Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You cant run a TB Healing cycle off of one or two vials.

My dog and I did see results from it(HE used to limp).

tennis elbow resolved, same with my dogs limp.

Happy to hear I’m not the only mf that thought to give this to their dog. Same result.

Did you give BPC and TB to your dogs? How much did you each give them? I started giving BPC and TB to mine, but I ran out. I'm going to start giving it to him again when my order gets here.
Anyone else having problems with ordering? Sent an order a week ago still no response. Thought it was overlooked and sent new order after waiting through weekend, but still nothing
Anyone else having problems with ordering? Sent an order a week ago still no response. Thought it was overlooked and sent new order after waiting through weekend, but still nothing
I am in the same boat. I exchanged a few clear, fast emails with the
"sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn" address. I submitted my order and immediately paid with bitcoin, providing the screenshot confirmation they ask for.

Now Tracy has been silent for the past 10 days despite a few requests for an update or a confirmation that the bitcoin was received successfully (or not, if that is the case). I am not sure what is going on but both the email address and rep on here have gone silent on me.
also, where you were having the most pain, I would probably do local injections to that area and like @HotPepper said, add Tb500
BPC157 and TB500 are systemic. Meaning it doesn't matter where you inject it and injections near injury won't provide any further benefit.

I have ran both (not QSC) for a partial pec tear and recovery was very quick.
Anyone else having problems with ordering? Sent an order a week ago still no response. Thought it was overlooked and sent new order after waiting through weekend, but still nothing
I am in the same boat. I exchanged a few clear, fast emails with the
"sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn" address. I submitted my order and immediately paid with bitcoin, providing the screenshot confirmation they ask for.

Now Tracy has been silent for the past 10 days despite a few requests for an update or a confirmation that the bitcoin was received successfully (or not, if that is the case). I am not sure what is going on but both the email address and rep on here have gone silent on me.

It's not normal, I always answer within 24-48 hours maximum, so after 3 days it means the email didn't went through, maybe try using another email.
guys i need your advice! I have doubts about the products from QSC because I have been injecting 500 mcg BPC 157, 200 mcg Ipamorelin, 200 mcg CJC 1295 MOD GFR daily for almost 4 weeks. I don't feel anything until now. I have so many joint, muscle, cartilage problems in my body, none of that has improved. I don't expect miracles. With so many positive experiences here, I was hoping for more. Now I ask myself, what do I inject into my body every day? Can someone tell me a reliable source that delivers peptides to Germany? Have a nice evening.
Do you have access to Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium? My experience here Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium for injection Also running BPC-157 with GHK-CU. I ordered PPS through US online provider who ships from US compounding pharmacy. I couldn't find a veterinary source or I would have used that for sure! Much cheaper. If QSC could source that it would be a dream come true.
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