Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You old farts bitch N moan so much, and fight, thats the real problem on this board, and anyone with 1/2 a brain gets tired of reading all the bickering, thats mainly started by you old farts who think you own the place. And you little dicks sit and wait for about any new member to join, then you attack them for anything you can think of.

Message me with your details, I'm pretty picky....

I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate them at their mental/emotional level

Can you clear this up? Are you talking about Meso problems or are you presenting your own personal issues? I mean, you got banned because you can't control your comments so it sounds like your own personal issues.

And if you don't like MESO and the "old farts" then you can simply log off and leave. I don't think anyone will be discussing the "Cherokee Days and wish he were back around"
There are also laws that say steroids are illegal to purchase without a prescription, you jackass.

Did you buy raws with your credit card?
I haven't yet, but I will be soon.
Do you think it's a good idea for all these labs that you purport are buying all their raws from QDS to purchase with a credit card so they can do a charge back in case they don't like the quality?
Do you think if law enforcement wanted these labs, they could not find them? Mess with bitcoin, then your into the financial crimes arena, a whole new group of laws for them to prosecute you under, while doing illegal activity.
Think about it, man. How much easier do you think it would be for the authorities to build a case if you purchase all of your illegal drugs through the mail paying with a credit card?
No more easier than it would be otherwise. Look at the history of previous busts. The Chinese suppliers cooperated with the DEA and gave them all the names of people they were selling to. If they want you, they will get you.

At least using BTC can give you a chance of plausible deniability.
Once again, now you are at the federal level. Under 18 USC Section 1001, it is a felony to make a “false statement” to an agent or agency of the federal government in connection with a federal matter. So now you have a new charge, or a few more against you. I would highly recommend any lab consult with an attorney prior to conducting illegal activity.
Can you clear this up? Are you talking about Meso problems or are you presenting your own personal issues? I mean, you got banned because you can't control your comments so it sounds like your own personal issues.

And if you don't like MESO and the "old farts" then you can simply log off and leave. I don't think anyone will be discussing the "Cherokee Days and wish he were back around"
Like I said, the main problem is, everyone bitching. A group on here just looks for any new user to say something they don't like, then they pounce on them. Then a few of you try to gang up on them, and use peer pressure to make others not interact with them. I see how your little rat packs work.

You old farts don't care about the board, or. you would clean your own mess up, and stick to mainly educational material. You have a handful on here that try to educate others, and are very knowledgable , then you have a group of you egotistical micro penis guys(big pecks.. little pecker) whom like to fight. Do you think anyone with 1/2 a brain wants to sort through all the noise?

Q just posted results of oils that were tested.. do you care? No.. you want to blow smoke, and not help others made educated decisions on where they should buy from. Sorry.. I'm sure your wife would leave you for a guy who makes $20 more.. so don't expect your friends to not buy from Q, when they can save big $.
I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate them at their mental/emotional level
All this coming from a total dick wagon who posted abusive pictures of animals. Tell us again about mental and emotional maturity levels, fuckstick. You fucking waste of life.
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that’s gotta be the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard

I can only imagine how that conversation would go....

Lab: I would like to manufacture and sell illegal drugs
Lawyer: yeah... that's illegal, don't do that.
Lab: But I want to.
Lawyer: seriously don't do it.
Lab: But I want to.
Lawyer: Just give me my $500/hr fee and gtfo....
Yea... most of the "vets" probably are ordering from them. I've been in business a long time, a supplier with something 1 penny cheaper can make your good friends change suppliers real quick.

I don't even know what a source board is. Care to enlighten me? I see the cat dude playing "trivia" to put his thread at the top all the time, to lure customers into his business. Is that what you are talking about as being a source board? If so, I don't sell anything... so don't blame me. Blame the couple "labs" always posting BS to keep their threads on top

You old farts bitch N moan so much, and fight, thats the real problem on this board, and anyone with 1/2 a brain gets tired of reading all the bickering, thats mainly started by you old farts who think you own the place. And you little dicks sit and wait for about any new member to join, then you attack them for anything you can think of.

Message me with your details, I'm pretty picky....

I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate them at their mental/emotional level
Go check out anabolex or any of Dylan gemelli's boards. ASF is another shit board. Outlaw muscle.

Not many steroid forums exist that try to actually hold the sources to a higher standard.

It's free to source here. Anybody can come here trying to sell their wares.

At the source boards, the sources pay a fee each month and are protected by the forum moderators or, better yet, made mods of their own sub-forum. Anything that is said that is negative about the source is quickly deleted and the member is then oftentimes banned.

It's great that QDS has some of the best prices around but these guys still need to be held to the meso standards. And guys generally want their gear dosed correctly, if not a bit over depending who you ask.

When it comes to items like pills, a little variance is not a big deal when it comes to men using them, but women need meds that are dosed accurately. If they are making 10mg anavar, that is a dose that is generally directed towards the ladies.

