Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

A small comment on the result of the anavar tabs.

For us the result is within our standards, and there is no problem with it:
tab 1: 11.72mg
tab 2: 9.41mg
tab 3: 9.15mg
Average = (11.72+9.41+9.15)/3 = 10.09mg

This result matches perfectly with the standards of more than 90% of customers who buy from UG, and you know very well that those who find a problem with this result you are a minority.

For the average bodybuilder, who will take 50 to 100mg per day of anavar, it will not affect their daily intake either in terms of health or in terms of gains, on the other hand it will do a lot of good for their wallet getting a box of anavar for less than $6 delivered domestically.

You are free to have very high pharma standards and to go elsewhere to take perfectly precise 0.01 mg at 10 times the price, which matches your standards, but it's useless to ask us to align with your standards, and again I just see hypocrisy because if some who were repeating "Fuck You QSC" on 150 pages like @MadBret because we don't match with his standards but he is considering buying in the comment bellow.

It shows how much it is the prices that determine the customer's decision, even if a buch of bored guys here mislead you into thinking that they will have more respect from the members by pretending that they have high standards.

If we have the most active thread on the forum, it's for a reason, it's that you're more interested in us than other sources that have standards that perfectly match your "pharma ones".

You have very high hopes in QSC, Meso has never seen so much lab testing from a source before our arrival, so it's up to you to make your decisions, either to adopt a fair attitude with the source, to keep a certain reactivity on the forum, and put an end to the spamming of trolls who joined in November/December instead of fueling this hatred, in this case you are winners, because I will respond to your comments, if I will invest my time on Meso, it's not to wage war with a bunch of mongs.

If you decide to keep it respectful I am here, if you don't I am not.

i actually agree with the comments on the dosing here. it COULD be better, sources show it can be better and i'd hope you would continue to work on that through the components of the process.

i am far more concerned about the issues with the injectables but at least you are going to be transparent about what their actual dosing is, so i at least know if i'm getting a large dosage difference.
A small comment on the result of the anavar tabs.

For us the result is within our standards, and there is no problem with it:
tab 1: 11.72mg
tab 2: 9.41mg
tab 3: 9.15mg
Average = (11.72+9.41+9.15)/3 = 10.09mg

This result matches perfectly with the standards of more than 90% of customers who buy from UG, and you know very well that those who find a problem with this result you are a minority.

For the average bodybuilder, who will take 50 to 100mg per day of anavar, it will not affect their daily intake either in terms of health or in terms of gains, on the other hand it will do a lot of good for their wallet getting a box of anavar for less than $6 delivered domestically.

You are free to have very high pharma standards and to go elsewhere to take perfectly precise 0.01 mg at 10 times the price, which matches your standards, but it's useless to ask us to align with your standards, and again I just see hypocrisy because if some who were repeating "Fuck You QSC" on 150 pages like @MadBret because we don't match with his standards but he is considering buying in the comment bellow.

It shows how much it is the prices that determine the customer's decision, even if a buch of bored guys here mislead you into thinking that they will have more respect from the members by pretending that they have high standards.

If we have the most active thread on the forum, it's for a reason, it's that you're more interested in us than other sources that have standards that perfectly match your "pharma ones".

You have very high hopes in QSC, Meso has never seen so much lab testing from a source before our arrival, so it's up to you to make your decisions, either to adopt a fair attitude with the source, to keep a certain reactivity on the forum, and put an end to the spamming of trolls who joined in November/December instead of fueling this hatred, in this case you are winners, because I will respond to your comments, if I will invest my time on Meso, it's not to wage war with a bunch of mongs.

