Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There is no safety with bitcoin, there are laws that protect a consumer with credit card purchases
What safety? If you are dealing with an established vendor what is there to worry about? That's the whole purpose of vetting and doing your due diligence prior to making a purchase.
What safety? If you are dealing with an established vendor what is there to worry about? That's the whole purpose of vetting and doing your due diligence prior to making a purchase

Established Vendor? These companies come and go all the time. One man operations, if the guy gets sick, in an accident, arrested, decides to do an exit scam. You can't trust anyone, let alone people in this business. I see a lot of people with complaints/problems with various "labs".

You can't trust anyone, you must always have the upper hand, and prepare for the worst.
will get my semaglutide from the post office later today.
Initially planned to get it tested but ive assumed it costs as much as a regular peptide and not as much as hgh+dimer.
So i will try to throw out a "feelz report" the next days comparing it to the feelz of ozempic which ive used quite a bit.
if there are 2 or 3 people who would like to participate in hplc testing it throw me a message
So, with your logic, people should buy the highest priced items?

The more it cost, the better it is?
That’s your logic, not mine.

Fact is, qingdaos brewers couldn’t figure out basic math…. Raws test good but oils don’t? Only culprit left is bad brewers.

My logic is buy from a source who has customer testing that turns out well, unanimously, or if a bad test comes up, they handle ALL customers who are affected. Not just the tester.

You troll lol
That’s your logic, not mine.

Fact is, qingdaos brewers couldn’t figure out basic math…. Raws test good but oils don’t? Only culprit left is bad brewers.

My logic is buy from a source who has customer testing that turns out well, unanimously, or if a bad test comes up, they handle ALL customers who are affected. Not just the tester.

You troll lol
Yeah and I brought up a bunch of Canadian labs that have been around for years and he keeps mentioning ones that are allegedly new and talking about exit scams etc

Whenever a lab was about to exit scam they were usually shit on for weeks leading up to it and the only people who were scammed were the morons who wouldn't read the thread and research. Anyway I'm done addressing this clown.
That’s your logic, not mine.

Fact is, qingdaos brewers couldn’t figure out basic math…. Raws test good but oils don’t? Only culprit left is bad brewers.
One oil? many? By how much?
My logic is buy from a source who has customer testing that turns out well, unanimously, or if a bad test comes up, they handle ALL customers who are affected. Not just the tester.

You troll lol
You'll end up paying for that. $ does not grow on tree's. If you want things like that handled, the dealer will have to pad his prices enough to take care of problems like that. That can be a tradeoff at times, when you buy stuff at rock bottom price. But so far, it seems most have not seen data so bad that it negates their big price savings.

I kinda compare this to any other discount business. Like Harbor Freight, or Chinese tools. Some of the products might be junk, the the majority of their tools do the job, and are a great bang for the buck. And over time, the quality has continued to improve. And once again, I hear a lot of bitching from a small handful of trolls, but... I don't see them posting any hard data, test results. Show all their bad test results. Show me even on the few that may have occurred that price wise it wasn't a good bargain.

But it seems it's easier for some of the neanderthals on here to yell and scream and beat their chest like a primitive primate when they are upset, than to be able to present clear data in a rational manner.

The market always dictates what customer want.
You post mainly emotional responses, with few facts for people to base a decision on.

Who set the standard?

I think they made it clear, if you need pharmaceutical grade, go elsewhere, and as such you will pay pharmaceutical prices.

It's interesting.. I don't see many of the big old time users complaining in here. Apparently they don't see a problem, or are purchasing from Q. All I see are a few unknowns with emotional responses, lacking data for people to make an informed judgement.

I hope those who really do have a concern post test results, instead of cluttering the thread up with noise.
Most of the vets who would be fucking up QDS like a tissue at a snot party have been banned, not unlike your original handle. They could make another handle here, as some of them have, but most of the old guys are of the fuck meso mindset at this point.

This thread is a laughing stock as is meso, at least in many vets opinion. Guys like you are turning meso into a shitty source board not much different from boards that most of us deem to be a joke. It's unfortunate.

A lot of new guys don't get to see what meso has represented for so many years because guys like you can't ever shut the fuck up and now new guys see shills pretending to be normal customers and think that's the norm here.

I've said it before and I'll likely say it again.

Instead of saying, "should've used domestic supply", we have cocksuckers like you saying should've used QDS.


FUCK YOU @Cherokee
Most of the vets who would be fucking up QDS like a tissue at a snot party have been banned, not unlike your original handle. They could make another handle here, as some of them have, but most of the old guys are of the fuck meso mindset at this point.

