Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Define "What they say"

I don't care if they are Charles Manson, me and most others only care that 1) We get what we pay for
And the best we can do is go by lab tests.

I don't trust no one. I just try to make the best logical decisions. So far I've not seen anything to justify me paying $1,600 more for my order to buy it elsewhere.

Fact is, a lot of people have ordered from them, we have a lot of test results. The funny thing is, many people would not even have known about Q, if it was not from the negative publicity you and others have generated for them. Once you got their attention, many look at the Gestalt view of the situation and decide, wow, this is a good deal and buy from them. I run a legal business, and I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars from my competitors using their time, and web space to bash me, giving me attention, getting people who never knew about me curious enough to check me out, and many of them realizing I have the best product, and they buy from me.

So, if you want to harm them, your best bet would be to quit feeding them traffic. If you have that much self control.

If you want to contribute , post hard facts, test results, without the emotional slant, then someone may respect your posts.

It's interesting to note, it seems a lot of the labs on here, are less than a year old. Must be cool to be able to call your Garage/basement/closet a LAB!
You're a crackup... a big joke.

Whining "Post facts not emotions" when you are by far the most emotional little bitch on MESO.

And all shitty sources thank the people with common sense for "bumping their thread". LOL, as if shills like you wouldn't bump it constantly with your bullshit reviews.

Nah, I think I'll maintain residence in here to point out the bullshit. It'd be a fresh perspective from your forever optimistic view of "cheap gear from a lying unproven source is good gear".

BTW, if it wasn't for us harasing sources to test, then nobody at all would know this source had issues with their products.
We might start with a first try with onlyTest E and Primo 100mg, maybe 50 kits of each.
Depending on stock, since we made a 7 L primo stock and also a big one of test E that we both tested, it's gonna be same batch.

For the price, it's not gonna be a big increase, like GH (international 55$ vs domestic $70, BPC $40 vs $55) so oils same:
Test E $80/kit (8$/vial)
Primo E $160/kit ($16/vial)
$5 shipping

I will let you know of all details once goods are there, and if it's same batch, lab tests are:

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Will you guys be stocking orals as well domestically? Let’s get some proviron and Anavar state side too.
Man. Idk what prices you’re quoting here. On average a bottle of deca costs 30-35$ and a bottle of test 25-35$
Tell me a source, I'll make a direct one on one comparison. You pick your source, and I'll compare it ML per ML cost for you, since it seems you don't want to contribute anything, I will.

I keep thinking.. "Where's the BEEF" ? I don't see anything that would deter anyone from order from Q, but I see a lot that would find Q the best bargain out there by far.

You know.. you are going to inspire me to write a 10 page big FAQ with all the strong points and facts I've seen posted about Q ! I'll be glad to take contributions from you, maybe you can get 1 or 2 lines of disadvantages !
What are the differences in time of arrival to Europe between the shipping lines? Regular, special, express.
Depends on countries.

China Post service is free, but time of transportation cannot be garanteed.
From experience for France, I had customers received in 10 days, others in 2 months, it depends on the period/Covid situation etc..

For november orders, it was the worst ones for Europe countries.
Now it's getting fast, clients received 20 days average.

For spain and Italy orders they are very slow, because of their postal services, I always suggest clients to choose EU special lines for this 2 countries.

For EU special lines, it's 50$ up to 500g, 65$ 1 kg, 88$ 2 kg...

To have an idea so you can quote by yourself:
1 kit oil 230g average
1 kit peptides 60g average

3 Special lines:

1- German special line: very fast 10 days average.
2- UK special line: same, 10-15 days average
3- Other countries: France Sweden Belgium Denmark Luxembourg Poland Netherlands Portugal Finland Italy Spain Hungary Lithuania Ireland Czech slovakia Austria Slovenia : 10 to 20 days, and for some exceptions more.

Express is via private transporters, UPS or FedEx, T/A 1 week sometimes less. we can only send raws using this method.
Tell me a source, I'll make a direct one on one comparison. You pick your source, and I'll compare it ML per ML cost for you, since it seems you don't want to contribute anything, I will.

I keep thinking.. "Where's the BEEF" ? I don't see anything that would deter anyone from order from Q, but I see a lot that would find Q the best bargain out there by far.

You know.. you are going to inspire me to write a 10 page big FAQ with all the strong points and facts I've seen posted about Q ! I'll be glad to take contributions from you, maybe you can get 1 or 2 lines of disadvantages !

Thanks for the offer but I am able to do the basic math to figure out the cost per ml/ or mg
Tell me a source, I'll make a direct one on one comparison. You pick your source, and I'll compare it ML per ML cost for you, since it seems you don't want to contribute anything, I will.

I keep thinking.. "Where's the BEEF" ? I don't see anything that would deter anyone from order from Q, but I see a lot that would find Q the best bargain out there by far.

You know.. you are going to inspire me to write a 10 page big FAQ with all the strong points and facts I've seen posted about Q ! I'll be glad to take contributions from you, maybe you can get 1 or 2 lines of disadvantages !