If you decide to keep it respectful I am here, if you don't I am not.
Nice to see you took the time to read other shitty source threads or your little buddy coached you on what to say. Most active thread, trolls and the most bullshit claim of all the most testing. I hope members can see through your bullshit because it's lie after lie whenever you post. That's why you hide out, no other reason. When it comes to orals its not only the totL its the variance that's almost as important. 30% swing makes a difference but unsurprisingly you take no responsibility. You're nowhere near the standards that have been set.
Gotta be honest here, I’m not too worried about those anavar results. They’re stated they’re dosed @ 10, they all measured 9.X-11.X. I know I’ve been shitting all over this source and especially this rep but I’m trying to be objective and I don’t have much problem with those numbers.
A review of your posting history shows your account is only about 1 month old.
Almost every post has been made in this thread bashing Q.
The one non Q post talks about busts, so it seems you may be a dealer. Definitely not a new user.
So, you are definitely a shill account, an agent provocateur

My guess is, you are a domestic dealer, this is your shill account. And because you risk going to jail for being a dealer, you get very upset that asian companies are undercutting you on prices, and making it more convenient for customers to order from them vs you. Meso has a lot of people in the 'industry' who make their money in this line of work, and my guess more than a fair share of the hot air is coming from some of those members, upset Q is selling what they do at 1/10 the cost, while you and others like you risk jail time and fines for selling domestic. A lot of labs on here are making $100,000 a year. A lot of medium size dealers are no longer buying domestic, but buying direct from China. And it hurts you.

You need to present your case, instead of having an emotional hissy-fit if you want anyone to consider you even the slightest big legit.

Instead of using foul language, I'll request. everyone give you a group hug!
That's a really good story Sworder. Nah, it's none of that but really good deflection, bruh. There has never been a source here so surprised that they do not get respect right from the start. That's why after QueenDong's long rant I simply said "go fuck yourself".

You haven't answered my previous post to you though. You are posting "Ad Hom Support" of this source. Where is YOUR proof that the source is what they say?

You are promoting trust of this source when they have done nothing but lie. It's all lies. This is a "pump and dump" that you are participating in. This source is attempting to create so much buzz that buyers can't resist. Their low low low pricing is irresistible huh? When they hit their pinnacle of popularity they will disapear (and so will you), leaving the newbs that hopped on you train left wondering what went wrong.

Keep posting though. You are proving every concern correct. This is a total scam source.
Gotta be honest here, I’m not too worried about those anavar results. They’re stated they’re dosed @ 10, they all measured 9.X-11.X. I know I’ve been shitting all over this source and especially this rep but I’m trying to be objective and I don’t have much problem with those numbers.
Without comparing to other vendors its really not worth talking about. There are some labs producing far more accurate tabs which will become relevant with female doses and ancillaries but the rep here is right about the actual impact of 10mg+/-1mg Var tabs in a practical setting.

Credit where credit is due when you see labs absolutely nailing their tablets, but most labs here won't test for variance and many that do have similarly stretched margins. If you're a US domestic UGL right now you ought to be sweating. Can't beat them on price so you better be able to beat them on quality/accuracy/service.
I got 30 bottles of test U, and 30 of Deca. $80 bottle on domestic supply for the Deca, $70 for test u.
80 X 30 = $2,400
70X 30 = $2,100
$4,500 if I would have ordered that from domestic supply... PLUS western union fee's, plus. me driving to a western union location.

Anyone else care to show the price of what it would cost from another location, including all expenses, shipping, etc?

So... I view it as $4,500 VS $350. Na.. I'll pass on paying 12X higher

Man. Idk what prices you’re quoting here. On average a bottle of deca costs 30-35$ and a bottle of test 25-35$
Nice to see you took the time to read other shitty source threads or your little buddy coached you on what to say. Most active thread, trolls and the most bullshit claim of all the most testing. I hope members can see through your bullshit because it's lie after lie whenever you post.
You post mainly emotional responses, with few facts for people to base a decision on.

That's why you hide out, no other reason. When it comes to orals its not only the totL its the variance that's almost as important. 30% swing makes a difference but unsurprisingly you take no responsibility. You're nowhere near the standards that have been set.
Who set the standard?

