Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

guys i need your advice! I have doubts about the products from QSC because I have been injecting 500 mcg BPC 157, 200 mcg Ipamorelin, 200 mcg CJC 1295 MOD GFR daily for almost 4 weeks. I don't feel anything until now. I have so many joint, muscle, cartilage problems in my body, none of that has improved. I don't expect miracles. With so many positive experiences here, I was hoping for more. Now I ask myself, what do I inject into my body every day? Can someone tell me a reliable source that delivers peptides to Germany? Have a nice evening.

It sounds like you don't have a plan and are just throwing different peptides at your issues hoping they will get better. If you have serious issues, you need a plan and some guidance. Depending on your issues, you may not feel anything from the peptides for a while. I didn't. Plus you may not be on the correct dosages or correct peptides for what you need. Personally I went to a doctor to help me. If you want people in the forum to help you, I would create your own post and let them know what the actual issues are. The one thing I wouldn't do though, is come onto a source's thread and ask for other sources. That's disrespectful.
You sir, are a liar. Burger King sucks ass.

It hasn't been my way since I was 5 and didn't know any better
I've literally never had bk without getting sick hours later. I always suspected it was the char broil
So I know if stuff is available domestically, you can't order it internationally. However if you need stuff that isn't available domestically also, do you have to do two separate orders and pay 2 shipping fees, or can you wait for the international stuff to reach the warehouse and have everything shipped at the same time?
So I know if stuff is available domestically, you can't order it internationally. However if you need stuff that isn't available domestically also, do you have to do two separate orders and pay 2 shipping fees, or can you wait for the international stuff to reach the warehouse and have everything shipped at the same time?
Yes it’ll be 2 separate orders and you pay shipping on both. I had HCG come USA domestic and Sema/BPC come international.

Tracy mentioned a while back if an item is in stock in USA warehouse you’ll have to get it from there instead of intl warehouse.
guys i need your advice! I have doubts about the products from QSC because I have been injecting 500 mcg BPC 157, 200 mcg Ipamorelin, 200 mcg CJC 1295 MOD GFR daily for almost 4 weeks. I don't feel anything until now. I have so many joint, muscle, cartilage problems in my body, none of that has improved. I don't expect miracles. With so many positive experiences here, I was hoping for more. Now I ask myself, what do I inject into my body every day? Can someone tell me a reliable source that delivers peptides to Germany? Have a nice evening.
sounds like you got a lot going on, but do not know how severe it is. I have had a lot less injuries or more isolated injuries, and I was injecting twice a day, local to that area and was injecting 350 to 500 mcg each injection.

I would definitely increase the dosage to maybe 1000mcg and split it up into 2 injections - morning and evening.

also, where you were having the most pain, I would probably do local injections to that area and like @HotPepper said, add Tb500.

Also, you might consider adding a low injection of deca.

sounds like you got a lot going on, but do not know how severe it is. I have had a lot less injuries or more isolated injuries, and I was injecting twice a day, local to that area and was injecting 350 to 500 mcg each injection.

I would definitely increase the dosage to maybe 1000mcg and split it up into 2 injections - morning and evening.

also, where you were having the most pain, I would probably do local injections to that area and like @HotPepper said, add Tb500.

Also, you might consider adding a low injection of deca.


I agree with txhero on this, BPC really shines for me at 1000mcg doses, I get the joint benefits and the mental clarity and well being effects as well at that dose.