Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have already had a package detained at customs for 62 days and they tell me from the customs service to present an invoice for the content or they destroy the package, I contacted the source and they did not give me any solution, only because of those things that are going to Shit, I'd rather pay €14 for sustanon or €20 for trenbolone but I know what it takes and I'm not going to throw my money away if there's a problem with customs. Buy from the WhatsApp commercial Alisa that her number ends in 1880

I'm not sure what you ordered but I had some TUDCA intercepted from an Alibaba source a couple years ago; apparently it's prohibited in Canada.

Anyways, they made me a new invoice saying it was some other vitamin, i sent if off to DHL, and it was delivered a few days later. Hope it's that easy for you.
Ok so I’ve rolled the dice and placed an order. I do plan on trying to get something tested, which probably won’t be complete for another month or so. I have definitely been harsh on the source but I think it’s justified too, but I’m trying to give the guy a shot if only to help the board out. I want this source to succeed and I want us to all have high quality and affordable sources to pick from. Honestly I’m not sure this source is there yet, but I want them to improve and to reach that level, and I hope this is a small step towards that. Either way, I’ll report back what I can.

All I can say so far is the guy was super helpful in getting my order placed, and despite my sentiments throughout the thread I’m actually cautiously optimistic. At least about the raws, but I got some oils too so fingers crossed there. Either way I’ll let you all know how it goes and I hope it goes well.
Man I get where some of your frustration might come from...it's a tough room...but this answer would seem to have been just fine without the word 'idiot' thrown in there...
This is where the NA/EU domestic UGLs breathe a sigh of relief because all they have to do is offer better customer service than calling their customers idiots (to their face) to maintain a working relationship lol
A small comment on the result of the anavar tabs.

For us the result is within our standards, and there is no problem with it:
tab 1: 11.72mg
tab 2: 9.41mg
tab 3: 9.15mg
Average = (11.72+9.41+9.15)/3 = 10.09mg

By this logic you could of had:
Tab1: bunk 0mg
Tab2: 20mg
Average = 10mg

It’s just silly. You have a 28% variance between just 3 pills. One of 3 pills was nearly 20% overdosed.

This doesn’t seem like a big deal as luckily for you it was just supposed to be 10mg so it doesn’t look as bad given the small numbers. If this had been 50mg var and been off as much as 17% overdosed with a 28% variance it would be more clear to the dumb dumbs here.

The big issue here is this is lady var. No way in hell I would want my wife or anyone running this.
By this logic you could of had:
Tab1: bunk 0mg
Tab2: 20mg
Average = 10mg

It’s just silly. You have a 28% variance between just 3 pills. One of 3 pills was nearly 20% overdosed.

This doesn’t seem like a big deal as luckily for you it was just supposed to be 10mg so it doesn’t look as bad given the small numbers. If this had been 50mg var and been off as much as 17% overdosed with a 28% variance it would be more clear to the dumb dumbs here.

The big issue here is this is lady var. No way in hell I would want my wife or anyone running this.

Except if you do a lab test of 10.000 pills to prove the possibility of existance of a tab dosed at 0mg or 20mg, it's gonna stay an hypothetic theory and statistically with a chance of existence close to 0%, the 3 random tabs picked from 10.000 tabs tested between 9.15mg and 11.70mg so there is no need to make a sterile debate on this.

Despite the fact that ladies aren't our main target customers, except for Flibanserine and very few anabolics and fat burners. Even for ladies, it won't change anything having 1 mg +/- on daily var dosage, if you really care about the health of your wife, never give her anabolics either UGL or pharma ^^

As I said, if we do not match your standards, no problem as we match standards of a majority of our clientele and we ain't looking to take 100% of the market, you can buy lady var from other labs who dose it 10.00 mg
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It's not a seizure idiot,
Leaving the quality alone for a minute...

You are absolutely the worst fucking rep. Maybe this guy doesnt know any better and its his first time, and you call him an idiot.... you are the fucking idiot in how you treat your customers. If this siurce truly has 11 reps (doubtful) then they need to fire this guy and diatance themselves from. He is an absolute fucking tool.
Leaving the quality alone for a minute...

You are absolutely the worst fucking rep. Maybe this guy doesnt know any better and its his first time, and you call him an idiot.... you are the fucking idiot in how you treat your customers. If this siurce truly has 11 reps (doubtful) then they need to fire this guy and diatance themselves from. He is an absolute fucking tool.
I can make a difference.
If I treat you and him as mongs or idiots, it's because of your post history as blacklisted haters and non possible future customers ;)
I can make a difference.
If I treat you and him as mongs or idiots, it's because of your post history as blacklisted haters and non possible future customers ;)
No you GTFOH.... you are the guest here moron. The sooner you open your small closed mind and realize this the better your time here, which I hope is limited.

Please blacklist me your are the biggest idiot here right now, and wouldnt use you as a source if you were the last one standing. As far as you blacklisting thats nearly impossible for you to do, but you keep dreaming.