I think they made it clear, if you need pharmaceutical grade, go elsewhere, and as such you will pay pharmaceutical prices.

It's interesting.. I don't see many of the big old time users complaining in here. Apparently they don't see a problem, or are purchasing from Q. All I see are a few unknowns with emotional responses, lacking data for people to make an informed judgement.

I hope those who really do have a concern post test results, instead of cluttering the thread up with noise.
You post mainly emotional responses, with few facts for people to base a decision on.

Who set the standard?

I think they made it clear, if you need pharmaceutical grade, go elsewhere, and as such you will pay pharmaceutical prices.

It's interesting.. I don't see many of the big old time users complaining in here. Apparently they don't see a problem, or are purchasing from Q. All I see are a few unknowns with emotional responses, lacking data for people to make an informed judgement.

I hope those who really do have a concern post test results, instead of cluttering the thread up with noise.

Again, where are your "facts". All you make are troll posts everywhere.
Gotta be honest here, I’m not too worried about those anavar results. They’re stated they’re dosed @ 10, they all measured 9.X-11.X. I know I’ve been shitting all over this source and especially this rep but I’m trying to be objective and I don’t have much problem with those numbers.
I agree, the dosing could be related to how it was mixed. If it wasn't evenly mixed it could contain pockets where you get more or less of the active ingredient. It's the same from liquids....it depends on how well you shake the mixture if it wasn't fully dissolved. Many liquids crash & you have to reheat them before using or you'll get higher concentrations in one area.

Using humco & oraplus which are thicker will give you an more even dosing each time.
Man. Idk what prices you’re quoting here. On average a bottle of deca costs 30-35$ and a bottle of test 25-35$
I told you who I was comparing to , domestic supply.

So lets go $30 for Deca
And $35 for test you

Deca 30 X 30 $900
TestU 30 X 35 $1,050

Total from your sources $1950 + shipping/bitcoin bs fee's, etc
Q's price $350

Thats a $1,600 savings.

And when you buy from Q, you are buying from the MOST SCRUTINIZED source online!

Now, tell me how you can justify paying the extra $1,600
I told you who I was comparing to , domestic supply.

So lets go $30 for Deca
And $35 for test you

Deca 30 X 30 $900
TestU 30 X 35 $1,050

Total from your sources $1950 + shipping/bitcoin bs fee's, etc
Q's price $350

Thats a $1,600 savings.

And when you buy from Q, you are buying from the MOST SCRUTINIZED source online!

Now, tell me how you can justify paying the extra $1,600

Domestic supply…. Who the fuck is that, no one is buying that shit, definitely not here.

Also that’s for deca 300mg per ml, not deca 180mg, and I don’t know what that test is dosed at but probably fairly low also.

So that deca at $30 a bottle gives you almost twice the active hormone, and you don’t have to have shit coming in through customs and dealing with a source whos customer service is pretty atrocious
I’d gladly pay the extra couple dollars to have some clean product arrive in 3 days domestically that I don’t have to inject 2x the amount of oil for the same concentration.

When you break it down mg for mg and take into consideration you’re having packages come from china and waiting that long, it doesn’t seem that appealing now does it.
Also that’s for deca 300mg per ml, not deca 180mg, and I don’t know what that test is dosed at but probably fairly low also.
We provide domestic supply using reship service, and we will have oils in USA warehouse soon, with T/A 3-4 days after CNY

Test E is 250mg/ml

Test Report #16048.png

You want deca 300mg instead of 180mg (target was 200mg btw)
Not problem $8.5/vial
Last edited:
I told you who I was comparing to , domestic supply.

So lets go $30 for Deca
And $35 for test you

Deca 30 X 30 $900
TestU 30 X 35 $1,050

Total from your sources $1950 + shipping/bitcoin bs fee's, etc
Q's price $350

Thats a $1,600 savings.

And when you buy from Q, you are buying from the MOST SCRUTINIZED source online!

