Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Except if you do a lab test of 10.000 pills to prove the possibility of existance of a tab dosed at 0mg or 20mg, it's gonna stay an hypothetic theory and statistically with a chance of existence close to 0%, the 3 random tabs picked from 10.000 tabs tested between 9.15mg and 11.70mg so there is no need to make a sterile debate on this.

Despite the fact that ladies aren't our main target customers, except for Flibanserine and very few anabolics and fat burners. Even for ladies, it won't change anything having 1 mg +/- on daily var dosage, if you really care about the health of your wife, never give her anabolics either UGL or pharma ^^

As I said, if we do not match your standards, no problem as we match standards of a majority of our clientele and we ain't looking to take 100% of the market, you can buy lady var from other labs who dose it 10.00 mg

Gawl lee, it’s clear now you’re one of those people that is never wrong. How the heck did you land a job in sales/customer service?

I laid it out there in simple terms and you still just don’t want to acknowledge that you guys messed up. You went on a ramble of, if 10,000 pills would have been tested. Ima stop you right there as hell look at the issue just 3 pills are stirring up. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that you are lucky that just 3 were tested. All over the damn place.
Gawl lee, it’s clear now you’re one of those people that is never wrong. How the heck did you land a job in sales/customer service?

I laid it out there in simple terms and you still just don’t want to acknowledge that you guys messed up. You went on a ramble of, if 10,000 pills would have been tested. Ima stop you right there as hell look at the issue just 3 pills are stirring up. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that you are lucky that just 3 were tested. All over the damn place.

Math exercise:

Sample : 10.000 units

Variance = 28%

(X1, X2, X3,.... X10000) discrete random variables

X1= 11.72
X2= 9.41
X3= 9.15

Calculate P(Xn=20) and P(Xm=0)?
Math exercise:

Sample : 10.000 units

Variance = 28%

(X1, X2, X3,.... X10000) discrete random variables

X1= 11.72
X2= 9.41
X3= 9.15

Calculate P(Xn=20) and P(Xm=0)?

Ohhhh, I see…not. let’s quit with the hypothetical make believe . You completely missed the point. If we’re being real tho, you are just spinning it and bending things to your will again. No different than when Skank tested your hcg and it came back 50% underdosed and you refunded him but not any other customers. Point was, you don’t take an average and call that acceptable. If that’s was the case than my statement of 0mg, 20mg = 10mg would be acceptable in your world.

At this point you’ll just keep spewing what you’re gonna spew. You’re just one of those thats always right and can’t see anything else. All that needs to be said is out of just 3 pills tested there is a 28% variance between the 3 and one is 17% over dosed. That’s pretty dang shitty.
Ok so I’ve rolled the dice and placed an order. I do plan on trying to get something tested, which probably won’t be complete for another month or so. I have definitely been harsh on the source but I think it’s justified too, but I’m trying to give the guy a shot if only to help the board out. I want this source to succeed and I want us to all have high quality and affordable sources to pick from. Honestly I’m not sure this source is there yet, but I want them to improve and to reach that level, and I hope this is a small step towards that. Either way, I’ll report back what I can.

All I can say so far is the guy was super helpful in getting my order placed, and despite my sentiments throughout the thread I’m actually cautiously optimistic. At least about the raws, but I got some oils too so fingers crossed there. Either way I’ll let you all know how it goes and I hope it goes well.
Why? I don't shit on members so this is a real question. What has he done to address or correct anything that you've said you've been harsh on him about?
@B Ware

Seriously I mean when I say it's acceptable, according to what we set in our very first page:

our finished products are well dosed, sometimes slightly overdosed, and in the event of an underdosage problem exceeding 15% we offer a reship of a new batch, and a refund of up to 50%.

This is our standards.

When you buy from us, you accept terms and conditions in first page.
I never talked about variance, but % underdosing.

Got it?
I’ll send some of my oils I got from them to be tested if one of you trolls wish to pay for it.
Why would anyone but you pay for it? You suck so much cock for this source and supposedly make so much money, it should be a non issue for you to pay for testing. Plus, it’ll give you more of an excuse to stay down on those knees of yours while you slurp more cock and guzzle more of their cum.
@B Ware

Seriously I mean when I say it's acceptable, according to what we set in our very first page:

This is our standards.

When you buy from us, you accept terms and conditions in first page.
I never talked about variance, but % underdosing.

Got it?

Got it. I mean you did state it in your opening statement of this thread. Guess it’s all about reading the fine print. Just wouldn’t have imagined an issue like this but here it is.

Just sucks for Ole Skank as he’s a reseller who purchased those I would assume for the ladies and it would be very reckless for a lady to take those.
Why? I don't shit on members so this is a real question. What has he done to address or correct anything that you've said you've been harsh on him about?
Why what? Am I giving the source a shot; or why am I cautiously optimistic?

I’m giving it a shot because it’s cheap, the raws seem ok (which is mostly what I’m buying), and because I’m getting an oil tested. If it works out I can see ordering more. If not, well, I’ve blown more money on more stupid endeavors than this.

