Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anavar and T3 out for delivery. Coming early. Going to dose some anavar preworkout. Dont have my milligram scale with me so I'll just take a handful out of the bag and eat it. 1gram of Anavar preworkout should be real good.
hmm, you're going to take 1 gram of anavar? So, that 1000mg, which is way over the average dose of 50 to 100mg a day. People don't do what he's doing & measure out your gear so you're taking this properly everyday. Sorry, this kind of stuff is wasting gear. Get your solution which could be premade & measure out your grams, so you know exactly how much you're using each dose.
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hmm, you're going to take 1 gram of anavar? So, that 1000mg, which is way over the average dose of 50 to 100mg a day. People don't do what he's doing & measure out your gear so you're taking this properly everyday.
I dont have time to measure it and I'm kinda feeling an anavar pump before work today. If I croak then my 7 kids will be fatherless but it is what it is. Sucks to suck
I dont have time to measure it and I'm kinda feeling an anavar pump before work today. If I croak then my 7 kids will be fatherless but it is what it is. Sucks to suck
lol, its probably not going to kill you....its just that is a lot of dosages....using more just is a waste, your body doesn't benefit. Just like any other gear, the effects lesson, which is why people use more the longer they stay on.
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lol, its not going to kill you....its just that is a lot of dosages....using more just is a waste, your body doesn't benefit. Just like any other gear, the effects lesson, which is why people use more the longer they stay on.
The guy is a total joke but he'll ball up his fists and kick and scream about how awesome he is and how he can just tell by lookzzzz that products are superior to anything else he's ever received.
lol, its not going to kill you....its just that is a lot of dosages....using more just is a waste, your body doesn't benefit. Just like any other gear, the effects lesson, which is why people use more the longer they stay on.
Haha, I'm just joking man. I got a new milligram scale and micro scoopers on the way. I will dose my anavar as accurate as possible today, but it may cause a bit of waste since I have no scale or scoopers with me today. 50-100mg probably......

As for the T3... a solution must be made otherwise it's too unsafe. Dosing in MCG with raw powder not safe unless you make a solution. I agree.
Never met someone that delusional in my life. Welcome to the ignore list bot. In the meantime I'll keep updating the thread with photos and reviews of the products I get as they get delivered. Cry about it.

Probably because all the little cronies on this thread think that anybody with a positive review is a shill. Mindboggling
Make sure to ignore me on your other dummy accounts too dummy lol
The guy is a total joke but he'll ball up his fists and kick and scream about how awesome he is and how he can just tell by lookzzzz that products are superior to anything else he's ever received.
Of course it’s superior. You don’t need to test QINGDAO’s gear. You can tell it’s superior just from looking at it.

But really though, don’t test it. It’ll come back 50% underdosed lol
Haha, I'm just joking man. I got a new milligram scale and micro scoopers on the way. I will dose my anavar as accurate as possible today, but it may cause a bit of waste since I have no scale or scoopers with me today. 50-100mg probably......

As for the T3... a solution must be made otherwise it's too unsafe. Dosing in MCG with raw powder not safe unless you make a solution. I agree.
which micro scoopers did you get? You have a link thanks
It's usually best to ask this BEFORE buying something. Probably underdosed like their HCG.
Their HGH has been tested many times before... not just by lab test, but by blood tests too. The HCG wasnt tested by members until now I guess. So much spam on the English board you cant see anything on here. On the French board there is no spam and people actually post tests unlike here. Out of all their products they are known for their HGH especially. It's good shit.
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Their HGH has been tested many times before... not just by lab test, but by blood tests too. The HCG wasnt tested by members until now I guess. So much spam on the English board you cant see anything on here. On the French board there is no spam and people actually posts tests unlike here. Out of all their products they are known for their HGH especially.
Well, let's see some testing that isn't 9 months old. Because I know they are on another batch by now.
Just received hgh blue tops off the whattsapp person any one had any succes with these
I'm bilingual from Canada so I just read through the French meso thread before buying where there isnt so much spam.... People actually test there. I was happy with what I read and the tests I saw before buying. I been on 2IU for 2 days now. It's only 2 IU and only been 2 days so obviously I cant say much, but NO fast onset of ugly water retention or any bs that comes from shitty HGH. I think someone else posted a mini review of the 4 -5IU he was using. Not to mention my friend who competes uses 4-8iu of Qingdao GH. That's why I made an account here 2 months ago.
I'm bilingual from Canada so I just read through the French meso thread before buying where there isnt so much spam.... People actually test there. I was happy with what I read and the tests I saw before buying. I been on 2IU for 2 days now. It's only 2 IU and only been 2 days so obviously I cant say much, but NO fast onset of ugly water retention or any bs that comes from shitty HGH. I think someone else posted a mini review of the 4 -5IU he was using. Not to mention my friend who competes uses 4-8iu of Qingdao GH. That's why I made an account here 2 months ago.
Do you actually think anyone believes a thing you say when it comes to this source? You posting is the best thing for us trying to hold him accountable. Your posts show you unhinge your jaw for him and that you're clearly full of shit.
Later I'll multi quote a couple of your gems and post it on each page with some of the sources just to remind people.
2 days after I pinned primo e parabolan and masteron p oils in delts zero pip.
on their hgh too and my hands are having some strong carpal tunnel sides.
Tren is not dark like other labs, idk what oil is used, looks different
Their finished oils use sesame oil
Maybe we can start using the word “PED slut” instead of shill? Shills getting old

Maybe AAS provokant?