Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I actually do more than just feed the trolls when I can. How's this for treating a new guy?

I'm not specifically talking about you, but the board is more aggressive/unfriendly to new members, than it is friendly.

I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy, or go to great lengths to use propaganda & persuade others not to help/like the person. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate their mental/emotional level
But thats the basic gist of it all, isn't it? Yup.

Of course, we won't see @Jet Labs in here who bough a 1/2 doze products from them, and all the test results came back good. But im sure if he would have had a problem, he would be in here bitching, and he's on of the major Labs on here.

Nor will you see @MisterSuperGod in here stating that the results look good, like he has stated in the past on other threads.

I assume a lot of the regular attack dogs have ordered from Qingdao, thats why they are no in here jumping into the shitshow
Yes, before buying, anyone considering this source should look at:

Your post history as illustrious as it is

Jet Labs - also a source and sources are guests here and only as good as their last batch. Most sources do not wish to divulge where they procure their raws for obvious OPSEC reasons so I am not sure why @Jet Labs decided to do so. Perhaps he'll comment.

@MisterSuperGod would you care to comment? @Cherokee here makes it seem that you gave these guys the G2G.

Based on my understanding, the "attack dogs" that you refer to were all previously banned for comments made in either the Naps thread or one of the political threads.
Yes, before buying, anyone considering this source should look at:

Your post history as illustrious as it is

Interesting my post history has anything to do with Q
Jet Labs - also a source and sources are guests here and only as good as their last batch. Most sources do not wish to divulge where they procure their raws for obvious OPSEC reasons so I am not sure why @Jet Labs decided to do so. Perhaps he'll comment.
I agree, there is no guarantee in any of these products.

OPSEC, is a joke. You have no security when 1) you advertise online 2) You have to ship the product
He just doesn't want everyone knowing just how cheap he gets stuff, nor wants people buying direct, cutting out his profit.

@MisterSuperGod would you care to comment? @Cherokee here makes it seem that you gave these guys the G2G.
You can find his post on here, its right where Jet Labs first had some of Q's products tested.

Based on my understanding, the "attack dogs" that you refer to were all previously banned for comments made in either the Naps thread or one of the political threads.

I hope you guys keep a close eye on Q, thats where I'm buying from, and I want to find out any bad thing you can find out. But so far all I can think is "WHERE'S THE BEEF?" Not much substance to your complaints.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riH5EsGcmTw
Yes, before buying, anyone considering this source should look at:

Your post history as illustrious as it is

Jet Labs - also a source and sources are guests here and only as good as their last batch. Most sources do not wish to divulge where they procure their raws for obvious OPSEC reasons so I am not sure why @Jet Labs decided to do so. Perhaps he'll comment.

@MisterSuperGod would you care to comment? @Cherokee here makes it seem that you gave these guys the G2G.

Based on my understanding, the "attack dogs" that you refer to were all previously banned for comments made in either the Naps thread or one of the political threads.

i have him blocked and refuse to subject myself to his braincell destroying drivel.

i may have given them a compliment before they shit the bed, i honestly don't remember, but unless i was being ironic, no. That's typical troll nonsense.

This is part of his troll game. Say stupid thing's and get members to give him attention with direct replies. Judging by the last few pages, he's caught most member's in this thread hook, line and sinker.
i have him blocked and refuse to subject myself to his braincell destroying drivel.

i may have given them a compliment before they shit the bed, i honestly don't remember, but unless i was being ironic, no. That's typical troll nonsense.

This is part of his troll game. Say stupid thing's and get members to give him attention with direct replies. Judging by the last few pages, he's caught most member's in this thread hook, line and sinker.
Cherokee is that sworder guy rite?
That's guy who would climax and ejaculate when he would poop.
He's a weirdo.
i have him blocked and refuse to subject myself to his braincell destroying drivel.

i may have given them a compliment before they shit the bed, i honestly don't remember, but unless i was being ironic, no. That's typical troll nonsense.

"I may have" LOL, sounds like some flakey guilty wishy washy politician with that answer!

This is part of his troll game. Say stupid thing's and get members to give him attention with direct replies. Judging by the last few pages, he's caught most member's in this thread hook, line and sinker.
Wow... MisterSuperBoi can remember everything verbatim about what others say, but can't remember what he says himself.

Well, here is what he said.. direct cut n paste

"Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all"

So, not only does he say. the results are good, he kinda implies their whole operation is good, with the exception of the reps personality. He's saying they "HAVE IT ALL" anything anyone could want from a good source!

And I agree with him for a change!

Here is the post

Qingdao Sigma test results.
"I may have" LOL, sounds like some flakey guilty wishy washy politician with that answer!