Now, tell me how you can justify paying the extra $1,600

I am a licensed real estate broker with an immediate sale on valuable residential property in Florida. The average luxury home costs $1.5 million but that is for a home built by an established luxury home builder with 1000s of existing customers. Why pay $1.5 million when you can purchase a luxury residence in Florida from me, right now, for only $999. That's right, it's a crazy savings but you too can own your own luxury residence in Florida for the low low price of $999. Act now because with prices this low, our supply won't last. DM for details.
Domestic supply…. Who the fuck is that, no one is buying that shit, definitely not here.

Also that’s for deca 300mg per ml, not deca 180mg, and I don’t know what that test is dosed at but probably fairly low also.

So that deca at $30 a bottle gives you almost twice the active hormone, and you don’t have to have shit coming in through customs and dealing with a source whos customer service is pretty atrocious
It’s pointless to go back and forth with this idiot, which is why most have him on ignore. He’s a complete troll.
That's a really good story Sworder. Nah, it's none of that but really good deflection, bruh. There has never been a source here so surprised that they do not get respect right from the start. That's why after QueenDong's long rant I simply said "go fuck yourself".

You haven't answered my previous post to you though. You are posting "Ad Hom Support" of this source. Where is YOUR proof that the source is what they say?
Define "What they say"

I don't care if they are Charles Manson, me and most others only care that 1) We get what we pay for
And the best we can do is go by lab tests.

You are promoting trust of this source when they have done nothing but lie. It's all lies. This is a "pump and dump" that you are participating in. This source is attempting to create
I don't trust no one. I just try to make the best logical decisions. So far I've not seen anything to justify me paying $1,600 more for my order to buy it elsewhere.

Fact is, a lot of people have ordered from them, we have a lot of test results. The funny thing is, many people would not even have known about Q, if it was not from the negative publicity you and others have generated for them. Once you got their attention, many look at the Gestalt view of the situation and decide, wow, this is a good deal and buy from them. I run a legal business, and I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars from my competitors using their time, and web space to bash me, giving me attention, getting people who never knew about me curious enough to check me out, and many of them realizing I have the best product, and they buy from me.

So, if you want to harm them, your best bet would be to quit feeding them traffic. If you have that much self control.

If you want to contribute , post hard facts, test results, without the emotional slant, then someone may respect your posts.

so much buzz that buyers can't resist. Their low low low pricing is irresistible huh? When they hit their pinnacle of popularity they will disapear (and so will you), leaving the newbs that hopped on you train left wondering what went wrong.

Keep posting though. You are proving every concern correct. This is a total scam source.
It's interesting to note, it seems a lot of the labs on here, are less than a year old. Must be cool to be able to call your Garage/basement/closet a LAB!
Again, where are your "facts". All you make are troll posts everywhere.
He has none. He's actually the first person I recall being banned for spam shilling a source in another sources thread. I'm the last member that cares about a source thread being side tracked but that's a new level of bottom feeder. Hopefully members see it.
Will the oils in the USA warehouse be tested before sales and what kind of price increase can we expect in the USA warehouse?

We might start with a first try with onlyTest E and Primo 100mg, maybe 50 kits of each.
Depending on stock, since we made a 7 L primo stock and also a big one of test E that we both tested, it's gonna be same batch.

For the price, it's not gonna be a big increase, like GH (international 55$ vs domestic $70, BPC $40 vs $55) so oils same:
Test E $80/kit (8$/vial)
Primo E $160/kit ($16/vial)
$5 shipping

I will let you know of all details once goods are there, and if it's same batch, lab tests are:

Test Report #16057.png
Test Report #16048.png
It's interesting to note, it seems a lot of the labs on here, are less than a year old. Must be cool to be able to call your Garage/basement/closet a LAB!
Pareto, Citadel, Syn, Nordic, Genetec

Someone please correct me if I am wrong but haven't these labs been around for years?

I know they are all Canadian labs but regardless, I have yet to see you posting in those threads telling them and others how overpriced they are.