Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think they are just laughing at you. You're a joke.
You're the joke. You join and spend all your time licking this sources ballbag because you're a gearwhore shill. What is Qingdao telling you to do next. Throw a meltdown and storm off saying that MESO isn't welcoming of new members...
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Yep... You're in the fucking trailer park for Qingdao trying to flood this thread with bullshit. Nobody gives a fuck that you bought because you didn't provide anything substantive. You say you already ordered more and contradict yourself in the next post by saying you purchase in bulk. Gotta get 100 grams of your dick powder.

Every shill uses the same line "I bet you look like a bloated fat piece of shit."

I'll guess that you're one of those 165 pound 5'6" girls that's "shredded" but doesn't look like you use gear or lift.
Never said I already ordered more. I said I have two parts of my order that are still on the way. I said I would order more GH soon since I didn't buy enough. Learn to read fatty.

I'm NOT sending their gear to Janoshik to please your irrelevant fatass. You are a NOBODY. All their products are legit, and I found out about them through my buddy who uses their OILS, RAWS, and GH for contest prep. They are also well known for their GH, you would know that unless you live under a rock. There's a reason domestic sources on this sub source their raws from Qingdao and comment on this thread about it, as well as on the French MESO board.

Isn't it sad you've been lurking on this thread for so long now hoping to deter customers away, but the reality is you haven't accomplished shit.
Stay mad and jealous. You're missing out buddy boy.
"All their products are legit..."
Even the ones that tested like shit. No need to engage the shills, their posts always say all that needs to be said about them.
Never said I already ordered more. I said I have two parts of my order that are still on the way. I said I would order more GH soon since I didn't buy enough. Learn to read fatty.

I'm NOT sending their gear to Janoshik to please your irrelevant fatass. You are a NOBODY. All their products are legit, and I found out about them through my buddy who uses their OILS, RAWS, and GH for contest prep. They are also well known for their GH, you would know that unless you live under a rock. There's a reason domestic sources on this sub source their raws from Qingdao and comment on this thread about it, as well as on the French MESO board.

Isn't it sad you've been lurking on this thread for so long now hoping to deter customers away, but the reality is you haven't accomplished shit.
Stay mad and jealous. You're missing out buddy boy.

LOL... of course you're not getting it tested.

You're trying too hard to wrangle customers in to purchase. You should ease up, too many people already recognize that you are a shill.

I'm a nobody. Just like you are a nobody. What's your point?
LOL... of course you're not getting it tested.

You're trying too hard to wrangle customers in to purchase. You should ease up, too many people already recognize that you are a shill.

I'm a nobody. Just like you are a nobody. What's your point?
No, because if I get one product tested, you and your no-life cronies are gonna say, "what about the rest?" You are the shills being paid to tear this source down. Pretty obvious actually. I bet you totally test all the gear you get from your scammy domestic sources, oh wait you don't because you're gullible and think price = quality.

I'm just going to enjoy my gear and GH that has been recently tested (by the way), and vouched for by my close friend who runs their stuff for contest prep and who introduced me to them.

No time to argue with some fattys being paid to tear this source down. If you're not being paid, then I feel bad for how much free time you have on your hands.

~A shredded beast who's smarter and better looking than you signing out
No, because if I get one product tested, you and your no-life cronies are gonna say, "what about the rest?" You are the shills being paid to tear this source down. Pretty obvious actually. I bet you totally test all the gear you get from your scammy domestic sources, oh wait you don't because you're gullible and think price = quality.

I'm just going to enjoy my gear and GH that has been recently tested (by the way), and vouched for by my close friend who runs their stuff for contest prep and who introduced me to them.

No time to argue with some fattys being paid to tear this source down. If you're not being paid, then I feel bad for how much free time you have on your hands.

~A shredded beast who's smarter and better looking than you signing out
I'm actually curious to see what you look like now. Do you compete? Serious question
No, because if I get one product tested, you and your no-life cronies are gonna say, "what about the rest?" You are the shills being paid to tear this source down. Pretty obvious actually.

I'm just going to enjoy my gear and GH that has been recently tested (by the way), and vouched for by my close friend who runs their stuff for contest prep and who introduced me to them.

No time to argue with some fattys being paid to tear this source down. If you're not being paid, then I feel bad for how much free time you have on your hands.

Classic from the shill handbook "YOU guys are working for the competition". Qingdao must be so great because "the competition" is apparently employing 100s of guys to "tear them down" all over the internet. Do a google search. Their peptides universally receive garbage reviews.

I don't care if you test your shit or not. The people reading this thread just need to see that your opinion means nothing without having test results to back it up. Pretty simple.

Qingdao is not a large global producer of raws. It's a bullshit story for 2-3 felons that are stomping product and sending out shit for a cheap price. Economics shows this is true. Supply and demand dictates the price. Qingdao can charge less because it's crap. Walmart caters to the trailer park losers that are broke the same way.
No, because if I get one product tested, you and your no-life cronies are gonna say, "what about the rest?" You are the shills being paid to tear this source down. Pretty obvious actually. I bet you totally test all the gear you get from your scammy domestic sources, oh wait you don't because you're gullible and think price = quality.

