Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think this is an overly confident position to take when you consider how things like carrier oil are known to change absorption rates of injectable AAS. It is recorded in medical literature that Nebido Test U absorbs slower due to the carrier oil used. If castor oil can slow the absorption of the hormone then of course the excipients/carrier oil used are relevant in the discussion of hormone release.

Suffice to say that both are relevant. Does BB speed up the release from the ester? Maybe, maybe not, but more BB relative to more carrier oil may make release from the ester *begin* more quickly, so the effect is the same as increasing the rate of ester breakdown.
This sent me down a rabbit hole. Lol. Table 2 of this study is interesting.

I understand what you mean, I'm simply suggesting that for practical purposes its effectively the same thing. Ultimately we care about the effective absorption rate and half-life of the drug. Carrier oils and excipients can hasten or slow this, just as esters do. So it may be true that different % of BB can hasten or slow the absorption of the drug, just as it is true that different carrier oils do, just as it is true that different esters do. Testosterone Acetate in castor oil will not have the same rate of hormone release as Testosterone Acetate in miglyol840.

Fair enough and probably relatively agreeable, no? And that's probably what the person you responded to was getting at.
So the half life clock doesn’t start until it is released from the oil and the different BB concentration is going to cause a different rate of release?

This whole conversation got started because of claims that low BB will cause PIP. I think you are on to something when you said BB% relative to carrier oil matters.
would consider that to be a fairly convincing authority on the status of the shipment. CanadaPost never updates past 'presented to cbsa' if its seized I don't think. You'll never see a CanadaPost update saying 'seized'

was this a direct shipment or a reship ?
I’ve run multiple compounds from QSC with no pip at all, but Jesus Harold Christ that primo 200 was like getting hit with a spiked baseball bat by your wife after she found out you fucked her best friend.
Worst pip I’ve ever had (and I’ve been doing this for a long time) and lumps didn’t go away for almost 2 weeks. Sucks because those kits aren’t cheap.
Everything else I’ve run from him I’ve been happy with. Just going to chalk it up as a loss.
Man the same thing is happening to me with the primo 200. Reduced my dose to .3ml ED (with .3ml test p) rotating between 6 spots, getting golf ball sized lumps and pain, now affecting my mobility and sleep. I’ve tried heating it up and going deeper
So the half life clock doesn’t start until it is released from the oil and the different BB concentration is going to cause a different rate of release?

This whole conversation got started because of claims that low BB will cause PIP. I think you are on to something when you said BB% relative to carrier oil matters.
Correct, the ester means nothing until you actually begin absorbing and processing the oil. What's the half-life of Testosterone Enanthate in MCT oil and 15% BB when its still in the syringe? It ain't being absorbed any faster than Testosterone Acetate in Miglyol840 in a syringe. What matters is how quickly you begin actually absorbing the injection and carrier oil/excipients are factors in that. You cannot expect to accelerate the absorption process to be more rapid than the ester allows, but you can certainly slow it down, so effectively it is entirely acceptable to suggest that higher BB may make for more rapid absorption than lower BB, just as MCT makes for faster absorption than Castor oil. You simply still run into a processing 'floor', which is the actual ester.
Correct, the ester means nothing until you actually begin absorbing and processing the oil. What's the half-life of Testosterone Enanthate in MCT oil and 15% BB when its still in the syringe? It ain't being absorbed any faster than Testosterone Acetate in Miglyol840 in a syringe. What matters is how quickly you begin actually absorbing the injection and carrier oil/excipients are factors in that. You cannot expect to accelerate the absorption process to be more rapid than the ester allows, but you can certainly slow it down, so effectively it is entirely acceptable to suggest that higher BB may make for more rapid absorption than lower BB, just as MCT makes for faster absorption than Castor oil. You simply still run into a processing 'floor', which is the actual ester.
Makes sense.
I hope he can get to emails today(or to mine). Wanted a bigger than avg order going.

I know he is really busy
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@Canuck83 and @Stamkos have in mind that usually high concentration steroids are easier to produce pip. Imo 200mg/ml of primobolan enanthate is a high concentration. It can be achieve of course, without crashing, but many people will have pip. To achieve those concentration sometimes it is used not only BB but other component that might not be good for you. I would advice to stay with standard concentration, in this case 100mg/ml will make no pip at all

@Canuck83 and @Stamkos have in mind that usually high concentration steroids are easier to produce pip. Imo 200mg/ml of primobolan enanthate is a high concentration. It can be achieve of course, without crashing, but many people will have pip. To achieve those concentration sometimes it is used not only BB but other component that might not be good for you. I would advice to stay with standard concentration, in this case 100mg/ml will make no pip at all

For sure; but I’ve used qsc primo 200 prior and other labs 150/200mg primo for over a decade without issues like this. 100mg is tough when you’re trying to run 600mg+ a week plus other compounds
HGH empty pens for Cartridges available US domestic

200 pens available, 1 pen per order is possible, must be with Cartridge order or from customer who already ordered cartridges
Sorry, I know you emailed me . I submitted 3 orders total(changed my mind twice).

The one with the largest total is the current one. I decide to empty my wallet some more X_X