Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm bilingual from Canada so I just read through the French meso thread before buying where there isnt so much spam.... People actually test there. I was happy with what I read and the tests I saw before buying. I been on 2IU for 2 days now. It's only 2 IU and only been 2 days so obviously I cant say much, but NO fast onset of ugly water retention or any bs that comes from shitty HGH. I think someone else posted a mini review of the 4 -5IU he was using. Not to mention my friend who competes uses 4-8iu of Qingdao GH. That's why I made an account here 2 months ago.
You’re so fucking bad at pretending you’re not affiliated with this source. Stop. You’re making yourself look bad. But you won’t because you’re too arrogant to realize how stupid you are, so you’ll keep digging.
dude its already on his list as 2600iu hcg, so stop talking bullshit.
Oh I must’ve missed that can you quote the list comment? Thanks

Edit: I see it there on the pdf. I was mistaken.

Glad he fixed his mistake by changing the number. Definitely good at editing. Brewing?…. Ehhhhh not so much. But hey it’s cheap!
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I get what people are trying to accomplish due to some low tests on oils and the terrible HCG test. However, the way you guys are doing it isn't effective. It looks like a few dudes whining and spamming.

The "shill" argument works either way. While it is pretty likely the source does have "shills" or alt accounts. You guys could just as easily be a "shill" for another source here to drive business away from this one.

Without more testing what you're doing isn't "putting pressure" on this dude. One could say he doesn't care enough about your approach for it to have any effect.

So as we stand now he's advertising the items that tested lower at that concentration. Is it likely other untested items are of lower concentration? Absolutely, but spamming the same things over and over will never prove that point. People will continue to be drawn to this source because the thought that somewhat low concentration for very low prices is probably acceptable for a lot of consumers. Is that the best outcome for the members of this board? Nah, but if you want to put pressure on him you'll need to actually put bad testing data out there.

Just my thoughts, I've never posted on this thread but I do expect to be called a shill because it's easier than accepting that a low effort approach to holding a source accountable is not working.
I haven't buy yet from this source. But I think all those members bashing so bad this source is competitors if this source and inherent sources shills. Other sources here had much worse problems than underdosed hcg but the members didn't shit so much on them and they're still here.
I haven't buy yet from this source. But I think all those members bashing so bad this source is competitors if this source and inherent sources shills. Other sources here had much worse problems than underdosed hcg but the members didn't shit so much on them and they're still here.

Should be easy enough to prove then.
Every members post history is just a couple of clicks away.
I haven't buy yet from this source. But I think all those members bashing so bad this source is competitors if this source and inherent sources shills. Other sources here had much worse problems than underdosed hcg but the members didn't shit so much on them and they're still here.
This is an outright false statement. Have you looked at most of the members bashing this source? Most are longer term members true to source accountability or members burned in some way. There may be a few new accounts jumping in with pitchforks but to call them competitors is wrong.

And you really believe other sources had worse problems and got by easier? You obviously haven't spent much time reading source threads from the past. This source is getting by the easiest, thanks to members continuing to buy from this arrogant China salesman.
This is an outright false statement. Have you looked at most of the members bashing this source? Most are longer term members true to source accountability or members burned in some way. There may be a few new accounts jumping in with pitchforks but to call them competitors is wrong.

And you really believe other sources had worse problems and got by easier? You obviously haven't spent much time reading source threads from the past. This source is getting by the easiest, thanks to members continuing to buy from this arrogant China salesman.
Yeah I realize I’m the new guy so the potential counter-shill argument is most applicable to me. I have the same account name on SST though and have for like a year. Also, early in this thread I was very interested in this source before he started stepping all over his dick.

I like that he adjusts dosages on his price sheet. I appreciate it, it’s cool, so yeah there’s that. But it’s just a shame that so many come back considerably underdosed. Buying an untested one seems like flipping a card over. Is it 500mg/ml, 100mg/ml? No one knows but you’re welcome to find our yourself! Then you look at his track record and it very much begins to feel like Russian roulette.

Which, you know what? I could look past even then given the prices assuming I were compensated for the underdosing I’m likely to find out. Which is mostly what I’m butthurt about. The source goes on about buying through him so he’ll take care of you if anything happens. Well, looking through this thread some things happened.

Then the source hemmed and hawed through every excuse in the book to refund even chump change. Even to the point of refusing to help affected customers because they weren’t nice enough and hurt his peepee. Then he just puts them on ignore and says they’re shills. Fuck all that. That’s amateur hour girls club bullshit, not how an adult runs a business.
Yeah I realize I’m the new guy so the potential counter-shill argument is most applicable to me. I have the same account name on SST though and have for like a year. Also, early in this thread I was very interested in this source before he started stepping all over his dick.