I'm just going to enjoy my gear and GH that has been recently tested (by the way), and vouched for by my close friend who runs their stuff for contest prep and who introduced me to them.

No time to argue with some fattys being paid to tear this source down. If you're not being paid, then I feel bad for how much free time you have on your hands.

~A shredded beast who's smarter and better looking than you signing out
It is incredible, I have said both positive and critical things about many sources and never once has anyone offered me any money to try to influence opinions about anyone. Hypothetically what does the gig pay?
I'm actually curious to see what you look like now. Do you compete? Serious question
I said my buddy who introduced me to Qingdao competes, not me. I probably could and easily just wipe the floor with all the competitors, but I rather invest my time into something that actually pays.
Classic from the shill handbook "YOU guys are working for the competition". Qingdao must be so great because "the competition" is apparently employing 100s of guys to "tear them down" all over the internet. Do a google search. Their peptides universally receive garbage reviews.

I don't care if you test your shit or not. The people reading this thread just need to see that your opinion means nothing without having test results to back it up. Pretty simple.

Qingdao is not a large global producer of raws. It's a bullshit story for 2-3 felons that are stomping product and sending out shit for a cheap price. Economics shows this is true. Supply and demand dictates the price. Qingdao can charge less because it's crap. Walmart caters to the trailer park losers that are broke the same way.
Bahahaha. I used Domestic UGLS and PEPTIDE sources for years, and it's obvious all their products are from China and maybe even Qingdao, who knows. The PEPTIDE sources make it obvious as fuck by literally reselling the vials they bought in bulk from China, and the UGLS make it a bit less obvious by only buying raws and doing the rest themselves. Either way both Domestic UGLS and PEPTIDE sources are full of shit and also scammers for reselling products that you can buy for the same or better quality and 10x cheaper from Qingdao or Chinese sources in general.
It is incredible, I have said both positive and critical things about many sources and never once has anyone offered me any money to try to influence opinions about anyone. Hypothetically what does the gig pay?
I wouldn't know. I just have nothing to complain about from Qingdao. Shipping was long sure, but it was worth it.
@mrbishop takes this very personally. He's definitely NOT a shill, just defending a random drug dealer everywhere.....

I said my buddy who introduced me to Qingdao competes, not me. I probably could and easily just wipe the floor with all the competitors, but I rather invest my time into something that actually pays.
Nice, what are your stats? Height n weight?
Bahahaha. I used Domestic UGLS and PEPTIDE sources for years, and it's obvious all their products are from China and maybe even Qingdao, who knows. The PEPTIDE sources make it obvious as fuck by literally reselling the vials they bought in bulk from China, and the UGLS make it a bit less obvious by only buying raws and doing the rest themselves. Either way both Domestic UGLS and PEPTIDE sources are full of shit and also scammers for reselling products that you can buy for the same or better quality and 10x cheaper from Qingdao or Chinese sources in general.
yea, I'm learning. I seem to have read that multiple times before...


It's almost like there's a shill script that people follow.
I suspect these “shills” are actually queenpow herself trying to guide this thread in a positive direction. Just my opinion. Because no actual person could be approving this source right now.

We literally have 5000iu hcg tested at 2600 and the most recent peptide list has it labeled at 5000iu. So they’re once again selling mislabeled underdosed poorly brewed gear. Facts.

Edit: if it was just the hcg that was underdosed, … meh we’d live. But then if you didn’t send it for testing you don’t get reimbursed??? the nerve lol

Then you got the majority of oils tested by Jano underdosed.

Hcg was the first peptide I’ve seen a member on English meso do… and look how that turned out.
@FiendedPower man dont lost time , this ppl are shill from other sources who try to discredit qingdao . The question it´s very easy ... who wants to buy and test their products do it and whoever wants to buy from another provider do it , it´s not necessary to come here to say the same shit every day, Meso should put moderators in this forum to ban all that garbage

@FiendedPower man dont lost time , this ppl are shill from other sources who try to discredit qingdao . The question it´s very easy ... who wants to buy and test their products do it and whoever wants to buy from another provider do it , it´s not necessary to come here to say the same shit every day, Meso should put moderators in this forum to ban all that garbage

Then where would you go?
@FiendedPower man dont lost time , this ppl are shill from other sources who try to discredit qingdao . The question it´s very easy ... who wants to buy and test their products do it and whoever wants to buy from another provider do it , it´s not necessary to come here to say the same shit every day, Meso should put moderators in this forum to ban all that garbage

You'd be the first to go, you worthless sellout.
@FiendedPower man dont lost time , this ppl are shill from other sources who try to discredit qingdao . The question it´s very easy ... who wants to buy and test their products do it and whoever wants to buy from another provider do it , it´s not necessary to come here to say the same shit every day, Meso should put moderators in this forum to ban all that garbage

Haha maybe Qingdao could just fuck off to a different forum where moderators protect sources