This thread is a laughing stock as is meso, at least in many vets opinion. Guys like you are turning meso into a shitty source board not much different from boards that most of us deem to be a joke. It's unfortunate.

A lot of new guys don't get to see what meso has represented for so many years because guys like you can't ever shut the fuck up and now new guys see shills pretending to be normal customers and think that's the norm here.

I've said it before and I'll likely say it again.

Instead of saying, "should've used domestic supply", we have cocksuckers like you saying should've used QDS.


FUCK YOU @Cherokee
I'm more of a person for taking calculated risk than choosing ego and nostalgia. that's where it ends for me.
There is no safety with bitcoin, there are laws that protect a consumer with credit card purchases
There are also laws that say steroids are illegal to purchase without a prescription, you jackass.

Did you buy raws with your credit card?

Do you think it's a good idea for all these labs that you purport are buying all their raws from QDS to purchase with a credit card so they can do a charge back in case they don't like the quality?

Think about it, man. How much easier do you think it would be for the authorities to build a case if you purchase all of your illegal drugs through the mail paying with a credit card?

At least using BTC can give you a chance of plausible deniability.
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Math exercise:

Sample : 10.000 units

Variance = 28%

(X1, X2, X3,.... X10000) discrete random variables

X1= 11.72
X2= 9.41
X3= 9.15

Calculate P(Xn=20) and P(Xm=0)?
Serious question.

If you want to do a math exercise, why don't you go ahead a lay out the math y'all use to make your pills?

Walk us through making a batch of 10mg anavar, if you wouldn't mind.

Also, what equipment is used to insure proper mixing?

Pictures to back up your claims would be a bonus.

You can write your username with today's date on a crumbled up piece of paper in front of the equipment.

Thanks in advance.
Serious question.

If you want to do a math exercise, why don't you go ahead a lay out the math y'all use to make your pills?

Walk us through making a batch of 10mg anavar, if you wouldn't mind.

Also, what equipment is used to insure proper mixing?

Pictures to back up your claims would be a bonus.

You can write your username with today's date on a crumbled up piece of paper in front of the equipment.

Thanks in advance.

I can get those after CNY, I asked the lab team for some pictures, they will reply me once they have time
Since I have often some questions about some specific nootropics, I share with you the ones that got banned and those available (not in the list):

prices for 100g

Piracetam 7491-74-9 is banned in china We still have some stock, so we can sell it at $70
Oxiracetam 62613-82-5 was eliminated from the market
Phenylpiracetam 77472-70-9 banned in China,Phenylpiracetam Hydrazide CAS:77472-71-0 can replace it,100g 168$
Aniracetam 72432-10-1 $45
Pramiracetam 68497-62-1 $100
Coluracetam 135463-81-9 $300
Fasoracetam 110958-19-5 $189
GHB 591-81-1 banned in China
PRL-8-53 51352-87-5 $365
Quetiapine fumarate 111974-72-2 $75
Has anyone received and pinned any of there test e?? Is there any pip? This place is non stop it's hard to keep up with all of it
Most of the vets who would be fucking up QDS like a tissue at a snot party have been banned, not unlike your original handle.
Yea... most of the "vets" probably are ordering from them. I've been in business a long time, a supplier with something 1 penny cheaper can make your good friends change suppliers real quick.

They could make another handle here, as some of them have, but most of the old guys are of the fuck meso mindset at this point.

This thread is a laughing stock as is meso, at least in many vets opinion. Guys like you are turning meso into a shitty source board not much different from boards that most of us deem to be a joke. It's unfortunate.
I don't even know what a source board is. Care to enlighten me? I see the cat dude playing "trivia" to put his thread at the top all the time, to lure customers into his business. Is that what you are talking about as being a source board? If so, I don't sell anything... so don't blame me. Blame the couple "labs" always posting BS to keep their threads on top

A lot of new guys don't get to see what meso has represented for so many years because guys like you can't ever shut the fuck up and now new guys see shills pretending to be normal customers and think that's the norm here.
You old farts bitch N moan so much, and fight, thats the real problem on this board, and anyone with 1/2 a brain gets tired of reading all the bickering, thats mainly started by you old farts who think you own the place. And you little dicks sit and wait for about any new member to join, then you attack them for anything you can think of.

I've said it before and I'll likely say it again.

Instead of saying, "should've used domestic supply", we have cocksuckers like you saying should've used QDS.


FUCK YOU @Cherokee
Message me with your details, I'm pretty picky....

I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate them at their mental/emotional level