Biggest disadvantage would be that they have @Cherokee as a shill.

You think you are supporting and helping this source but you're driving customers away. Anyone that reads your post history knows that. You're not well liked at all here on MESO.
Biggest disadvantage would be that they have @Cherokee as a shill.

You think you are supporting and helping this source but you're driving customers away. Anyone that reads your post history knows that. You're not well liked at all here on MESO.
I'd rather be right, than liked. Personally I have no use to be liked. It's of no advantage to me. But I feel it's to my benefit to think outside the box, and to try to look at things pragmatically/logically and from multiple angles.

People are smart, this is a commodity, if they feel it's a decent product, and it's $1 cheaper, they will always go for the lowest price. I've been in online sales for years. I've had specially made products people wanted, of the highest quality.. no one ever bought it. Everyone wants the product at the lowest price. I know that, china knows that. And many times, retail cost has no reflection upon quality.

Why don't a few of you big mouths show you have the majority of users as your concern, and post hard data, and let each decide what's best for them. The one clown won't even give me a source to do a head to head comparison with, but he wants to say my prices are wrong, then he goes "I can do math". Great, do the math, post the data.

Once again, I say, think beyond your emotions, think about what's best for everyone. Then again, if you are a dealer making $150K a year playing this game, I don't expect you to be without a strong motive to trash your competitor/threat.
I'd rather be right, than liked. Personally I have no use to be liked. It's of no advantage to me. But I feel it's to my benefit to think outside the box, and to try to look at things pragmatically/logically and from multiple angles.

People are smart, this is a commodity, if they feel it's a decent product, and it's $1 cheaper, they will always go for the lowest price. I've been in online sales for years. I've had specially made products people wanted, of the highest quality.. no one ever bought it. Everyone wants the product at the lowest price. I know that, china knows that. And many times, retail cost has no reflection upon quality.

Why don't a few of you big mouths show you have the majority of users as your concern, and post hard data, and let each decide what's best for them. The one clown won't even give me a source to do a head to head comparison with, but he wants to say my prices are wrong, then he goes "I can do math". Great, do the math, post the data.

Once again, I say, think beyond your emotions, think about what's best for everyone. Then again, if you are a dealer making $150K a year playing this game, I don't expect you to be without a strong motive to trash your competitor/threat.

Well, you're not liked and you're also not right, so maybe you can stop posting altogether and go away?

You provide NO DATA.

And online sales of widgets aren't comparable. People are injecting cheaply made oils into their body.

How about you post a GoFundMe website for the first abscess that needs to be lanced and drained?
I have already had a package detained at customs for 62 days and they tell me from the customs service to present an invoice for the content or they destroy the package, I contacted the source and they did not give me any solution, only because of those things that are going to Shit, I'd rather pay €14 for sustanon or €20 for trenbolone but I know what it takes and I'm not going to throw my money away if there's a problem with customs. Buy from the WhatsApp commercial Alisa that her number ends in 1880
I have already had a package detained at customs for 62 days and they tell me from the customs service to present an invoice for the content or they destroy the package, I contacted the source and they did not give me any solution, only because of those things that are going to Shit, I'd rather pay €14 for sustanon or €20 for trenbolone but I know what it takes and I'm not going to throw my money away if there's a problem with customs. Buy from the WhatsApp commercial Alisa that her number ends in 1880

DM or email me with details of your order (number, tracking..), I will provide invoice for you as an exception
I have already had a package detained at customs for 62 days and they tell me from the customs service to present an invoice for the content or they destroy the package, I contacted the source and they did not give me any solution, only because of those things that are going to Shit, I'd rather pay €14 for sustanon or €20 for trenbolone but I know what it takes and I'm not going to throw my money away if there's a problem with customs. Buy from the WhatsApp commercial Alisa that her number ends in 1880
Yeah that is her #......did anyone ask if they're associated with this board or know if one of their reps is here?
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I haven't used any products yet from this source, but I will say one good thing about this rep, he wants the business. He is in immediate email contact, almost within the same hour. Can't say that for every other source I've used.
I have already had a package detained at customs for 62 days and they tell me from the customs service to present an invoice for the content or they destroy the package, I contacted the source and they did not give me any solution, only because of those things that are going to Shit, I'd rather pay €14 for sustanon or €20 for trenbolone but I know what it takes and I'm not going to throw my money away if there's a problem with customs. Buy from the WhatsApp commercial Alisa that her number ends in 1880
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
This is your 100% customs and xray free eu delivery?
It's not a seizure idiot, EU countries needs custom clearance and many countries need to provide an invoice to get package released by customs such as spain, Bulgary, some scandinavian countries, Czech.. they never open it. Customer provide an invoice, he pay VAT and he receives his package.
Man I get where some of your frustration might come from...it's a tough room...but this answer would seem to have been just fine without the word 'idiot' thrown in there...