Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


Solid thread bump too, ShillBitch.
Yesterday I said I didn't reorder yet. Now today I did. Lot changes in one day. Welcome to the ignore list. No time to deal with nolifes who lurk the thread. Sad life you live little man. Keyboard warrior troll.
Hope it works out for you man. Keep us posted.
Will do

@all what use their oils u All do IM?
Do u all think they work good steril?
Their oils seem higher quality than the overpriced domestic trash I usually buy. Switched from Domestic Tren to Qingdao Tren.
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Anavar and T3 out for delivery. Coming early. Going to dose some anavar preworkout. Dont have my milligram scale with me so I'll just take a handful out of the bag and eat it. 1gram of Anavar preworkout should be real good.
Their oils seem higher quality than the overpriced domestic trash I usually buy. Switched from Domestic Tren to Qingdao Tren.
Your eyes are definitely calibrated to determine whether the oils are "higher quality". What a bullshit stupid answer.

Tren can be lighter color because the raws haven't oxidized, or the brewer didn't fucking cook the brew for longer than necessary or at a stupid high heat... or well, the tren could be 20% lighter because the shit contains 20% less Tren.

You can't tell by looking at the oils. You need to get them tested to know if they are better or worse. Only retarded knuckleheads go by feelzzz.
Anavar and T3 out for delivery. Coming early. Going to dose some anavar preworkout. Dont have my milligram scale with me so I'll just take a handful out of the bag and eat it. 1gram of Anavar preworkout should be real good.
Fucking retarded.

Geez... You sound surprisingly similar to the Qingdingdong rep. Stupid "ignore list" comment and all.
Fucking retarded.

Geez... You sound surprisingly similar to the Qingdingdong rep. Stupid "ignore list" comment and all.
I was going to post exactly this. If I didn’t see a different username, I’d have assumed that was the source posting by the structure, word choice, and comment choices. Almost like it’s just the source on an alt account. Curiously, you only ever see one or the other posting at a time. I wonder why.

Lo fucking L
Why is there so much bashing and bitching like little girls in this thread. Its ridiculous. Been in the game for over 25 years and Ive never such little bitches in here dam. Its a sources thread respect it and if you have issues take to email. The bickering back in forth is so 2022. Woke ass libs
Why is there so much bashing and bitching like little girls in this thread. Its ridiculous. Been in the game for over 25 years and Ive never such little bitches in here dam. Its a sources thread respect it and if you have issues take to email. The bickering back in forth is so 2022. Woke ass libs
LOL at the "source respect". That's given where earned. Fuck that.

Being all nicey-nice is the woke ass lib way.

We're pressuring this source to do shit the right way, starting first with exposing the alt-accounts and shills that this source has planted here. If you want to defend your source then post up some test results. They're going to be WAY off though like most of the ones that have been posted.
Why is there so much bashing and bitching like little girls in this thread. Its ridiculous. Been in the game for over 25 years and Ive never such little bitches in here dam. Its a sources thread respect it and if you have issues take to email. The bickering back in forth is so 2022. Woke ass libs

On most boards, disputes are kept in email unless a resolution can't be reached. Then only after approved by the mods can you post your dispute in public forum. It's just a free for all bitching match in here.
Why is there so much bashing and bitching like little girls in this thread. Its ridiculous. Been in the game for over 25 years and Ive never such little bitches in here dam. Its a sources thread respect it and if you have issues take to email. The bickering back in forth is so 2022. Woke ass libs
Source respect only applies to respectable sources.
Is Isotretinoin active when not dissolved in oil? Because every pharma accutane comes in oil caps?
Isotretinoin is very sensitive to moisture and humidity. It's hard to work with in powder form because it will clump and get solid. They put it in the gel caps to avoid those issues during manufacturing (i.e. they immediately turn it to liquid gel so it doesn't solidify). If you purchase isotretinoin and only use a portion of it, the remainder will be solid and you'll have to grind it back into powder form with mortor and pestle
Isotretinoin is very sensitive to moisture and humidity. It's hard to work with in powder form because it will clump and get solid. They put it in the gel caps to avoid those issues during manufacturing (i.e. they immediately turn it to liquid gel so it doesn't solidify). If you purchase isotretinoin and only use a portion of it, the remainder will be solid and you'll have to grind it back into powder form with mortor and pestle
I tend to use mortar and pestle to make a geometric dilution with starch as a filler and capsulate the mix. You think that is possible with Isotretinoin?
This still isn't most boards yet. We don't need mod approval to hold sources or their shills accountable in most cases. With the recent bans and all of the source board transplants it'll likely become just like the rest. Similar to what happens when California voters move to other states just to make it into the shit hole they just left.
I tend to use mortar and pestle to make a geometric dilution with starch as a filler and capsulate the mix. You think that is possible with Isotretinoin?
If it's packed well then it should arrive as a powder. Once you unpack it, you can work it just like any other API. But if you try to store it in a plastic bag or anything, it will be a rock by the time you use it again. So plan on turning it all into caps at once and you should be fine, provided the Chinaman sends it correctly.
I was going to post exactly this. If I didn’t see a different username, I’d have assumed that was the source posting by the structure, word choice, and comment choices. Almost like it’s just the source on an alt account. Curiously, you only ever see one or the other posting at a time. I wonder why.

Lo fucking L
Never met someone that delusional in my life. Welcome to the ignore list bot. In the meantime I'll keep updating the thread with photos and reviews of the products I get as they get delivered. Cry about it.

Why is there so much bashing and bitching like little girls in this thread. Its ridiculous. Been in the game for over 25 years and Ive never such little bitches in here dam. Its a sources thread respect it and if you have issues take to email. The bickering back in forth is so 2022. Woke ass libs
Probably because all the little cronies on this thread think that anybody with a positive review is a shill. Mindboggling