Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

yes, with sustanon, npp, tren a, tren e, mast p.
HGH on the way.

But sorry, no soup for you.
Wasn’t asking to place an order, I’ll just hand it off to some other people for an order and see if they can figure anything out. Guess we will see how well you commies handle Canadian law enforcement agencies. This is one of the smallest orders I’ve had placed with you, and you fuck it up. It’s the principal of it now My friend.
I ordered July 9th, received tracking the 10th and delivered to US on the 22nd. I’ve sent an email asking for help identifying the items on the 23rd and 30th. Posting here to check if those emails have gone through.
And I’ve placed orders with you from atleast 5 different emails to 3 differing addresses, so good luck discriminating on orders lol.. you’re a clearnet drug vendor.. you sell to anyone.
Damn man I'd hate to live in Canada. I hear their people are supposed to be friendly but almost every Canadian in this thread wake up angry and are always complaining about something.
Damn man I'd hate to live in Canada. I hear their people are supposed to be friendly but almost every Canadian in this thread wake up angry and are always complaining about something.
You’d be mad too if your order showed up empty, paid for reship insurance and the vendor won’t follow through, what’s your point.
You’d be mad too if your order showed up empty, paid for reship insurance and the vendor won’t follow through, what’s your point.
I've lost a few thousands to missing or lost packages long before I knew about any forums. I never cried about it. It's drugs
I've lost a few thousands to missing or lost packages long before I knew about any forums. I never cried about it. It's drugs
I've lost a few thousands to missing or lost packages long before I knew about any forums. I never cried about it. It's drugs
Because you’re like 100 years old, can’t complain about the vendor if the internet didn’t exist.. it’s the principal of the matter, paid reship insurance, package shows up empty, vendor says fuck you… quite literally lol.
Imagine threaten to snitch on a sources warehouse and thinking you will get a refund. Also you seem to hate the "communist china" but still want their cheap drugs? lol
It’s not really snitching if you work for an Leo agency is it? It’s more just like giving work to your brothers in another department. And I’m not asking for a refund, at this point it’s just the principal.