Wow... MisterSuperBoi can remember everything verbatim about what others say, but can't remember what he says himself.

Well, here is what he said.. direct cut n paste

"Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all"

So, not only does he say. the results are good, he kinda implies their whole operation is good, with the exception of the reps personality. He's saying they "HAVE IT ALL" anything anyone could want from a good source!

And I agree with him for a change!

Here is the post

Qingdao Sigma test results.
Serious question here, all bullshit aside.

Why do you insist on touting this supplier as the best around? What’s in it for you?

Without using the word shill here, you come across as a paid advertiser for them. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, I mean it in an objective way
A guy literally promoting this source on every single post he makes and only new accounts with literally 1 or few messages.

Disgusting as fuck, what a shame this has become.
"I may have" LOL, sounds like some flakey guilty wishy washy politician with that answer!

Wow... MisterSuperBoi can remember everything verbatim about what others say, but can't remember what he says himself.

Well, here is what he said.. direct cut n paste

"Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all"

So, not only does he say. the results are good, he kinda implies their whole operation is good, with the exception of the reps personality. He's saying they "HAVE IT ALL" anything anyone could want from a good source!

And I agree with him for a change!

Here is the post

Qingdao Sigma test results.
Yea.... You get the words twisted all retarded in your head. He doesn't say what YOU interpreted.

The only thing you got right was the "Good results" part.

That's for the specific set of tests that were posted, ONLY.

The whole operation is good???? I'm not sure where you get that from the "It's a shame they have a couple mongs running their business here." That kind of infers something entirely different.

And "they COULD have it all" is different from "they have it all".

Nice interpretation though Sworder.
Serious question here, all bullshit aside.

Why do you insist on touting this supplier as the best around? What’s in it for you?

Without using the word shill here, you come across as a paid advertiser for them. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, I mean it in an objective way
I paid $70 a bottle for my first bottle of Testosterone from Domestic-supply, plus fee's for a western union. It was a pain in the ass process. I hope other newbies will read my post, and save a thousand $'s and order from Q. Or if someone else comes along cheaper, that company. All this stuff is basically the same. It's all coming from one or two suppliers in China. Thats how I made my millions, buying direct, and cutting out the middle man, and reselling. Everything I buy in life, I like to get the best deal.

Do you think I'm a shill for them? The bastards are to cheap to even become a sponsor on here! I'm in the USA, I can't be hired for .25/hour . I really don't think they have any shill's. They don't need any, they have the products, and the price.

Part of it is not so much why I like them(q), it's I find some of the others distasteful. I find them manipulative. They talk about any bullshit they can to get their thread at the top of the list all the time. I personally don't like to be manipulated, nor thought I'm stupid enough to be manipulated. A super sale this week, etc. It's all a gimick.I don't have to kiss one persons ass on here, I'm not out for any gain. Look at that obnoxious bastard @MisterSuperGod , he proclaims he's such a good character on here, yet he comes here and says he said nothing. Yet, his post ( which I gave a link to) he said All of Q's tests were good, and the one that was off a few, he said is acceptable. Big change of face, now that he see's his buddies are watching what he says. You have to follow the sheep to get to along I guess.

I'm also a businessman. I watch some of these "labs" play the game, pretending to be friends, networking in the online community to attempt to gain status/orders.

I hate seeing people pay $35 and up, for the same thing Q has for $7
And they are very responsive with their communications when you order from them.
And they don't have a min order.

Like I said, I've been in business for a long time, I've played a lot of games. From what I've seen Q is the best one to go with, generally speaking. Do they need some minor improvement? Yes. But if you look at the board, you'll see someone just ordered a product from some other company, and it was only 15% of what it was suppose to be.

I don't care what you call me. You need to look at hard facts, and it seems by far the best company to deal with in my opinion is Q.
If you were my friend, this is who I would tell you to order from. Are there risks? Sure. But, they seem to be the least risky overall from what I can see.
Yea.... You get the words twisted all retarded in your head. He doesn't say what YOU interpreted.

The only thing you got right was the "Good results" part.

That's for the specific set of tests that were posted, ONLY.

The whole operation is good???? I'm not sure where you get that from the "It's a shame they have a couple mongs running their business here." That kind of infers something entirely different.

And "they COULD have it all" is different from "they have it all".

Nice interpretation though Sworder.
Well.. we'll put his full post here
@MisterSuperGod said"
Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all.

Speaking of mongs, before Connor sees the Anadrol results and go's into a the sky is falling rant, someone correct me if my math is incorrect.

