sensitive to it. Wondering if this one might work for me since pill form might mean smaller half life
you can also try rybelsus - oral semaglutide.
Or you try victoza - liraglutide which has to be injected daily

It's all good I shouldn't even ask here. Fridge may last that long, probably will. I am not even having it out of the shipping package until use. (using over the course of 1-2 years but yeah.) I just dont want it to kill it somehow or some shit, I paid $$$ for it and all.

until last week ive used Jintropin which expired in 2021 - felt exactly the same as a fresh batch.
As long as stored in the freezer and preferable in a packaging (no direct light) there nothing to worry about 2 years storage
yeah this is clearly the only way it works

i meant for 2 years storage sorry, obviously I can just fridge it, but can I put it in the freezer, i understand it's a peptide so I see no issue why but some people say not to.
Unreconstituted is great in freezer. If you already added water, it’s a bad idea. Janoshik test fridge/freezer shit and confirmed it can help to keep as cold as possible, which we already knew but nice to get hard data to back that up. I reconstituted it doesnt matter that much compared to just keeping it out of the light (especially sunlight), but for 1+ years it would start to matter and be recommended to keep in reconstituted cold.
you can also try rybelsus - oral semaglutide.
Or you try victoza - liraglutide which has to be injected daily

until last week ive used Jintropin which expired in 2021 - felt exactly the same as a fresh batch.
As long as stored in the freezer and preferable in a packaging (no direct light) there nothing to worry about 2 years storage
I’d expect oral semaglutide to have the same effects because it’s literally the same compound just at 50x the weekly dose to overcome low bioavailability. But if anything the AAS community discussions have taught me that the weirdest “impossible” things really can make all the difference for some people. You truly never know.

Thanks for the anecdote about 2 y/o Jintropin.
I’d expect oral semaglutide to have the same effects because it’s literally the same compound just at 50x the weekly dose to overcome low bioavailability. But if anything the AAS community discussions have taught me that the weirdest “impossible” things really can make all the difference for some people. You truly never know.

Thanks for the anecdote about 2 y/o Jintropin.
Still about a week half life so I’m looking into liraglutide instead. But there’s something to different delivery methods despite it being the same hormone, or peptide, or even vitamin. Too much inter-individuality that’s it’s not worth discussing and just trying everything and seeing what works for you
You put un-reconstituted HGH in the fridge? Why?
Why not?

I mean, I have room in the fridge, keeping at a lower temperature will do nothing but preserve it relative to room temperature fluctuations.

So I have room in my fridge I stick it in there.

I go through the shit so fast though I doubt it would make a difference either way.
You put un-reconstituted HGH in the fridge? Why?
It does slightly extend the life of the peptide. It’s not game-changing by any means, per Jano testing. But it’s slightly better so if u have the space/it’s easy there’s no reason not to (assuming container doesn’t leak air in which could lead to humidity/condensation).
You are a liar because you said I openely advertised: benzos, amphetamines, and F precursors.

If we talk about BDO, it's a 100% legal chemical in China, and since I had my doubts about it I already asked Millard about it 1 year ago (still have the chat) and he told me to not advertise it in Meso, and not include it on public lists.
So I never did that.

Same for GBL, and it was banned few months ago in China too.

I removed also Tianeptine from my price list and never included it, even it's legal in many USA states, for the simple reason that it can be abused and after a little chat with Millard he adviced me to not offer this.

For BMK, it's a chemical out of many, used to create nasal decongestants like and to create cleaning agents and stain removers, so it's legal in china, but still I never advertise it in Meso for the simple reason that it can be used for other reasons such as precursor and I never sold a single gram of it.

Our company is very strict regarding this subject, because lately many chinese have been busted, and as chemical sellers we don't know always the bad use of some chemicals, so when we know it's linked and related to reactional drugs productions, we stop selling and get rid of the stock.

As far as I know I've always did the necessary to keep this business far from all those shitty compounds, and to keep us far for LE attention, so I never advertised any of the drugs or drug precursors in meso.

It's always been the deseperate way of the haters to attack chinese sources, is to talk about them like Fentanyl sellers.
I'll blame it on English being your second language, but I never claimed you sold fentanyl precursors, I simply said I don't think you're above doing so given your track record of selling other recreational drugs. You are totally welcome to correct me and say you would never do that and you draw the line before fentanyl, I respect that and I wouldn't dispute it at all if that's your stance. I just know that ethics aren't your forte and gave a few examples of compounds I know you do sell.

You sort of made my point by defending selling GBL, BDO as legal. Yes, they're legal. You draw the line at what is available to you, not what is good to sell. This claim that BMK has soooo many other uses is thrown out the window when you specifically ask people if they're interested in BDO, GBL, or BMK. You know exactly what purpose you're trying to market BMK for when you pair it with rec drugs.

In any case, I am glad to hear you won't sell fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, or precursors. That's good news. You can always private message me your apology when you're ready to admit I wasn't lying, I just pissed you off, and as usual your mouth is bigger than your brain.