I’m still not too happy with the way the source conducts himself on the board. At all, really. But that’s ok, I don’t have to like the guy, I just have to like the products. I do not yet know if that will be the case though, so fingers crossed. Either way I’ll let you all know how it pans out.
Just sucks for Ole Skank as he’s a reseller who purchased those I would assume for the ladies and it would be very reckless for a lady to take those.

Those anavar tabs results are acceptable by more than 90% of customers.
I posted the lab results in french meso and no one was surprised, it's a very good results for everyone.
Ladies are less than 1% of customers.
In this business its the majority of clientele and price that sets whats acceptable or not, and regarding the price that this Var was purchased I can garantee you that he will sell those like hotcakes
In the interest of disclosure, I did place an order of some rare compounds at a price that just couldn't be beat. I plan to test, then cap the compounds myself.
Why what? Am I giving the source a shot; or why am I cautiously optimistic?

I’m giving it a shot because it’s cheap, the raws seem ok (which is mostly what I’m buying), and because I’m getting an oil tested. If it works out I can see ordering more. If not, well, I’ve blown more money on more stupid endeavors than this.

I’m still not too happy with the way the source conducts himself on the board. At all, really. But that’s ok, I don’t have to like the guy, I just have to like the products. I do not yet know if that will be the case though, so fingers crossed. Either way I’ll let you all know how it pans out.
No need to let me know anything. Hopefully you'll give an honest review. Just seems odd that you go in on him which I would've guessed would've been to hold him accountable. He doesn't address or fix anything that you were on about but you pull the trigger anyway. I was just trying to understand the reasoning behind it.
Anyway hopefully it works out for you man because I never want to see members get fucked over.
No need to let me know anything. Hopefully you'll give an honest review. Just seems odd that you go in on him which I would've guessed would've been to hold him accountable. He doesn't address or fix anything that you were on about but you pull the trigger anyway. I was just trying to understand the reasoning behind it.
Anyway hopefully it works out for you man because I never want to see members get fucked over.
No you’re fine I completely understand, no worries. I’ll definitely let everyone know how it goes. Personally I suspect the oils come back 10-20% underdosed. Hopefully not more but the results will speak for themselves either way I guess. Given the price, I’d be ok with 10% underdosed.

I want this source to work out, and I hope these are just initial teething issues. I understand that may be naïveté and they could crash and burn, but I want to have access to cheap quality raws so I do hope they work out. I don’t mind chipping in to help flesh that out however it goes.

All I can report so far is the source was more than helpful in getting that dumbass alibaba shit working. But that really just means he helped me give him money, so that doesn’t really mean much either lol
No you’re fine I completely understand, no worries. I’ll definitely let everyone know how it goes. Personally I suspect the oils come back 10-20% underdosed. Hopefully not more but the results will speak for themselves either way I guess. Given the price, I’d be ok with 10% underdosed.

I want this source to work out, and I hope these are just initial teething issues. I understand that may be naïveté and they could crash and burn, but I want to have access to cheap quality raws so I do hope they work out. I don’t mind chipping in to help flesh that out however it goes.

All I can report so far is the source was more than helpful in getting that dumbass alibaba shit working. But that really just means he helped me give him money, so that doesn’t really mean much either l

If only everyone had your attitude. But I think some are in the business and don’t like competition
If only everyone had your attitude. But I think some are in the business and don’t like competition
You think they are though? That sounds so conspiratorial. I think they (and usually myself) are just giving the source shit, most of which I still feel was deserved.

I’m just willing to roll the dice because it’s just a couple hundred bucks I can afford to lose, with a lot of potential upside. If it doesn’t work out at least now I’ll know. And you all know, based on my track record here, that I’m already cocked and locked to shit on this source. So if it goes south don’t worry you all will get to hear all about it lol
If only everyone had your attitude. But I think some are in the business and don’t like competition
Much like you, the “new” people coming in here to shit on this thread are people who have previously been here under old handles. Your conspiracy of them being competition is utterly foolish since most every source here is inactive, besides Panda. And Panda sits so comfortably that he doesn’t even bother visiting his thread any longer. That leaves Dragon/Brewly. With that venture, I’m sure he’s sitting quite pretty also financially. Any more stupid conjecture?
You think they are though? That sounds so conspiratorial. I think they (and usually myself) are just giving the source shit, most of which I still feel was deserved.

I’m just willing to roll the dice because it’s just a couple hundred bucks I can afford to lose, with a lot of potential upside. If it doesn’t work out at least now I’ll know. And you all know, based on my track record here, that I’m already cocked and locked to shit on this source. So if it goes south don’t worry you all will get to hear all about it lol
This board has a lot of brewers/lab owners on it. And realize some of these guys are making 300,000 a year., when you get $ involved it gets nasty..

I had the same thought, I’ll take 1/10 underdosed at 1/10 the price elsewhere.

I’m guessing their quality will only continue to improve.

For the price, you can’t refuse a shot
Dam this thread is going to stay on top, with all the back and forth, which means even more business. So in a way calling someone who maybe an idiot an idiot was actually genious. Lol

Hope it lasts, and the prices stay. As i am actually oddly ok with just being up front about everything then hidding even the shittiest results, as we can pick and chose what to order.

@Cherokee makes sense in most of what he says, not sure why the hate.

I do not see an issue with the var as those doses, are pretty spot on. If it was picked truely random, like said.