I like that he adjusts dosages on his price sheet. I appreciate it, it’s cool, so yeah there’s that. But it’s just a shame that so many come back considerably underdosed. Buying an untested one seems like flipping a card over. Is it 500mg/ml, 100mg/ml? No one knows but you’re welcome to find our yourself! Then you look at his track record and it very much begins to feel like Russian roulette.

Which, you know what? I could look past even then given the prices assuming I were compensated for the underdosing I’m likely to find out. Which is mostly what I’m butthurt about. The source goes on about buying through him so he’ll take care of you if anything happens. Well, looking through this thread some things happened.

Then the source hemmed and hawed through every excuse in the book to refund even chump change. Even to the point of refusing to help affected customers because they weren’t nice enough and hurt his peepee. Then he just puts them on ignore and says they’re shills. Fuck all that. That’s amateur hour girls club bullshit, not how an adult runs a business.
He definitely acts like a child when responding to controversy. I was waiting to see if his attitude changes towards others & right now it seems like he's trying to change his tone (quiet lately) or does he just have the naysayers on ignore?
He definitely acts like a child when responding to controversy. I was waiting to see if his attitude changes towards others & right now it seems like he's trying to change his tone (quiet lately) or does he just have the naysayers on ignore?
He ignores them with his main account to save face and instead does the same petty bullshit on his dummy accounts. Once one realizes that’s what he’s doing (and his dummy accounts are painfully obvious given their join dates, post history, and content of said posts), it makes his behavior even worse.

At this point I’m ok with the idea of buying cheap underdosed gear from the company, but I don’t want to do it through this guy. Fuck this guy.
This is an outright false statement. Have you looked at most of the members bashing this source? Most are longer term members true to source accountability or members burned in some way. There may be a few new accounts jumping in with pitchforks but to call them competitors is wrong.

And you really believe other sources had worse problems and got by easier? You obviously haven't spent much time reading source threads from the past. This source is getting by the easiest, thanks to members continuing to buy from this arrogant China salesman.
Go read pharmacom thread. I mostly say for them.
This is just my opinion. Not to say this source isn't shit. Probably is but I've seen worse handling easier.
I haven't buy yet from this source. But I think all those members bashing so bad this source is competitors if this source and inherent sources shills. Other sources here had much worse problems than underdosed hcg but the members didn't shit so much on them and they're still here.
It’s not a deep hidden agenda as much as it is just a bunch of kids with an ego and a chip on their shoulder. They seem to spend all of their day on meso, not missing a single comment and if you pay close attention, most of them don’t even use PEDS. What they may not realize is that in itself calls their motives into question (to your example) from any rational on-looker with even moderate critical thinking skills.

But here is the rub- meso is by far the most tested board on the web because of this dynamic. To source on meso, you have to survive the mob and to survive the mob you HAVE to be good.

Do I wish there was a better balance? Sure! But balance doesn’t seem to be something we do well as humans. You can go to boards where sources pay so nobody reviews them negatively or come to meso where someone try’s to get a source deep 6’d because they don’t like the carrier oil. In either event, the responsibility lies in the end user to do the research.
It's been proven in the past that keeping pressure on the source and his "shills" has pushed sources out. There just used to be more members active doing it so it was more effective. I rarely see members called shills for having different opinions on this topic, they're usually called shills when it's earned.
I get what people are trying to accomplish due to some low tests on oils and the terrible HCG test. However, the way you guys are doing it isn't effective. It looks like a few dudes whining and spamming.

The "shill" argument works either way. While it is pretty likely the source does have "shills" or alt accounts. You guys could just as easily be a "shill" for another source here to drive business away from this one.

Without more testing what you're doing isn't "putting pressure" on this dude. One could say he doesn't care enough about your approach for it to have any effect.

So as we stand now he's advertising the items that tested lower at that concentration. Is it likely other untested items are of lower concentration? Absolutely, but spamming the same things over and over will never prove that point. People will continue to be drawn to this source because the thought that somewhat low concentration for very low prices is probably acceptable for a lot of consumers. Is that the best outcome for the members of this board? Nah, but if you want to put pressure on him you'll need to actually put bad testing data out there.

Just my thoughts, I've never posted on this thread but I do expect to be called a shill because it's easier than accepting that a low effort approach to holding a source accountable is not working.
Oh just shut the fuck up. You don't know how many people have decided not to buy based on this thread.
It's been proven in the past that keeping pressure on the source and his "shills" has pushed sources out. There just used to be more members active doing it so it was more effective. I rarely see members called shills for having different opinions on this topic, they're usually called shills when it's earned.
Agreed, and the white nights that come to defend a source, never last long either.