Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

?? why r u telling me this

I am telling you so you don't have any easy way to use the vials.

Definitely don't want to simplify your life

Or you can order it from them internationally from QSC
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guys i need your advice! I have doubts about the products from QSC because I have been injecting 500 mcg BPC 157, 200 mcg Ipamorelin, 200 mcg CJC 1295 MOD GFR daily for almost 4 weeks. I don't feel anything until now. I have so many joint, muscle, cartilage problems in my body, none of that has improved. I don't expect miracles. With so many positive experiences here, I was hoping for more. Now I ask myself, what do I inject into my body every day? Can someone tell me a reliable source that delivers peptides to Germany? Have a nice evening.
guys i need your advice! I have doubts about the products from QSC because I have been injecting 500 mcg BPC 157, 200 mcg Ipamorelin, 200 mcg CJC 1295 MOD GFR daily for almost 4 weeks. I don't feel anything until now. I have so many joint, muscle, cartilage problems in my body, none of that has improved. I don't expect miracles. With so many positive experiences here, I was hoping for more. Now I ask myself, what do I inject into my body every day? Can someone tell me a reliable source that delivers peptides to Germany? Have a nice evening.
Ipa and CJC are not the best advice for injuries.
What kind of injuries do you have, what are you expecting and where do you inject BPC?
I definitely would add TB-500 in a high dosage.