Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

5th order success. Exactly 2 weeks from order to landing for international US reship. Everything accounted for, just waiting on reply for SKUs. Happy as always with QSC
FINALLY have a TD. Almost 80 fuckin days since order placed. Don't blame QSC at all. Just a shipping and logistical nightmare. Packs were shipped in a timely manner and communication was prompt when needed and everything seems to be in order.
FINALLY have a TD. Almost 80 fuckin days since order placed. Don't blame QSC at all. Just a shipping and logistical nightmare. Packs were shipped in a timely manner and communication was prompt when needed and everything seems to be in order.
Genuinely happy for you. I know all of us were stressed at that time.
I think this may be true to a degree. I have read that MCT and other carriers with various viscosities will disperse the medication at varrying speeds but relgardless how quick it enters the bloodstream , as @narta explained- it doesn’t change the half life of the compound.

Iirc, someone posted a study showing Test U in castor oil having a longer half-life than other carrier oils, but that was the first I heard of BB having an effect.
So, bit of a difference between your "hepatotoxic" and my "stresses the liver". Typical liver stress indicators will be AST aka SGOT, ALT aka SGPT, HDL, and LDL. Oxandrolone is known to make these all worse.
Overall, you'll want your liver functioning at its best to help keep your HDL high, and LDL low ... and while generally we like to keep our AST and ALT low as well, it's worth noting that elevated levels don't always mean there's anything wrong with the liver -- it's possible to have elevated AST and ALT but actual liver functioning to be normal.

More if you want to find and click through a few yourself : Google Scholar -- (can use Sci-Hub: emancipation and democratisation of knowledge to access most paywalled papers)

A few additional selected resources:

("oxandrolone markedly increases hepatic lipase activity" ... seems consistent with "stresses the liver")

"Cholestatic jaundice with, rarely, hepatic necrosis and death; hepatocellular neoplasms and peliosis hepatis with long-term therapy; reversible changes in liver function tests also occur including increased bromsulfophthalein (BSP) retention, changes in alkaline phosphatase and increases in serum bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, SGOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT)."

https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2005/013718s023lbl.pdf (big ass giant warning in all caps on first page about liver cysts, liver failure, and liver cancer)
As for:

I don't know much about internal medicine. But I have noticed that Doxycycline (the current recommended treatment for chlamydia) is also not processed by the liver (it is primarily excreted by the gut and kidneys) but is also known to cause liver stress and in some cases, hepatotoxicity. Its half-life is also significantly increased in people who have a low-functioning or damaged liver. So, this logic about where something is processed vs. what it affects is definitely not always a clear-cut relationship.
Getting me through those paywalls! You're a God. TY

You think TUDCA and BPC-157 are enough to protect the liver?

BPC-157 is good for the liver but these studies are for specific types of damage:

And while we're sharing research tools. Check out elicit.org

It uses Chatgpt to sort through most research data bases and summarize the results.
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Here is a warning for anyone considering buying TestU oils. I have used QSC TestU oils @ 200mg/ml in the past and they were great. When they recently announced that they we going to start selling Test U @ 350mg/ml, I ordered 3 kits. Every one of the 30 vials of Test U was crashed. I warmed one up in a pan of water, swirling the vial and eventually the crystals when back into solution. Unfortunately as soon as they cooled, the crystals were back. I contacted QSC to ask for a refund of the product only and I would eat the shipping. Their response was that I should heat up the vial before every injection and they did not guarantee against crystals and pip. I can tell you, I will not be heating up Test that I KNOW will crystalize in my glutes. Just a heads up for those considering an order.

View attachment 250851View attachment 250852
The 350 mg/ml Test Undecanoate has been around for more than half a year. It sounds fantastic for TRT but it seems that the concentration is too high for the quoted reason. Are there more experiences by now?
Getting me through those paywalls! You're a God. TY

You think TUDCA and BPC-157 are enough to protect the liver?

BPC-157 is good for the liver but these studies are for specific types of damage:

And while we're sharing research tools. Check out elicit.org

It uses Chatgpt to sort through most research data bases and summarize the results.
No clue. I’d have to do more research. I suspect TUDCA can be helpful in some situations but it’s complicated … I recall there’s some research that if you take TUDCA as a normal healthy person with no AAS / ethanol / etc use, then TUDCA can actually damage the liver. It’s not clear to me where the lines are between “safe vs. unsafe” and “helpful vs. harmful” are. There’s a lot of recommended protocols out there but I’d need to comb through and document a massive amount of bloodwork postings before I’d even have a chance of establishing any kind of pattern.

Didn’t realize BPC-157 can help the liver. Will read up on that.
NAC is also helpful to the liver but allegedly chelates zinc and copper so can be helpful to supplement that (citation very much needed here…I might be wrong). Additionally it promotes the initiation of lung cancer and promotes growth of it:

No fucking clue overall. I’d probably rather protect my liver, so at least NAC makes sense. As for TUDCA I personally need to do more research on before taking anything which might require TUDCA. I personally shouldn’t take BPC-157 due to very personal risk factors which don’t apply to almost anyone else, so I don’t know much about its risk-benefit profile. Then again, I doubt it’s researched enough for anyone to.

I’m a lot stricter about facts when other people ask me things than I am when I ask myself. I have a high risk tolerance for actions that only directly affect myself, but a low risk tolerance for advice that affects others.
Getting me through those paywalls! You're a God. TY

You think TUDCA and BPC-157 are enough to protect the liver?

BPC-157 is good for the liver but these studies are for specific types of damage:

And while we're sharing research tools. Check out elicit.org

It uses Chatgpt to sort through most research data bases and summarize the results.
Just skimmed those papers. Based on their results I’d expect a lot more research on BPC-157 to be available from the past decade or so. Will have to look for more.
I just placed order to ship to Australia. Will update you guys how long it takes for anyone interested in Australian shipping times.
Recent 150iu kits, 24iu per day for 3.5 weeks, plus I was on less then that before that, have been doing 18iu pw and 6iu at night, I did 18iu in my delt ~58 minutes before the blood draw, stuff is fire.


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