Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Edit. I'll say it seems extremely shady. At least you signed into the right account when you posted.
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Bullshit. You got caught. No way in hell your timeline tracks. Especially with how busy you said you were with orders. Alt account huh? Shady shady shady. Good catch @combover
Easy for him to prove it, is to go to google and say whats my time....snapshot it & post...I know the timezone QSC is in
Easy for him to prove it, is to go to google and say whats my time....snapshot it & post...I know the timezone QSC is in
Right. Because in 4 days he went from never ordering to placing an order, the source process and ships the order and the pack landing. Sure thing. Better chance of it being an alt account.
On that note I'm bowing out of this thread. I'll say this on the way out especially to new guys. Make sure you read post history of the guys pimping this source because as evidence in this thread its shady as fuck. There's another guy that recently popped in here that sucks literally every new domestic source cock that shows up. He's late to the newest one but he'll be there. Read the members history that bash too, see if they pimp other sources.

This source has been about as blatantly shitty as that's been around in a minute. Fuck you quindick and your alt accounts.
Easy for him to prove it, is to go to google and say whats my time....snapshot it & post...I know the timezone QSC is in
VPN is an easy way to get around that.

Pretty sketchy, writing style seems similar too.
So are you sending it to be tested at HPLC? Just curious.....
I've asked some other members in CN if they know of somewhere that I can send it, I'm particularly interested in the Primo 200.

Easy for him to prove it, is to go to google and say whats my time....snapshot it & post...I know the timezone QSC is in
The package was sent the same day, arrived last night after I'd already left work, picked it up at lunchtime today, it's currently 2pm.
I've asked some other members in CN if they know of somewhere that I can send it, I'm particularly interested in the Primo 200.

The package was sent the same day, arrived last night after I'd already left work, picked it up at lunchtime today, it's currently 2pm.
So you did you make a post and say, "I'm not ordering because of the posts I've seen" and then after submitting post, you immediately opened proton or Alibaba and placed an order?

Even if that is true, which it's not, it just shows that what you say carries zero value so you might as well not even post.

Go create another new account and try again...
So you did you make a post and say, "I'm not ordering because of the posts I've seen" and then after submitting post, you immediately opened proton or Alibaba and placed an order?

Even if that is true, which it's not, it just shows that what you say carries zero value so you might as well not even post.

Go create another new account and try again...
I decided to make an order of products that has tested well, as it meant only slightly changing my blast, then used my current email account as I have no faith that any 'secure' emailing system is at all secure in this part of the world.
I decided to make an order of products that has tested well, as it meant only slightly changing my blast, then used my current email account as I have no faith that any 'secure' emailing system is at all secure in this part of the world.
Proton is encrypted between senders, trust me if they broke it, the world would know.
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Check your PMs, I've tried to offer some proof of my situation.
I got it and replied. I removed my dick rubbing post before I read it but you beat me.

I still say there a lot of dick rubbing going on.

@Hcuro sent me proof he's in china right now and he ain't a Chinaman.
I ordered a good amount of var raw. It will be tested. Just ordered though so its gonna be a minute. Great service up to now
I’m trying really hard to remain objective on this source, despite their meal rep being such an unethical dipshit. Given the price, I’d be REALLY interested in seeing those results. If you do get them tested thanks in advance