We saw the results from three pills with a pretty decent variation. Whose to say that some of their pills from that same batch aren't dosed as high as 15mg and as low as 5mg?

A women taking the 5mg pill would not get herself into trouble assuming it was 10mg. But if she happened to take a couple of the pills dosed at 15mg thinking she was only taking 20mg, you can see where problems could arise.

When it comes to steroids that are likely to be utilized by women, such as low dosed anavar or oral primo, it's best to try and hit the mark or be a little bit under the mark.

Meso is not a source board. We are supposed to be about harm reduction, first and foremost.

I completely understand the draw of cheap prices and also understand that it doesn't mean bad quality, but good customer service and being professional, even when people are critical, is the way we want sources to treat members.

When this source decided to be petty and not refund the member $45 or whatever it was, that was a bad look and decision. Doing small things right shows good will. They aren't going to have to refund everyone who ordered the half dosed hcg, anyway. But those who bring it up should be compensated. It's bs to demand that they test the same batch.

But it is what it is, man. Please try to keep harm reduction in mind before hitting the post reply button.
Do you mean EQ 165mg/ml, Deca 180mg/ml and Test P 90mg/ml ?
Yes we have those labs too and marketed same as dosage, where is the problem?

View attachment 159165View attachment 159166View attachment 159167
The problem is, the EQ was supposed to be 200mg.

The deca was supposed to be 200mg.

And the test p was supposed to be 100mg.

If it wasn't a problem, then why did you exclude them in your previous post?

And it's actually good on you for now marketing them as such.

But I have another question for you now, come to think of it.

Does Alisa's or any of the other reps for your company, have the same updated dosages advertised on the product lists or do they still, for example, sell the EQ as 200mg/ml?

Just curious how concerned with transparency QDS is as a company.

Go check out anabolex or any of Dylan gemelli's boards. ASF is another shit board. Outlaw muscle.

Not many steroid forums exist that try to actually hold the sources to a higher standard.

It's free to source here. Anybody can come here trying to sell their wares.

At the source boards, the sources pay a fee each month and are protected by the forum moderators or, better yet, made mods of their own sub-forum. Anything that is said that is negative about the source is quickly deleted and the member is then oftentimes banned.
Thank you for the explanation.

It's great that QDS has some of the best prices around but these guys still need to be held to the meso standards. And guys generally want their gear dosed correctly, if not a bit over depending who you ask.
The market mainly dictates demand. But as I have said, you can have a product from a company test ok one day, they change suppliers,and boom, different the next shipment. It's a craps game to an extent.
When it comes to items like pills, a little variance is not a big deal when it comes to men using them, but women need meds that are dosed accurately. If they are making 10mg anavar, that is a dose that is generally directed towards the ladies.

We saw the results from three pills with a pretty decent variation. Whose to say that some of their pills from that same batch aren't dosed as high as 15mg and as low as 5mg?
Almost all the testing I've seen has been about Q's products! LOL. I have not seen anyone else's. Lets not forget, everyone is ordering from 1 or 2 sources out of china.
A women taking the 5mg pill would not get herself into trouble assuming it was 10mg. But if she happened to take a couple of the pills dosed at 15mg thinking she was only taking 20mg, you can see where problems could arise.
Thats the chance you take with the illegal drug market. And it pisses me off dopers have their products labeled as "Medical Marijuana" now, while many respectable citizens who use PED's have to take the same chance as every other street level junky on what's in their pills.
When it comes to steroids that are likely to be utilized by women, such as low dosed anavar or oral primo, it's best to try and hit the mark or be a little bit under the mark.

Meso is not a source board. We are supposed to be about harm reduction, first and foremost.

I completely understand the draw of cheap prices and also understand that it doesn't mean bad quality, but good customer service and being professional, even when people are critical, is the way we want sources to treat members.
I run an internet business. And It really gets to be a pain in the ass dealing with customers. I've told many people to fuck off, and I've lost $1000 profit on a sale. People won't pay for customer support or service. They claim they want it, but they won't pay for it. I can bust my ass off for someone, and they don't care, they will jump ship and buy it from then next person who's $1 cheaper.
When this source decided to be petty and not refund the member $45 or whatever it was, that was a bad look and decision. Doing small things right shows good will. They aren't going to have to refund everyone who ordered the half dosed hcg, anyway. But those who bring it up should be compensated. It's bs to demand that they test the same batch.
Wanna know the reality.. as long as they have a good product, at a lower price.. thats all that matters. If they had some close competition, then it might be different. But they are in a field of their own price wise. I've dealt with the public for years, it's all price price price. Go on amazon, or anywhere else, you can't even reach customer service with most products. And no one cares, it's all price price price. No one is loyal or gives a crap about anything else.. assuming its a relatively comparable product. If I was running Q, I would change their name to "American Steroids" LOL, easier to pronounce, and would catch those whom want to buy something that "sounds" American.
But it is what it is, man. Please try to keep harm reduction in mind before hitting the post reply button.
Like I said, the main problem is, everyone bitching. A group on here just looks for any new user to say something they don't like, then they pounce on them. Then a few of you try to gang up on them, and use peer pressure to make others not interact with them. I see how your little rat packs work.

