Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ipa and CJC are not the best advice for injuries.
What kind of injuries do you have, what are you expecting and where do you inject BPC?
I definitely would add TB-500 in a high dosage.
Thank you for your tip! But I've read that you shouldn't use TB 500 because it makes flexible joints even more flexible. That's why I didn't order TB 500.
Es hört sich so an, als ob Sie keinen Plan hätten und Ihre Probleme nur mit verschiedenen Peptiden bekämpfen würden, in der Hoffnung, dass sie besser werden. Wenn Sie ernsthafte Probleme haben, benötigen Sie einen Plan und eine Anleitung. Abhängig von Ihren Beschwerden spüren Sie möglicherweise eine Zeit lang nichts von den Peptiden. Ich habe es nicht getan. Außerdem haben Sie möglicherweise nicht die richtige Dosierung oder die richtigen Peptide für Ihren Bedarf. Persönlich ging ich zu einem Arzt, um mir zu helfen. Wenn Sie möchten, dass die Leute im Forum Ihnen helfen, würde ich Ihren eigenen Beitrag erstellen und sie über die tatsächlichen Probleme informieren. Das Einzige, was ich jedoch nicht tun würde, wäre, auf den Thread einer Quelle zuzugreifen und nach anderen Quellen zu fragen. Das ist respektlos.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Empfehlungen. Das finde ich nicht respektlos. Es gibt wichtigere Bereiche im Leben, denen Respekt entgegengebracht werden sollte.
Ich bin nicht so planlos. Die Kombination und das Protokoll habe ich dem Buch von Dr. Seeds William entnommen. Trotzdem vielen Dank für Ihren Rat.
Haben Sie Zugang zu Pentosanpolysulfat-Natrium? Meine Erfahrung hier : Pentosanpolysulfat-Natrium zur Injektion. Läuft auch mit BPC-157 mit GHK-CU. Ich habe PPS über einen US-amerikanischen Online-Anbieter bestellt, der von einer US-amerikanischen Compounding-Apotheke aus versendet. Ich konnte keine tierärztliche Quelle finden, sonst hätte ich sie auf jeden Fall genutzt! Viel billiger. Wenn QSC das beschaffen könnte, wäre das ein wahrgewordener Traum.
war das an mich gerichtet?
sounds like you got a lot going on, but do not know how severe it is. I have had a lot less injuries or more isolated injuries, and I was injecting twice a day, local to that area and was injecting 350 to 500 mcg each injection.

I would definitely increase the dosage to maybe 1000mcg and split it up into 2 injections - morning and evening.

also, where you were having the most pain, I would probably do local injections to that area and like @HotPepper said, add Tb500.

Also, you might consider adding a low injection of deca.


I agree with txhero on this, BPC really shines for me at 1000mcg doses, I get the joint benefits and the mental clarity and well being effects as well at that dose.

Have either of you had any side effects at all? I've been afraid to go above the 500mcg a day with BPC157 - yet I'll do 1.5mg of TB500 3 times a week. But I've had pharma grade BPC157 and it seemed to give me those cognitive effects, like it was healing serotonin/dopamine receptors....I'd like to see if I can get back to that, or maybe it's all healed, I don't know.

Been doing that BPC/TB combo for 3 weeks now and the numbness in my hand from a fucked up...something, nerve maybe I don't know, is pretty much healed completely. I'm talking hand on the shifter in the car and can't feel it, now I can...magical and scary.

Has anyone noticed hair improvement with GHK? Personal dosing? Including how much BAC to add to remove or at least minimize that slow burn and prevent nodules, makes it hard to keep it going.
Have either of you had any side effects at all? I've been afraid to go above the 500mcg a day with BPC157 - yet I'll do 1.5mg of TB500 3 times a week. But I've had pharma grade BPC157 and it seemed to give me those cognitive effects, like it was healing serotonin/dopamine receptors....I'd like to see if I can get back to that, or maybe it's all healed, I don't know.

Been doing that BPC/TB combo for 3 weeks now and the numbness in my hand from a fucked up...something, nerve maybe I don't know, is pretty much healed completely. I'm talking hand on the shifter in the car and can't feel it, now I can...magical and scary.

Has anyone noticed hair improvement with GHK? Personal dosing? Including how much BAC to add to remove or at least minimize that slow burn and prevent nodules, makes it hard to keep it going.

my first round of the BPC 157 was three years ago. I had a lingering injury on my brachialis, and I started with the dosage of 800 mcg split into two doses and had no issues whatsoever. since then I've bumped up to 1000 and I've had no issues or any noticeable side effects.

I have also had blood work done while I was taking BPC - blood work was done for other reasons. It was just a coincidence that I was using it and everything look normal as well.

I will dry hump someone for some domestic HGH kits rn. Looking at you QSC *bites lip erotically* I can’t do pens I never learned how to write…
I cant do pens either cause my chick does a low dose so 42ius a pen and she does 1iu a day Im scared that a lot will expire. I just dont know the shelf life once mixed. Ive asked here but not reply