Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Did some dude rlly just admit to not only being Leo but also threaten to snitch and expect a refund? This thread never ceases to amaze me. I’ll have three large quarter pounders just cheese and a Dr. Pepper please.
I think he is just hurt that he received an empty package and got told to pound sand lol.

This is why you only spend money you are ready to lose. I expect every transaction as a bet, it's always 50-50. Every source can screw you over at any given point, a good source can go bad in a flash and exit the game anytime.
I guess I spent enough time today answering Canadian bored guys, I know it might be cold during summer and you can't go out, but it's not a reason to waste my time lol

Going back to my emails :)
Did you get through them all? I know proton mail been having issues so im wondering because im waiting on one
The whole "no rules" thing goes both ways. It's a tough line to walk if you won't ban scamming to protect customers, hard to justify banning everyone you think might be a cop in order to protect sources.
I understand where you are coming from, but there’s a difference between might be LE, and “I work down the hall from the cops that investigate this kinda stuff”
Ban the canadian narc! I was down for believing his unlikely story of a jealous obese postman stealing his semiglutide. Until he turned into a Dirty Little Bitch Snitch, and dirty snitches can't be trusted or believed. Snitches and Narcs will lie about anything to get what they want.