You old farts don't care about the board, or. you would clean your own mess up, and stick to mainly educational material. You have a handful on here that try to educate others, and are very knowledgable , then you have a group of you egotistical micro penis guys(big pecks.. little pecker) whom like to fight. Do you think anyone with 1/2 a brain wants to sort through all the noise?

Q just posted results of oils that were tested.. do you care? No.. you want to blow smoke, and not help others made educated decisions on where they should buy from. Sorry.. I'm sure your wife would leave you for a guy who makes $20 more.. so don't expect your friends to not buy from Q, when they can save big $.
I care about the lab tests. He needs to post all of them though, this isn't the highlight reel.

"Saving big money" is only good when you know that the actual dose may be different. 160 mg EQ for less is fine, but if it wasn't tested, then nobody would know and you'd be guessing at doses. Going for what you think is 600 mg per week of EQ but then only getting 480 mg per week would be frustrating. That's just an example.

I'm not married so I can't confirm the $20 more. But since you own businesses and make a lot of money, you must be swimming in girls huh?
Like I said, the main problem is, everyone bitching. A group on here just looks for any new user to say something they don't like, then they pounce on them. Then a few of you try to gang up on them, and use peer pressure to make others not interact with them. I see how your little rat packs work.

You old farts don't care about the board, or. you would clean your own mess up, and stick to mainly educational material. You have a handful on here that try to educate others, and are very knowledgable , then you have a group of you egotistical micro penis guys(big pecks.. little pecker) whom like to fight. Do you think anyone with 1/2 a brain wants to sort through all the noise?

Q just posted results of oils that were tested.. do you care? No.. you want to blow smoke, and not help others made educated decisions on where they should buy from. Sorry.. I'm sure your wife would leave you for a guy who makes $20 more.. so don't expect your friends to not buy from Q, when they can save big $.
I typically avoid addressing you for obvious reasons. Anyone who posts as much as you do in the short time you have generally says all that needs to be said. In this one case I will because of the regurgitated crap of new guys being attacked. Trash. People who blatantly shill get called on it but people with differing opinions usually are engaged in a discussion or left alone. I don't recall the guys screen name but he was on the source and then suddenly placed an order. I didn't see anyone shit on him. Him and I exchanged a couple posts then he was wished good luck.

You and people like you try and throw unfounded accusations hoping to deflect and put people on the defensive. Usually doesn't work. Try holding a source accountable for the benefit of the countless members who have been burned here over the years. I don't mean for you to do it specifically because well nothing else needs to be said on that.

Anyone can read the garbage threads you've started or how you shilled this source in jets source thread and understand what you're about. I personally go hard at sources and rarely have negative interactions with "members" because members are entitled to differing opinions. This'll likely be the last time addressing you but just wanted to address that particular point.
Wanna know the reality.. as long as they have a good product, at a lower price.. thats all that matters. If they had some close competition, then it might be different. But they are in a field of their own price wise. I've dealt with the public for years, it's all price price price. Go on amazon, or anywhere else, you can't even reach customer service with most products. And no one cares, it's all price price price. No one is loyal or gives a crap about anything else.. assuming its a relatively comparable product. If I was running Q, I would change their name to "American Steroids" LOL, easier to pronounce, and would catch those whom want to buy something that "sounds" American.
This is what we are attempting to determine. Is the product "good"? By your logic, the US would be flocking to McDonalds and the normal higher quality restaurants would be out of business. But a good number of people know that McDonalds is inexpensive shit food made by teenagers with a finger up their nose. With the prices and the results of EQ, Deca, Test P and HCG, Qingdao is turning out a few inexpensive products with a finger up their nose as well.

All things being equal, I would gladly pay less for EQUAL quality products but paying less for a lesser quality product is stupid.

And Amazon allows free returns. That's customer service at it's best.
He must have me on ignore because he stopped engaging me. I don’t blame him though, if I was a delusional idiot I’d block out the people that disagreed with me too
Same here. I think he blocked me right after I said I had hoped his ban was permanent. That was the last angry reaction I got from him lol.
To members that question insulting sources during vetting just to insult them its done to see if they maintain professionalism. In the past sources melted down and didn't last very long. Lately most sources have maintained a level of professionalism. This source has shown none since the beginning. Whether you agree with how things are/were done here to sources, like it or not Meso is the reason for the testing you see from sources now and for testing credits given. Sources that get it and stick it out kill it here and that's really not debatable. I'll hop down off my soapbox now but figured I'd try and shed some light on why things are/were done the way they are.