If the Anadrol was made without taking purity into consideration and was made with a target of 50 mg. 90.75% of 50 mg would be about 5 mg off the mark. So if my math is indeed correct, that low purity isn't nearly as bad as it looks at face value."
1) he said good results
2) He said they could have it all if it was not for the reps. Sounds like he likes everything else.
3) He said the one , the 1 bad lab, isn't as bad as it looks.

But..... @MisterSuperGod does not remember any of this :) He would make a good politician :)
Well.. we'll put his full post here
@MisterSuperGod said"
Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all.

Speaking of mongs, before Connor sees the Anadrol results and go's into a the sky is falling rant, someone correct me if my math is incorrect.

If the Anadrol was made without taking purity into consideration and was made with a target of 50 mg. 90.75% of 50 mg would be about 5 mg off the mark. So if my math is indeed correct, that low purity isn't nearly as bad as it looks at face value."
1) he said good results
2) He said they could have it all if it was not for the reps. Sounds like he likes everything else.
3) He said the one , the 1 bad lab, isn't as bad as it looks.

But..... @MisterSuperGod does not remember any of this :) He would make a good politician :)
I truly do feel sorry for your husband. I bet you twist every word he ever says to suit your needs and get your way. You probably gaslight the hell out of him too.
I truly do feel sorry for your husband. I bet you twist every word he ever says to suit your needs and get your way. You probably gaslight the hell out of him too.
Thats a verbatim post, looks like a positive review to me from @MisterSuperGod

We may not agree, but.. it's posted, everyone else can see it, and make up their own mind. Maybe we should take a poll? :)
I don't care what you call me. You need to look at hard facts, and it seems by far the best company to deal with in my opinion is Q.
If you were my friend, this is who I would tell you to order from. Are there risks? Sure. But, they seem to be the least risky overall from what I can see.
Exactly, it is your opinion. Quit trying to pass it off as fact.

It is not your place to tell people where to spend their money or judge them for making their own choices, so long as it doesn't impact you. I have made purchases from them, but that doesn't mean that a drug dealer deserves or even wants my help and it doesn't mean that I even made a good decision in purchasing from them.

If you this Qingdao is good, fine. But then you should shut the fuck up after saying that. Because one day, they could turn, and now your ass is liable for sending people to them.

But for you to come on here with some stupid ass shit like "lEt'S sEe A pIcTuRe" just shows how out of touch you really are.
I'm not specifically talking about you, but the board is more aggressive/unfriendly to new members, than it is friendly.

I keep forgetting the mental level of people I’m talking to in here, I forget and think I’m dealing with mentally mature adults, but I’m not.. I’m dealing with a group who can’t control themselves on a 7 year old level emotionally & mentally …. and every time they can’t control themselves & get upset they cry TROLL to Mommy, or go to great lengths to use propaganda & persuade others not to help/like the person. Guess I’ll have to be more aware of who I’m pontificating to, & try to accommodate their mental/emotional level
If is seems like everyone else around is an asshole, maybe it's not everyone else, maybe it is you (replace the word asshole with whatever adjective you choose and it still applies)
Exactly, it is your opinion. Quit trying to pass it off as fact.

What he said is fact, I cut and pasted it. Not hard to read.

It is not your place to tell people where to spend their money or judge them for making their own choices, so long as it doesn't impact you. I have made purchases from them, but that doesn't mean that a drug dealer deserves or even wants my help and it doesn't mean that I even made a good decision in purchasing from them.
Sorry, I'm not a liberal, I judge all. Don't have to agree, but I'm entitled to my judge if I wish.

If you this Qingdao is good, fine. But then you should shut the fuck up after saying that. Because one day, they could turn, and now your ass is liable for sending people to them.
That could happen to any of them.

I just counter the couple trolls that come on here, with facts. Q is as good as any, and better than most overall.

But for you to come on here with some stupid ass shit like "lEt'S sEe A pIcTuRe" just shows how out of touch you really are.

I think everyone would like to see what people buys! I see many on this board have orders from others, and never got their products.

Once again, I believe most can think for themselves. It's just a product, the test results are out there. We are not picking a religion or a God to worship
To members that question insulting sources during vetting just to insult them its done to see if they maintain professionalism. In the past sources melted down and didn't last very long. Lately most sources have maintained a level of professionalism. This source has shown none since the beginning. Whether you agree with how things are/were done here to sources, like it or not Meso is the reason for the testing you see from sources now and for testing credits given. Sources that get it and stick it out kill it here and that's really not debatable. I'll hop down off my soapbox now but figured I'd try and shed some light on why things are/were done the way they are.
the rep apologized to me for being rude in an exchange like 900 replies ago with me. my prior message proved my point exactly with that response he gave. it's rly that simple IMO.

I'm not getting into the rest, y'all have your fun.