Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

hmm okai. I had 2 different HGH both tested about 97% without dimer. The chinese hgh gave me waterretention and cts and the pharmagrade gave me zero waterretention and cts, but both tested almost the same. For me it is inexplicable.
I used 4iu of the pharma hgh. From the chinese one i used only2-3iu and had bad cts :-/
Time to stay pharma then. You get what you pay for MOST of the time. This topic has been beaten up so many times now in the forums and even in some youtube fitness podcasts.

Lots of pros and gymbros have actually been using 18ius of serostim and documented it, no water retention or cts. Go check out chase irons they've been discussing this everywhere in Promuscle, and anabolic bodybuilding channel. So much explanation and discussion about it already.
Time to stay pharma then. You get what you pay for MOST of the time. This topic has been beaten up so many times now in the forums and even in some youtube fitness podcasts.

Lots of pros and gymbros have actually been using 18ius of serostim and documented it, no water retention or cts. Go check out chase irons they've been discussing this everywhere in Promuscle, and anabolic bodybuilding channel. So much explanation and discussion about it already.
Yes i know that. But what is the differenr between pharma and chinese hgh when they both have almost the same purity. Cant understand it, and no one can tell the differences what cause different effects.
Time to stay pharma then. You get what you pay for MOST of the time. This topic has been beaten up so many times now in the forums and even in some youtube fitness podcasts.

Lots of pros and gymbros have actually been using 18ius of serostim and documented it, no water retention or cts. Go check out chase irons they've been discussing this everywhere in Promuscle, and anabolic bodybuilding channel. So much explanation and discussion about it already.
Yup. There’s a reason 100iu if generics is $60 and $126iu of Serostim is $600+.
and why both tested around the same purity and dimer on hplc ?
Do you think gym bros have the scientific answer for this? Even the doctor in some podcasts talking about it cannot pinpoint the real reason for the difference, unless you have a clinical setting with trials to separate the difference you cannot distinguish the exact, definite reason.

You are wasting your time trying to rationalize this. Either buy real pharma or tolerate the side effects, let your dollar decide.
mannitol is a non caloric sweetener, wouldn't be very great if smelled strong like solvents. ie the smell is a volatile in order to smell it easily likely a solvent used in manufacturing some folks just say its the bac water however the smell is different IMO although def adds to the smell, otherwise every peptide and even test cyp would have a similar smell because of BA content. I dont know but interesting that someone notes same smell from insulin, so likely some manufacturing left over.

its been discussed before that mannitol will reduce water retentions but isn't enough to do much of anything in amounts in a vile even if took whole thing in 1 go.

has been noted in the past that potentially (never seen evidence) that generics/fakes just were antidiuretic to give side effects like hgh.

I dont think big pharma says not to use hgh in children because of mannitol, as thats who its actually used for, kids. of course some others with wasting AIDS etc but now days with AIDS more or less being cured its kids who get HGH RX. all that to say I doubt majority of pharma HGH says not to use in kids.

I suspect there is different isoforms/analog(may be incorrect term) of somatropin and varying levels of the isoforms offer slightly different effects, OR simply pharma is used more sparingly. one thing for sure is I dont know and I dont think anyone knows with certainty. but like HCG has 6 or so isoforms of varying levels, the alpha being IIRC what acts as a memetic for LH etc in males. this is one reason why pharma uses IU, as its not a dosage per say but rather the effectiveness of the drug which may include multiple forms. even vitamin C or other vitamins are not exact same and can have different orientations at molecular level. not sure why I cant remember the term but its a thing. more specifically vitamin D is not just a singular thing "vitamin D" and why it is expressed as IU and not mg as it needs to have useful forms in the group in order to get a specific effect.

anyway, dragging things off topic but its important folks understand that a drug etc esp when is expressed as IU is usually a group of varying things and is not like getting a mg of pure gold. or like how synthetic B12 is a totally different name/chemical than naturally occurring b12 blue cyanocobalim
vs natural methylccobalim red stuff and I I think there is even further forms that occur naturally, but all called B12.

I tried Lasix to get rid of water retention and it didn't do shit, I don't think diuretics in pharma, if there even is, is the difference maker
It’s not all brands of HGH as they have varying degrees of mannitol etc. norditropin pens used to have quite a lot and as such had a warning not to be used in children under 10 I believe. But eh… it changes regularly.
nope lol def doesn't change regularly takes ALOT of money and time to make changes to indicated uses. first and ONLY on label indications for use is children, not sure where u got that idea from that Nord isn't for kids, but its false. refer to monograph if have further misunderstanding. no brand would say dont use in kids as thats VAST majority of the clients/use.
its likely because iu has never been tested for effectiveness and likely other isoforms involved.. ie 1mg of one doesn't nessasarly mean 3iu of UGL generics and like HCG, HGH is not 1 singular compound although VERY close and because mass is nearly if not exactly the same it doesn't show separate peaks on jano testing(ie 22Kda), although perhaps a slower/more expensive technique could shed light on differences or perhaps only sophisticated testing would work.

quick google shows this article raises this question of isoforms and GH.
Selective quantification of the 22-kDa isoform of human growth hormone 1 in serum and plasma by immunocapture and LC–MS/MS - Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry wether or not its probable the isoforms have differing affinities/sides I have 0 idea but I mean has to be SOME reason its noted so often, unless some e-coli puke is the culprit or a strong placebo.

and why both tested around the same purity and dimer on hplc ?
do you over think everything ? Eat right and train consistently hard . Are you gonna be a pro? Use the generic .. save your money .. or if u have the extra cash and it gives u piece of mind and u can access some legit pharm grade do it .. move on, you asked the same question. 15 times and got good answers ..
nope lol def doesn't change regularly takes ALOT of money and time to make changes to indicated uses. first and ONLY on label indications for use is children, not sure where u got that idea from that Nord isn't for kids, but its false. refer to monograph if have further misunderstanding. no brand would say dont use in kids as thats VAST majority of the clients/use.
Bruh … “somatropin should not be used in a child. Certain brands of somatropin contain an ingredient that can cause serious side effects or death” . I am literally just repeating the information you get in the pamphlet inside the box with the pen. It changes all the time because there are multiple manufacturers of HGH products that use the same manufacturers somatropin and then they release multiple variants of products… some clearly saying not for use in children as they are more so targeted at aids wasting and adult health issues the newer generations of HGH for children only require 1x injection a week. The earlier generations of Norditropin pens were not suitable for infants or children but this changed fairly quickly.
@biggestdog lol well ur not as I quoted from the monograph.. I think u must of misunderstood something. but again, first indication and only one they have is for kids.. if you want to find where it says that please post but I think u will be surprised.

not sure why u are pretending to quote something that is clearly not an actual quote? lol

ahh I think your misunderstanding is from it saying not to use in infants because of benzyl alcohol. but again, #1 indication for on label use of the brand u said is not for kids, is actually JUST for kids..
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okaai, so maybe you know why our hgh cause more waterretention then pharma hgh? and why you dont use metacresol in our hgh?
I dont have any water retention with QSC's hgh. Also from my experience this can vary from brand to brand and even happens with pharma. This is a very individual thing, some have it with a specific brand, others dont.